don't worry

The doctor and the guardian

Lay/the doctor P.O.V.

"Kyungsoo! Are you okay?" Kai asked, running to the wide eyed boy that stumbled out of the bushes. He seemed a little shocked, but other than that, he was fine.

"Kyunggie, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked and he followed me to a little more private place. I needed to convince him to open the watch. I couldn't live without the feeling of him in my head anymore.

"Lay... Why is this happening to me? Why do I feel like I know what's going on? Why is it that every time I look at you, I think of some sort of doctor?"

He let a mask drop and I could see a scared boy standing in front of me. "I can show you. Is thay okay for you?"

He nodded and I put my hands on his temples. I collected my most important memories, of our childhood, going to school and later traveling together. My regenerations, that prevented me from dying but gave me a different face. The timewar, where all timelords except me died. How I travled around with my companions. At last I collected the memory of how I regenerated into my curent form and joined EXO. All these memories I sent to him through the telepathic connection I had created by touching his temples.

When he'd seen all of it, he gasped as his eyes flew open. "Yixing... Was that... Your life?" "Summarised, but yeah... " I was suddenly pulled into a comforting hug and I realized how much I actually needed it.

"I'm sorry you had to live through all if that hyung, expecially the loss of your twin brother..." "That's what I wanted to talk about Kyungsoo. My twin, the guardian, he isn't dead.

I showed you how we timelords can turn ourselves human, and he did too. I found the fobwatch and I found out who it belongs to. All that person has to do is open it." "Wh-who is it? How can I help?"

I took out the watch and he recognised it. He took it and looked at me, doubt clear in his eyes. I reassured him he'd be the same person I showed him. "I'll give you time to decide. We're not in a hurry anyway."

"And? Will he do it?" Kris asked and I told him I'd given Kyungsoo some time to decide.

I sat down on a stray log and held my head. Thinking of the times I had the guardian next to me made me miss him even more.

He was so much like me... A little less crazy and not as brave, but still like my clone. We both chose to help people.

When we travled together I was saving people from bigger causes while he saven people from starvation and the cold, and gave people comfort when needed. Most of the time he helped small children, often orphans.

"Are you alright?" Someone asked and a hand was laid on my shoulder. Suho was crouching in front of me, worry obvious on his face.

"I'm okay Suho... I just miss him. I hope Kyungsoo will choose the right thing." Suho enveloped me in a hug. A lot of hugs I was getting today...

The hug was warm and comforting. Even more than Kyungsoo's. I put my arms around Suho and let his warmth seep into me.

"Feeling better?" "Yeah. Thank you Suho."

He asked about my adventures so I told him some of the things I experienced while traveling around. He seemed very interested, asking about times and places far away from here.

Suddenly I got an idea. "Suho, instead of asking all of this, why don't you come along after we're done here?" I asked, taking a TARDIS key out of my pocket.

His eyes lit up like a little kid's on christmas. He slowly extended his hand and I put the key in it. His hands flew around my neck, one of them cluching the key.


When Suho pulled away a little, I felt a force pulling me forward and before I knew it, our lips touched. Warmth rushed through me and filled my two empty hearts.

Suddenly there was a tug at the back of my mind and a familiar feeling came back into my head. Kyungsoo had made the right decision. I had my twin back.

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lunafxstar #1
I'm excited to read this! Doctor pleasseee
Chapter 4: I really enjoyed your story!! It is really cute!!! Thank you so much for sharing!! :)