
I'm tired of this. Tired of every single thing. Leave me. Chen. Just leave. No one cares. No one ever will. You're in love with that other girl. That girl brings a smile to your face, a spark in your eyes, and light in your life. I'm not who you love, not who you like. I never was. And never will be. So stop lying to yourself. Just leave. Because I am going to leave too. I wanna leave. To a faraway place. A place no one knows of. A place where hurt doesn't exist. A place where peace is everywhere. A place where happiness is always at. A place I won't have to face s. A place I can cry. I can sleep I can smile. Anytime. But there's no such place for me in this world. No place at all. But you do. In her arms. In the world you two created. You know you want to leave. But you're afraid to. In case she doesn't really love you. But do you know that's hurting me? Do you care? No. Because you would have left if you did care. You stayed only because if she were to leave you, I would be there to catch you when you fall. You don't care. You dont. But I beg you please. Leave. Away from me. Far far away. Into her arms. Into her world. Into her heart. I will stay here, in this lonely place, trying to hold back tears. I will wait for death to come. He'll take me someday. Maybe not now. But someday. Until then, I'll suffer. From this,cruel world. Cruel reality. Cruel society. When you leave, please take everything, leaving only one thing. My heart. Now go. Don't turn back. Just leave. Towards her. She'll gladly hug you with open arms. And I will, close the door of my heart. And Maybe, I will be happy being,the cold person I am. Because people don't bother to hurt me. And so I won't need to hurt anyone. But I'll be lonely. I'll be alone. I'll be on my own. But it's okay. Because I won't hurt myself. And no one will hurt me. Perfect. So now everyone leave. And I will leave. Leaving my body behind. Leaving with soul. Goodbye. Thank you. All the best. Stay happy.
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KimSherleen #1
Chapter 1: Sad, this is really sad and made me cry ;____;
Beautiful <3