The dream



"Good night, hon. I'll cook breakfast for you tomorrow. Sweet dreams. I love you so much! :*"

The last text message I read before I turned off my night lamp.It was from Lay oppa.


It was rainy evening and Lay oppa and I were running in the city streets. He's ahead, pulling me with him. My blue dress is soaked, the same with his shirt. Night lights and cold air were around us. I laughed at our silly selves. Teenage romance that could warm a wet city street. He looked back at me and laughed too. We were still laughing when we saw a telephone booth and decided to go inside. We ran to it. He locked the booth's door and came to face me but when I saw his face he wasn't Lay anymore. The guy in front of me was smiling. He was smiling so sweet and sincerely I thought my heart melted. He touched my hand. It was so cold that it made my skin tingle. He stepped forward and carressed my face. I felt blood rushed to my cheeks with his cold gesture. I felt my cheeks warm under his touch. Even though I still felt cold because of rain, warmth welled inside me. I dont know how but his lips suddenly found its way to mine. His lips were soft and warm. His flesh was delicious. His taste.. "I love you," I heard him say between the kiss.


"Hon, wake up." I felt my body shake and my head whirl. I opened my eyes and saw Lay oppa gazing down at me with the white ceiling above his head. I am in bed. "Good morning beautiful."

I jolted to sit immediately and hugged him.

"Woah, woah. Why?" Lay oppa asked, maybe taken aback by my sudden actions.

So it was only a dream? I hugged Lay oppa tighter. Remembering that dream made me feel like I'm betraying him. "Oppa," I murmured still hugging him.

"Nightmare?" I just nodded. Was it really a nightmare? He pulled out from the hug to looked at me intently. "Were there monsters?"

I shook my head. No, there weren't monsters oppa. Luhan doesn't look like one.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked sounding so concerned that he touched my forehead to check if I'm sick. "You arent sick."

I shook my head again. I can't speak. It's as if if i talked I'd cry. I can't imagine betraying Lay oppa. Even though it was just a dream it felt so real. Luhan oppa's lips were incredibly warm it felt so real.

"I'll bring your breakfast so you could eat here. Breakfast in bed!" he beamed. "Smile now, my love." He flashed his heartwarming smile making his deep dimples I fell for visible. He turned to leave but I stopped him & hugged him again.

"Oppa." My voice sounded like I'm begging. Begging, maybe, him to forgive me for kissing Luhan even if it was just a dream. I felt so bad. It felt like there's a thick, black smoke that's swirling and polluting inside my chest. I felt polluted.

He slowly enveloped his arms around me. His warmth was flowing to me. I felt a very comfortable warmth through his hug that made my wall break. I once said to myself that I'd cry forever if I hurt this guy. I know he wouldnt bring pain to me. But vice versa I dont know. I have much more trust in him than in myself. Sometimes I don't really know myself.

The dream is making me think so much.

He rubbed my back soothingly as he placed his cheeks at the side of my head.

"Oppa, I love you." I then felt a tear escaped my eye as he said, "I love you so much more."






First chap is up! ^^

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Ilovefanfics______ #1
Update please! :))))
Chapter 1: Ehem... Luhan and Lay, huh? XD
jongkey65 #3
sounds good :)))))))))))