
It was a small black walkie talkie. 

A police walkie talkie, with all its wondrous glory, peeking out from the edge of his car's driver's door pocket.

Junmyeon felt his breath hitch.

There was a word scribbled on the top of the walkie. It was in English, and it read "WUFAN". 

Wufan, the patrol police officer?

The walkie was slotted in the pocket so nicely, too nicely to have been an accident. Besides, who actually drops their walkies through a rolled down window of a car?

Wufan, you are a genius.

Junmyeon bit back a mad grin. Ace is watching, you . No weird facial expressions.

Junmyeon had never learnt ventriloquism (the art of speaking without moving the mouth) before, but after one try, he felt that he was a natural talent. Subtly pressing onto a yellow button labelled 'Speak', he mumbled as clearly as he could without moving much of his mouth.

"Hello, this is Kim Junmyeon. Over."*

A couple of painful silent seconds passed after he released the button, and then Wufan's amused voice crackled through. 

"I see you have found your secret weapon, Kim Junmyeon. Over."

"I think I love you."

"Nah, save that love confession. So what's up?"

Wufan sounded like he was ready for a casual conversation over a cup of coffee. Junmyeon felt like crying.

"We're going to this place. Get your troops ready." Junmyeon recited the address carefully and slowly, occasionally darting his eyes from the road to the rear knew mirror to check on the van.

"Roger that."*

Junmyeon bit back another grin. "Over and out."*


Junmyeon drove into the basement of the warehouse. It was empty and dark, but it lit up automatically when his car drove in. 

The van followed closely behind, and it honked suddenly. Junmyeon stopped the car. 

He cut the engine and got out quickly. Ace also climbed out of the van, and gestured around him. 

"This place is amazing. Look at that. Empty and perfect. We come here all the time for our activities."

Junmyeon wondered why Ace was revealing all this to him. Ace smirked, and made a gesture towards the van. The door was swung open, Dem and Spur got off, holding onto a stricken Jongin tightly.

"No exchange is going to happen yet," Junmyeon voiced out shakily, "until Jongdae arrives."

"Accepted." Ace went back to the van to have a seat, lighting a cigarette and puffing on it lazily.

Dem and Spur dumped Jongin on the ground and joined Ace and Carl for their smoke break.

Junmyeon approached the boy carefully, and he flinched away, mumbling incoherently to himself.

"Jongin, Jongin don't be afraid, I will help you." Junmyeon crouched down and stretched out his arms with a small smile.

Jongin took one look at his outstretched arms and started to wail, crawling into them like a baby. Junmyeon enveloped the younger boy into a hug. "Shh, shh don't cry..."

"Who are you?" Jongin mumbled into his jacket.

"Well that's complicated." Junmyeon his hair slowly. "Let's just say I'm a special person that is here to rescue you and your brother."

"Hyung?" Jongin leaned back to look at him, wide-eyed. "What happened to hyung?"

Jongin apparently knows nothing about the situation, Junmyeon thought. He hugged the younger one again. "Don't worry, he will be safe."

"It's all my fault..." Jongin sobbed.

Junmyeon opened his mouth to answer, but he was interrupted by the sound of a vehicle entering the warehouse.

Ace got out of the van and stubbed his cigarette, smiling widely.

"Aha!! Here they are!!"

Junmyeon looked up at the car. The driver, Ethon presumably, was a young man with a rather vicious smile. He couldn't see through the tinted side windows, but he knew Jongdae was inside. Junmyeon's heart began to race.

The car stopped and Ethon hopped out. He ran over to Ace and the gang, hi-fiving them happily. Junmyeon's eyes never left the car. Jongin pulled away from him and sprinted towards the car, stumbling like a toddler, and pulled open the car door. 

There was a loud cry of happiness. "Hyuuuuuuuung!!!!" And Jongin disappeared into the car. Junmyeon smiled in relief. That shout meant that Jongdae was fine, he was sure of that. 

Ace stepped in front of him. His eyes gleaming with evil. "Now we can exchange?"

