

Jimin would probably do it willingly as well. It’s an excuse to show off his hard earned body lol. He’d be a little sneaky er and try to sneak in as much skinship as possible but he doesn’t seem like the type to take it any further than that though, not yet anyways. We’ll wait a year or two before he starts getting openly bold lol.

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Chapter 4: Ahhh MY BIAS AS WELL. XD He would. He's such a fun guy that he's up for any crazy activity. XD
Chapter 6: The only arm thingy I could think of was when both of his arms were raised and he was staring at the girl LOL
Chapter 7: OMG KOOKIE AND TAEHYUNG'S ONE xDDD You got me rollin on da floor x)
Chapter 6: Taehyung's made me crack up because it's so true. Lol.
Chapter 7: LOL, srsly, why am I not surprised? xD
I kinda expect these guys to act the same way IRL anyways~ >.<
Kitty ears and cute undies + BTS = intense nosebleed! >///<
mysoulisstarving #6
Chapter 5: I'll wait for V.., because he's my bias
ilabya3 #7