London Freedom

London Freedom

It was one of those biting cold weather, where your skin feels dry despite the amount of moisturizer caked onto your face. It didn’t stop him however, from grabbing his black coat and red checkered scarf from the messy pile of clothes he threw in his luggage. He was a type B you see, and people with the  blood type B are a total mess, they have no care with what they put and how the put it, they just do.

He fluidly moves down the dim lighted corridor before stopping at a door 10 steps away from him and wondered why they had no connecting doors for something that was so close. He grabbed a plastic card from his pocket before gliding it into its station with ease, entering the room without hesitation. He gave one look to the bed and smirked, pulling down the fluffy white covers, creating a raspy groan to echo around the room, he struts his way to the windows and draw the blinds away, letting in gentle rays of sunshine and making the dust particles visible, and yet again, earning another groan from the flabby lump on the bed.

                “Hyung… wake up”

The body on the bed rolled away, not before throwing a pillow at his direction and mumbling something along the lines of ‘no I’m tired, go away, I hate you’ the man though just dodged the attack and laughed.

                “I would love to tackle you and personally carry you out of bed but my outfit looks too good, I don’t want to mess it up”

Getting no response from the lump however, irritate him. If playing dominant isn’t good enough, then maybe he’d have to turn it up a notch, and it meant one thing and one thing only. Aegyo.

                “Hyuuuung…wake up…please? I want to explore this place”

The man crouched down next to the bed and peeled off the cover slowly, blowing raspberry into the brunnete’s ear.

                “Nam Woohyun stop it, I’m tired, go away”

                “But hyung please?”

There was a final groan before the brunette finally sat up and frantically rubbing his sleep filled eyes. Wooohyun brought his hands up and straighten the unruly hair instinctively before grinning.

                “Good morning Gyu hyung!”

                “God, Kibum should stop giving you fashion tips you’re starting to look like some fashion blogger, you’d look better in tracksuits and not some expensive trench coats”

                “I’d look better though, right”

Sunggyu squint his eyes at the man before getting up and heading towards the bathroom without another word.


Sunggyu has to admit that London looks pretty damn beautiful, probably even more than the pictures he’s seen and the narration he’s heard. Sunggyu wouldn’t admit it but he’s grateful the chattering man beside him from dragged him out of bed so early.

                “I like how they decorated the streets it’s really pretty don’t you think?”


                “ It’s so nice to walk around in Christmas season like this, last year we had to film for an MV”


                “Hyung look, some man over there is selling gloves with strawberry prints! Should I get you some?”

                “Idiot, I swear”

Sunggyu rubbed his hands together and blew air into it, trying to warm up his pale hands. The weather in London is pissing him off, usually in Korea, he doesn’t need gloves unless it was snowing or the wind was blowing pretty hard, but here, his hands felt numb just because of a thirty minute walk.

Woohyun watched with amusement at how red Sunggyu’s nose was turning, he’d definitely make fun of him later; Gyuzizi the red nose leader. Although, watching him desperately trying to stay warm by blowing air into his hands made him remember how prone the leader is to cold weather like this, so Woohyun strolls towards him and grabbed his hands casually, swinging it back and forth before finally putting his hands inside his pocket, still holding onto it.

                “You should’ve brought your gloves with you”

                “I didn’t want to…”

                “Why? Gloves aren’t cool enough for you?”

Sunggyu scowled and pushed the younger away, mouthing a ‘shut up’ sending the younger to a howl of laughter.


They were in a café somewhere in Oxford St; its interior was decorated with wooden walls and authentic fireplace. There weren’t many people inside and Sunggyu would understand that even the people of London hated going out at a temperature -5⁰ and he would definitely kill Woohyun if his voice gets clogged because of a cold.


The voice startled him and he looked up to meet a pair of hazel eyes.

                “Welcome, what would you like to order?”

Sunggyu recited his order fluently as if it was embedded into the back of his mind.

                “I’m sorry, what?”

Sunggyu looked up and tilted his head, sorry? Did she not hear me clearly?

                “Please speak in English; I don’t understand what you just said”

Reality hit him hard and his cheeks grew pink. Damn. Sunggyu stuttered, letting out incoherent words like uhh and ums. He looked towards a table near the fireplace, trying to will the man on the table to look at him, but apparently he was too busy taking pictures of the interior to notice that a pair of panicky eyes was set on him. Sunggyu turned back his attention to the cashier and looked up at the plate hanging above the coffee makers and gulped. He opened his mouth to let out the best English words he could muster.

