2:17 PM

2:17 PM


A doorbell was heard, faint but prominent, a sound that echoed throughout the cluttered and messy apartment. She didn't answer at first - she didn't know who was behind the door, but she cared not. Starting out as a boring Sunday, suddenly became the worst Sunday in her life.

"I have to go, it's for your own good."


"You'll do better without me."


"You don't need him!"

"He's just another boy!"

"You could find someone better."




All lies.

They were all lies that circled around. Friends who told her it was just a phase of life. Her parents who told her that it was just a simple boy she cried for, that he didn't mean much.

Those were all lies.

The doorbell  rung again, and this time, she let her head come up from burying it in her arms. She let her glassy eyes adjust to the study table across her before she moved her numb legs. Her feet hit the cold wood, and not bothering to slip on her slippers, she walked to the door, her feet making quite steps. Everything was still when she opened the wooden door.

No one was seen, and she was confused at first.

She expected him out of everything.

She expected him to come running to her, saying it was all a joke.

He was like that. Always.

But not today. Not today.

She stooped down and scooped up the single rose stalk with a note attached to it, one hole on the upside of the hard paper with a ribbon tied on it.

Thank you, for everything. The note said. She scoffed once before crumpling the paper in her hands, releasing her hold on it to make it fall on the floor before she slammed her front door shut. She turned around slowly, basking in how everything was infinitely over. She couldn't do anything.

She couldn't ask him to come back. Why? He left her for a reason. And as swift as their relationship came, it left.

A high pitched scream that could've woken up the nation if it were asleep filled the air as a petite young girl materialized, running down the sidewalk that was full of busy people. They glared and hissed, but she didn't care. She was being chased by him, and she couldn't lose, as much as she loved him.

"Come back here, rabbit teeth!"

"Is that a way to talk to your girlfriend?" She playfully winked back at him, not seeing where she was going, she collided with a dusty black lamp post, making her fall on her behind, her hand immediately going to her forehead.

"Aigoo, baby, you have to watch your step at times!" She heard the footsteps of him, pouting instantly as she knew she messed up again. She looked up at him as he stooped down, patting her head softly. She stuck her tongue out at him as he narrowed his eyes at her.

She slowly stood up, her hand subconsciously going to the faded red mark on her left side of her forehead. She leaned on the doorframe, her eyes roaming the cream colored couch. Her eyes spotted the stain on the right armrest, her eyes turning even glassier.

"Don't slosh your drink like that!"

"I can do whatever I want to!" He glared at her as she put her hands on her hips, giving him her most piercing look. The hot chocolate with bits of different colored marshmallows bobbed up and down as he tried to not slosh it so much. It wasn't his fault that there was something poking his sides.

"But your couch is hurting me!" He pouted as cutely as he could, trying to lessen the anger of his girlfriend. She let out a tiny smile and walked over, reaching for the pillow and lifting it up to reveal what was poking him, which was a remote.

"Aigoo, you should really learn how to organize things," he commented, his left eyebrow turning up as she laughed, hitting him with the soft pillow.

"Ah! You spilt your drink!"

"Though it was your fault dear, I would let this one slide."


Her eyes flitted down to her feet, an brown ankle bracelet on her right ankle. She shook her right foot slightly, the bunny charm attached to it, making a pleasant and hurtful sound.

"Something's different." She walked passed him, sitting down on the grey spinning chair in her room. She crossed her feet over each other, clasping her hands together. Her shoulders hunched forward, her  eyes drooping. It's been four months since they dated, and she felt how different he was to her. He barely hugged her, he barely kissed her anymore, and he barely talked to her about any topic. They kept running out of words to say.

"I know my actions," was the only thing he said as he sat on the edge of her bed. The protective walls on her heart shook, threatening to fall.


"Because I don't want you as my girlfriend anymore."

It was going to fall, those bricks that protected and secured her heart. In three, two, one-

"I want you as my wife."

Her eyes went back up, to the wall clock showing that it was past two.

For forty three minutes, she reminisced the past. She reminisced how it felt to be held in his arms, to be cared for. To be loved.

She missed how her hand disappeared in his.

How he would tuck an annoying strand of her behind her ear whenever he saw her irritated.

When he would laugh at the stupidest things she said or did.

"He's just a boy!"

"Get over him!"

She shook her head. He wasn't just a boy. He was Choi Minki.

She lost him because for one mistake.

She scolded him a little too much.

She pushed him away a little too hard.

She lost him because she didn't try hard enough.

Or when she didn't try hard enough?

Whatever she did,

She lost him.

Thank you, for everything.

She scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief. For a year, a year of planning the wedding, being with him, having spending time with his cousin and family, she lost him.

It was she who should be thankful.

There was no time.

2:17pm was the time everything officially ended.


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Chapter 1: Woah~ This is a nice story to read even though it's kinda sad
Chapter 1: Awwwwww T^T

Why is it Minkiiiii (T^T)
(nice story btw :D)
Chapter 1: Awwwww. Why?
Sad story.
Chapter 1: OMG.... O_O

This is... quite depressing to be honest. Sorry. But it is sad.


/ps, I love him too... TT-TT