The Little Angel Has Moves

What Part of 'No' Don't You Understand?: A You and Luhan Imagine
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"Your turn, Luhan, hurry up and spin the bottle. Or would you rather just choose the first guy you see and play Seven Minutes in Heaven with him?" Chen snarled impatiently as he, Luhan, you and a few other of your closest friends and random strangers from school sat around in a circle to play Seven Minutes in Heaven. Sure, this wasn't exactly the most exciting way to spend a Saturday night when your parents were away but it was something. It sure beat chilling on the couch and watching lame reruns of the same shows you had outgrown over the years. Plus, as long as you could possibly stand the chance of being stuck in a closet with the mysterious Luhan, you were interested.

Luhan was a strange one for sure. He was always so cheerful and dressed quite well for a guy, a guy his age, too. His hair was always perfectly styled although he died it so much you thought it was bound to fall out any second now from all the dying. His teeth sparkled like the stars whenever he pulled that adorably childish but somehow enticing smile of his. You liked how his cheeks curled up whenever he smiled or even spoke. His eyes were large and beautiful, beautiful brown orbs that you found yourself staring at every day in class. He was not the most muscular guy that you've seen grace the halls of your tiny, private high school but, then again, you never one for the extremely buff. You didn't want to think that you could be squished to death or end up with a broken spine whenever you hugged them. In short, Luhan was an angel- at least he looked it. You never thought anything more about him than a few innocent daydreams that mainly consisted of you guys cuddling on a couch or shopping on a rainy afternoon, nothing really romantic. Why? Because you thought Luhan was gay. There was something strikingly off about him, you thought he just preferred to play for the other team-not that you had a problem with that. It just meant that he probably wasn't into you. Just, a part of you wanted to think that he wasn't but, as with everyone else, you had your doubts about his uality. They way he on a lollipop ever so often didn't help those doubts either. Neither did the overly girly way he sat down from time to time. Either way, you were just happy that he was here with you. He always knew how to make even the lamest of things fun- gay or not. You didn't care.

"Will you leave him alone. He's going, he's going," you snapped at Chen. Man, he's a troll. Why am I friends with that dork, anyway? you thought to yourself, rolling your eyes as Chen shot you an adorably goofy smile, the corner of his mouth curling up in a cute fashion. Meanwhile. Luhan had been smiling kindly your way. Your heart didn't even skip a beat. But, how you loved that smile, anyway. You convinced yourself it didn't mean anything but goodness, it was cute.

"Okay, okay," Luhan nodded, his voice smoothly filling the air like a sweet melody. He even had the voice of an angel. How he wasn't recruited to be in a boy band yet, you did not know. He looked once more your way before flicking his wrist in the most graceful way, setting the bottle in a spin. You watched as the bottle spun and spun and spun. In the few seconds it did spin, you imagined you and Luhan dancing a sweet waltz during a slow song at prom. But, that wasn't going to happen; prom was too far away, you and Luhan would never be together like that and, Luhan was gay. The bottle slowed, landing on each person with agonizingly slow movement until it finally landed on- you. Your eyes almost bulged out of your head, like Kyungsoo, a frightened boy in your grade who always looked like he had seen a ghost. Luhan chuckled, not even moving to hide the smile with his hand. You saw those beautiful pearly teeth of his. Now, your heart skipped a beat. But, still, it didn't mean anything, you told yourself.

"Oh, don't worry, girl. He's just gonna talk to you about what's in season now. He won't do anything," Chen assured you, waving his hand at you as Luhan offered you his hand. Your heart was beating uncontrollably despite your efforts to calm down. You even tried thinking about how awful your friend Chanyeol's dancing was. It didn't help for you were being guided into the unknown by an overly handsome prince.

"So, as for those styles in season now," you managed awkwardly once you two were inside.

"Shh," he whispered, placing a slender, milky white finger to your lips. Your eyes bulged again in the dark. "There, that's better. Now I can see all your beauty," he sighed in relief as he the closet light, removing his finger from your lips.

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Heartje #1
Chapter 1: Cute story!
InspiritHamster #2
Chapter 1: What is seven minutes in heaven?
It is game?
But omg i want to do it with luhan !!!
Seriously <3
monsterbubble #3
Damn. This was so good! And Luhan was super cute and UNF.

I would LOVE a sequel to this! *squealing*