
Dorkatude isn't just a funny sounding word, it's a way of life. The GazettE already knew Rioku was a major dork and they love her to death for it but what happens when she meets U-Kiss? What will they think of her? Crazy or cute?


The word 'dork' defines Rioku Akira and her whole city knows it. She's famous for it in fact.

Which is where the word 'Dorkatude' came from.

Her definition of Dorkatude is the uniqueness of a person where it is against the law to be the least bit normal. From fashion to personality you have to be....different, in order to achieve dorkatude.

If she wasn't the way she was everyone around her would be bored. Even the teachers at her school would be bored!

She has a very interesting and amusing life so why don't you all come and join the party.





Rioku Akira: 16

DOB: August 15, 1995

Nicknames: Dork, Strawberry, milk, and strawberry milk.

Rioku Akira is a Korean/Canadian girl that LOVES being a dork. She describes herself by her made up word, the word she bases her life off of; DORKATUDE. She doesn't care at all what people think about her, she just loves being herself.

She's the wierdest person you will ever meet but she is also the awesomest person you will meet and you won't be able to get enough of her! She was adopted into the Akira family when she was only 5 years old which is how she ended up Reita's little sister.



Reita (Suzuki Akira): 19

DOB: May 27th, 1981

Rioku's only older brother. He lives in Japan with his band called The GazettE. He loves his sister to death and it tore him apart to see her move to Korea without him but he knows to not worry to much about her, she's to dorky and fun loving to be hated on. He would have went with her but the band required him to stay in Japan, but he plans on making monthly visits to Korea to see his sister, no matter how much it cost him.


Also featuring;

The rest of The GazettE; (Ages have been changed)

Ruki: 18

Uruha: 19

Aoi: 21

Kai: 19

And U-Kiss: (Ages have been changed.)

Alexander (Xander): 18

Kibum: 17

Kevin: 16

AJ: 16

Hoon: 16

Kiseop: 16

Eli: 16

Soohyun: 17

Dongho: 15



!!!!!!AND LET'S BE FRIENDS!!!!!!! 

Oh and thanks to Mary517 at lemonswirls for the awesome poster!!!


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