The Desert

暗无天日 (Complete Darkness)
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sunset812 #1
Chapter 4: What a bunch of loveable goofballs.
origamifoxes #2
Chapter 3: Love this story! Although, I'm a little confused how Jogin knows Luhan as well.
Nevertheless, it's awesome! Can't wait till the next update! :D
soul90 #3
Chapter 3: keep smiling at their cuteness...:D
myLove91 #4
Chapter 3: Chanyeol "practicing his dance moves" haha. I like the story very much so far and I'm excited for luhan to meet sehun :) sehun is evil to kris and Tao lol
sunset812 #5
Chapter 3: I got a bit confused with jongin knowing luhan too. Or is it a secret from the rest of the members? I could see Kai testing his powers and randomly meeting luhan. Neither wants to get into trouble so they keep it quiet. Idk. I'm filling in the holes of my understanding. I love the story though. The mix of comedy and terror is fun.
soul90 #6
so i thought M members and K members are saperated, but then luhan and jongin knew each other....
but its just been second chapter. maybe i'll understand better when the rest of the chapters unfold.
anyway, great fic~~:)
-flaneur #7
Chapter 2: hmm nice update. Luhannie knows something is wrong~!
Chapter 2: YAAAAAAAAAA~~ Just found This story and Gosh I so Wanna read the next chapters *^*
-flaneur #9
Chapter 1: mmmmmm taoris intruders
Jasmineflo #10
Chapter 1: I like it so far :D it's really good