Junmyeon felt bile rise up in his throat, as he struggled to stand. "That, uhh..." He reached down and dusted his pants, trying to prolong the time.

Suddenly he was aware of something pressed hard against his temple. Junmyeon's eyes widened, and he realised Spur was standing beside him with a gun aimed at his brain. Looking further, he saw Carl and Dem gripping tightly to Jongin and another boy – Jongdae – with guns pressed at their heads as well.

Ace broke into a happy grin. "Ohh dear, this gullible man. Did you really think we would let you escape after this, hmm?"

Junmyeon glared back at him, as large drops of sweat trickled down his forehead.

"You know what? Don't think we're stupid. You'd just go straight to the police after this, anyway."

Ace whipped around and smiled fondly at Ethon. "So, my dear, who should we finish off first?"

Junmyeon found his eyes locked with Jongdae's. Jongdae had large, clear eyes that shone with fear and horror. I'm sorry, he mouthed to Junmyeon. Biting his lip, Jongdae glanced over at Jongin. The two of them shared a look that spoke a thousand words. Then Jongdae piped up. 

"Let him go." 

It was the same lilting voice that Junmyeon had been listening to for one and a half hours of his life. But he felt like he had been listening to it for years.

"Him?!" Ace jabbed a finger in Junmyeon's direction, and Jongdae nodded once. Ace slapped his fat thigh and roared with over-dramatic laugher.

"I was just thinking that we kill him off first."

Jongdae's eyes bulged, and he shook his head vigorously. "No!!"

Jongin pouted, his eyes b with tears. "Kill me first, I deserve to die. It's all my fault."

"NOOOO!!" Jongdae shook his head even harder. Dem rammed the gun harder into his skull, and he yelled out in pain.

"Suggestion!!" Ethon raised his hand like a kid at school.

"Why can't we kill them altogether? That is, after that weird fellow hands over our stuff."

Ace swung an arm around Ethon's shoulders. "Truly my disciple-in-training. Let's do that!!"



The next few seconds was a blur to Jongdae. Once moment he was staring at Kim Junmyeon, his wonderful dashing saviour, the next moment there was a loud yell, and Dem suddenly shoved the gun up his throat, his fingers dangerously pressing on the trigger.

With a yelp, he kicked Dem hard on the balls, and he shrieked in pain, letting go of Jongdae to clutch between his legs. Ace and Ethon started running towards him, and he ran around behind the van, using it as a temporary shield while he caught his breath.

At that same moment, dozens of police cars poured into the warehouses, one after the other, flooding the whole basement with red and blue coloured lights. Jongdae saw that Ethon had climbed through the van and had emerged on the other side, now attempting to blow out his brain with the gun he took from Dem. 

"You're cornered now, puppy..." Ethon backed Jongdae up against the wall, pressing the gun between his eyes. Jongdae squeezed his eyes tightly shut.

Then the pressure was suddenly gone. When Jongdae opened his eyes, a policeman was wrestling Ethon to the ground, kicking the gun away from his grasp. Jongdae gasped in relief and slumped to the ground, but he was suddenly pulled off up to his feet by a tall police officer with thick eyebrows, and a name tag that read "Wu Fan."

"Jongdae?" His eyes was sparkling, and Jongdae wanted to hug him and punch him at the same time.

"It's you... You said I was a prankster..."

Wufan chuckled, lifting him up into his arms. "I did? Nah, I didn't actually think so."

In the warmth of Wufan's safe arms, Jongdae allowed himself to relax, drown out the loud noises and just meld himself into the strong hands carrying him. Wufan led him into a police car and set him down. Jongdae pouted a little as Wufan let go of him.

"I'll come back, Jongdae. Just going to get Junmyeon. Don't worry, you're safe." He winked at the younger boy, and closed the police car door.

Junmyeon!! Jongdae almost jumped over to the window and pressed his face on the glass. 



After seeing Dem collapse in pain and Ace and Ethon taking off to chase after Jongdae, Junmyeon realised that Spur was distracted. It didn't matter whether Spur was distracted or not, actually. Being the weight he was, he was unsurprisingly easy to handle.