                “What took you so long?”

Sunggyu’s ears turned red at the question offered

                “I forgot we have to speak English here and I kind of talked in Korean and I was confused and she was confused and we had to try hand gestures and it was just so embarrassing!”

Sunggyu said rapidly in an almost inaudible voice. Silence engulfed the both of them, Sunggyu hiding his face in his hands, despairing over the little incident and Woohyun sitting there, trying to make out what sound the older man was saying just a while ago. The nex moment, a humongous laughter erupted between the two, making one of them sink even deeper into the cream cushion, wishing the earth would eat him whole.

                “Shut up Nam Woohyun, if you’d be there you’d probably say go house again or something”

                “Hey! That was months ago, this is new, I can’t wait ‘til I tell the others about this, this is going to be huge”

Sunggyu just face palmed and ruffled his already messy hair, looking at the grinning boy in front of him by the corner of his eyes. He could never understand why he even try to bare with him, how he’s able to tolerate him for even a second.

                “Gyu hyung, do you know what other English word I know other than go hou- home! I mean go home?”

                                Sunggyu looked up from his warm cup of coffee, looking at the masculine boy in front of him uninterestedly.


                “I love you”

Woohyun didn’t know whether Sunggyu’s cheeks turned pink because of the humiliation he still yet to recover or because he simply loved his greasiness.


                “When are we supposed to meet up with the others?”

                “Um… at five, we still have one more hour”

They were walking side by side, hands occasionally brushing each other’s. The street lights were , the skies was turning a shade of dark blue, making their shadows grow smaller and smaller as time pass. Woohyun abruptly stopped, pulling his hyung’s hands to stop him, knocking the elder male into a state of unbalanced for a few moments.

                “Hyung take a picture of me!”

                “Hm? Fine”

Woohyun fetched his phone from the pocket of his pants and gave it to him then running off into the middle of the crowded streets. Sunggyu lifted the phone up, ready to take a picture of the dark haired male, he focused his gaze onto the phone he was holding, the man in it, the picture in it and couldn’t help but get distracted by how Nam Woohyun was standing, how he looked in his branded clothes and his new kindergartener-like haircut. Sunggyu felt his heart race a million times faster; he could literally feel his heart pumping blood as if he’s losing his life, and he wondered whether anyone will ever make him feel the same way as Nam Woohyun ever does.

                “Hyuuuung… hurry and take the picture, its freezing!”

Nam Woohyun’s deep whiny voice brought him back out of his reverie, chuckling when he saw the boy jumping up and down, trying to gain whatever warmth he can from the physical activity.

                “Alright… 1… 2… 3!”

Sunggyu walked towards him and showed him the picture

                “Woohyun ah… you look so awkward here!”

                “Ey hyung, you should’ve seen yourself when you took the pic, your eyebrows were even furrowed! Your awkwardness is rubbing off on me!”

                “Whatever, let’s get inside somewhere, it’s getting so much colder!”

Sunggyu stuck his hands inside his pockets and fidgeted, waiting for the main vocal to lead the way into finding them shelter, with him showing no gestures whatsoever though, and the leader turned his body around and walked away to one of the little bistro that caught his eyes.

                “Wait hyung!”

He felt his body jerked back by a strong force before feeling his lips against something soft, something plump and something he could recognize even if he lost his other four senses. It was a chaste kiss, sweet yet sensual, abrupt yet gentle.

                “Thank you for today Gyu hyung”

Sunggyu knew his body couldn’t betray him, he knew he must look permanently like one of those red double decked bus, but he couldn’t care less about it as he grabbed Woohyun’s cold hand into his his face still looming dangerously close to his.

                “Thank you for dragging me out of bed Woohyun ah…”

They stayed like that for a minute or two, creating some kind of attraction for the people who pass by, none of them paid any attention though.

                “Now, let’s get food or some hot drink I’m freezing! And this time, you’re going to be the one ordering”


                “No buts”


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Chapter 1: awww... the
Chapter 1: Sooo fluffy <3
Chapter 1: o m g the sweetness is killing me.
help me diabetes patient here..
clairxvoyant #4
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD.

(runs in circle because too much feels and ended hits the wall)
i wish i could had been there when they dated lol but seriously i was thinking it was actually happening in london O.O
i mean just imagining woogyu walks on the old white english town is jut <333333
Meehhh #6
Chapter 1: SEQUEL P L E A S E
Meehhh #7
Chapter 1: Awww woohyun is really sweet :')