Rap Monster.


Rapmon would wear the kitty ears but not the underwear. He’d call you master too but he seems like he’d tease you a lot though by making weird faces and voices just to see you get frustrated. Then he’d laugh and smother you with cuddles to make up for it, maybe sneaking in a kiss on the cheek too.

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Chapter 4: Ahhh MY BIAS AS WELL. XD He would. He's such a fun guy that he's up for any crazy activity. XD
Chapter 6: The only arm thingy I could think of was when both of his arms were raised and he was staring at the girl LOL
Chapter 7: OMG KOOKIE AND TAEHYUNG'S ONE xDDD You got me rollin on da floor x)
Chapter 6: Taehyung's made me crack up because it's so true. Lol.
Chapter 7: LOL, srsly, why am I not surprised? xD
I kinda expect these guys to act the same way IRL anyways~ >.<
Kitty ears and cute undies + BTS = intense nosebleed! >///<
mysoulisstarving #6
Chapter 5: I'll wait for V.., because he's my bias
ilabya3 #7