KRIS - cooking dinner

EXO One-Shot !

It was snowing.. in December. You wanted to buy some grocery shopping but you didn't find your gloves "I must have been missplaced it" The clock shows 6 pm, you don't want to waste time since you've promised to Kris thatt you'll cook dinner with him at your home.Before leaving, you left a small note "Oppa, i'm going to the nearest grocery store, I'll be back in a jiff". In a rush, you just went to the nearest store, without wearing any gloves, to get some food supplies...

At the grocery store, you picked ramyeon, flour, and chocolate powder for hot drinks in the winter season.. "hmm what else.." thinking to yourself .. "I guess its enough for now" 

After purchasing some goods, you make your way back home.. .. its snowing.. your right hand is carrying the grocery bag and your other hand is in your pocket trying to make yourself warmer ... but it was too cold you're starting to shiver.. 




(at home)

Kris is finally arrived at your house.. " Jagiya? Jagiya? Eodi-ya? " he saw your note you left .. he read it..

" Yahhm aishhh.. I'm the one that should get the groceries not you .."  then he saw your gloves on the sofa  "She must have forgotten her gloves.. " he took it in his hands.. looking outside through the window..its snowing...  Kris hurriedly makes his way to the grocery store to get you worriedly .. 




(back to you while on your way back home)

" Jagiya!" you heard Kris's voice ...

" Yah! Why did you leave without wearing glo..." he saw your face.. .. looking pale, your nose was red.. side effect of the coldness.. He quicklyu took both of your hands ,leaving the grocery bags on the floor, closer to his mouth and warm them with his breath..  he put on the gloves to your hands and he wears you his jacket.. he took the grocery bag and bring you home beside him..




(at home)

 "I guess we have to pospone tonight's planning... cooking together " Kris said.. 

you were laying on the sofa to warm youself up infront of the fireplace...

he made you hot chocolate  "Drink this.. " sllightly with a cold tone.. you know hes mad at you going to the grocery store yourself and without wearing any gloves on..

 "Oppa.. mianae~"


"you shouldnt go out like that..."  

he gave you the hot chocolate mug and covers your hand with his hands while you're holding the mug..

you drinked the hot chocolate he gave you "ahh.. gomawo oppa~" you said " I'm sorry that I caused our planning on cooking dinner together got cancelled..."

"kwenchana.. " and he planted a kiss on your forehead..

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