Audition Day

Idol x Trainee

                                     Chapter 2

                                                                                    Audition Day


The alarm buzzed for what seemed like an eternity before I finally rolled over and turned it off. I looked at my phone now and after focusing for a few seconds on the blurry sqwiggles that presented themself on the screen, I was able to make out the numbers. It was 9:00 am. I had been pressing the snooze button for an hour now and argued with myself to get up. I slowly took my sweet time and after ten minutes I finally managed to crawl out of my warm bed and drag myself to the bathroom. I quickly the cold water and began splashing the ice cold water on my face before the lazy part of me convinced me to run back into bed. I dried my face with the hand towel hagging on the rack to my left. I observed my face in the mirror and was happy to see that I was redness and dark cirlce free! 


"Daebak!" I said to myself out loud.



After appling some light makeup and styling my hair striaght I walked out of the bathroom and went straight to my closet to pick out the best outfit I could put together with the clothes I owned. I didn't want to go too all-out but I also didn't want to seem unfashionable or plain either. I was finally able to decided on dark-wash skinny jeans, a white button-up blouse, light grey Vans, and to top it all off a baby pink cardigan. I got dressed and snaped my watch on my left wrist. I ate a banana and a piece of toast with cream cheese before brushing my teeth and heading out the door. I made sure to check to see if had everything I needed with me, locked the door and proceeded to the elevator.



I did a quick run into the Starbucks in front of my bus stop and grabbed a grande green tea, unsweetened of course, I have to watch my figure if I ever plan on being a Kpop artist.

My bus came not long after I walked out of Starbucks, miraculously still in one piece, as I somehow managed to not get trampled by the huge swarm of crazy people trying to get their caffine fix before heading to work.

I inserted my money into the machine and made my way to an open seat near a window in the back of the bus. I pluged in my earbubs and listen to some SNSD songs, quietly drinking my tea while I day dream about become like one of those nine girls. Before I knew it I made a slurp sound with my straw and realized I had finished off my drink. The bus one more stop before it reached mine so I stopped my music and began to pack up my things. After a couple of mintues the bus came to a stop and I got off.



A few minutes went by as I searched around for the SM office building and now I had finally found my destination. I tilted my head up a bit and stared at the place. I took two deep breathes and walked through the doors. Looking to my right I instantly saw a woman behind the counter I was now facing. She looked up and greeted me with an almost non-existant smile...if you can even considerate it such.



"Here for an audition?" she presumed.


"Yes, my name is Hana Kim" I voiced.


"Your appointment is at noon, am I correct?" she went on.


"Yes, noon" I said.


She put a sticker in front of me and I qiuckly stuck it to my shirt. It had one letter and a two numbers. My sticker read A-08.

She handed me clip board with a sheet of paper attatched to it, "Take a seat and fill this out".


I grabed the clipboard from her and found a seat. I took out a pen from my purse and began filling in the sheet. I filled in my full name, ethnicity, what I was specifically auditioning for and everything else. I prepared to sing of course but I also came up with a few short dance routines just in case they gave me the chance to dance as well.

I looked up from the form after I finished writing everything down and looked at my phone. It was 11:24 am by the time I filled everything out. I scanned the room and noticed a few other people scatered about the area. A few were filling in their audition forms as well while some had an earbud in one ear, quietly practicing. I decided to do the same.


Ten minutes passed by of me softly singing to myself when suddenly I noticed a hand waving in front of me. I quickly looked up to the person it belonged to as I pulled my earbuds out of my ears.


"Hey there, mind if I sit next to you?" the girl said with a cheerful voice and a gentle smile.


"Oh not at all, go right ahead!" I said in a cheerful tone back as I sraightened myself up.


She glanced at my aplication form as she sat down to my right, "Hana Kim? Nice to meet you Hana, I'm MinHee!" She went on, "So your going to sing for your audition I see, me too. I'm may look all dandy right now but It's really just a cover up for how nervous I am right now!" we both chuckled.


"Ahh, so this isn't your everyday spirit?" I joked and we continued to giggle. "Is this you first time auditioning for SM Entertainment?"


She noded as we setled our laughter.

"Your first time too?"


"Yeah, all I can do is just hope I play it cool and everything goes smoothly" I said with a slight smile of nervousness.


"Yup, my exact thinking" MinHee responded



We continued to chat amongst ourselves and became more familiar with each other. A while later we remembered what we were there for and took a look at the clock. 12:01 pm. We realized we had been chating quietly for quite a while. Just then the woman behind the counter stood up and instructed everyone to bring our audition form and follow her in a single file line. Minhee and I got up from our seats holding our forms and began to follow. The lady led everyone to another waiting room and Minhee and I sat next to each other again.


"Oh hey, your A-08? I'm A-10. Sweet, that means we are going to audition at the same time. I'm pretty sure that they take us back in groups of 10. We will be the first group to go in!" MinHee exclaimed with a huge grin on her face.


"Oh that's perfect, I wanted to here you sing!" my voice jumped with joy.




The woman from before came back not long after she had left. "A-01, A-02, A-03, A-04, A-05, A-06, A-07, A-08, A-09, and A-10!" She opened a door that lead to another room. "Please form a sraight line and make you way in. Don't forget you slips."

Minhee and I looked at each other and we both made a nervous, now-or-never face at one another and proceeded to enter the room.




Around 15 minutes later we all exited the audition room. As we walked backed and made our way outside the building MinHee let out a deep breathe.


"So, what do think? Did we make it to the next round?" she exhaled.


"I would sure hope so" I chuckled. "We should know in a day or two. There weren't very my people auditioning so they shouldn't have too much to sort through."


"Okay. Hey Hana, let's exchange numbers. We should hang out sometime and keep in touch. Haha and if you or I get a call back we will have someone to sqweal over the phone with!" she said excitedly.


"Ahaha, sounds good, here" I handed her my phone and she gave me hers. We saved our numbers on each others phones and exchanged them back.


"Here, let's take a pic together and I can put it as your contact photo!" We snugged up close to fit both of our faces in the picture. 'Snap' 'Snap'

"Daebak, thanks my new chingu!" she smiled.











A/N: Annyeong readers~~ So this is my very first fanfic. I going to tell you now, it's probably going to be a very slow one. I'm barely updating the second chapter and its already been a month lol >.< I'm bad I know. Anyway, Kyuhyun will be coming into it soon as the story the next one or two chapters so please look forward to it! And please, please leave your comments and let me know what you think of it so far. I know it's pretty boring right now since Kyuhyun or anyone special is not in it but once I get down the base of how it all starts then I'll get into all the good stuff! Hehe~ Look forward to it! :)

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