Spur howled in anger when Junmyeon twisted his arm and pinned it behind his back. With the gun out of his face, Junmyeon was more confident. He pushed Spur backwards and he collapsed onto the ground, cursing and yelling in pain. Several policemen hurried over to him and he passed Spur to them, running over to Ace.

Ace was fumbling in the front seat of the van, probably looking for a gun. Junmyeon looked down at his hands - while wrestling with Spur earlier, he had pried the gun away from his fingers. He pointed the gun at Ace.

"You lose, so surrender." 

Ace whipped around in shock, and then he realised that he was cornered. Not only by Junmyeon, but by five other police officers as well. Ace swore loudly and made a wild grab for the gun Junmyeon was holding, but due to his bulky size, he was considerably slower, and Junmyeon ducked easily from his grasp. Instead, he pitched forward and landed right into the arms of a policeman. 

Poor guy, Junmyeon thought, while the policeman flailed and gasped at the gigantic hulk of a man that had just fallen on top of him.

He looked over to Dem and Carl, and was glad that Jongin was already safe and led away by a police officer, while the two criminals were cuffed and being led towards a separate set of police cars.

But where is Jongdae?

"Don't worry, I got him already." Wufan came from behind him, slinging an arm around his shoulder. Junmyeon turned to look at the tall police officer, and grinned, jabbing his ribs playfully. "I can't believe you're so..."

"Smart? Witty? Intelligent?" Wufan offered, as he steered Junmyeon towards one of the police cars. 

"I hate you."

"I thought you said you love me." Wufan raised an eyebrow.

"Well... I can't decide." Junmyeon sighed, and Wufan opened the car door for him.

"I'm going to sit with Jongdae and Jongin, they need me there." Wufan patted his shoulder. "See you at the station, buddy." He closed the door.

Junmyeon flashed him a thumbs up.


After giving his statement, Junmyeon was released. He stood around in the waiting room awkwardly. 

An officer with a cute dimple and a name tag with "Zhang Yixing" came up to him and handed him his mobile phone. "Someone is sending your car back home, so don't worry about that."

Junmyeon nodded and smiled, but did not leave.

Yixing's mouth opened into an 'O' shape. "You're waiting for someone?"

Junmyeon nodded again, and Yixing grinned. "Jongdae?" 

"Oh.. I know all about you two." When Junmyeon looked at him questioningly, Yixing explained himself. "Wufan told me to tap your call. I heard every single thing you two said to each other, except maybe the front part." He winked at Junmyeon before walking away.

Junmyeon gaped. The call was tapped?!

Just then, Jongdae and Jongin emerged from a room with several officers. 

"Don't worry too much. Your parents have been freed from the attic and they are waiting at home for you two." A female officer told them gently. Jongdae nodded, and then noticed Junmyeon standing at the side.

He smiled shyly at the officer. "Do you mind sending Jongin home for me?" He turned to his younger brother. "Jongin-ah, I will come home a little later." Jongin nodded knowingly, and gave his brother a hug. "Come back soon, hyung."

After five  long minutes, Junmyeon and Jongdae were finally alone in the waiting room, staring at each other awkwardly.

"Unnh..." Junmyeon felt tongue-tied for probably one of the first times in his life.

Jongdae stepped forward and pulled him into an embrace. "You'll never know how grateful I am towards you. Thank you so much." 

Junmyeon pulled away to look at Jongdae, who was sporting a huge bruise slowly blossoming across his cheek. "Whoa.. Does that hurt?"

Jongdae hummed in response. "Used to, but not anymore."

A mischievous smile crept onto Junmyeons lips, and he reached over to poke Jongdae's bruise. The younger male shrieked in pain, smacking his hand away with more force than needed.


Junmyeon laughed. "You know, I've just met you and all, and I've talked to you over the phone for just 90 minutes, yet I feel like you could be my best friend." 

"You're a really crazy person." Jongdae shot back with a scoff.

"I guess so, but it saved your life, didn't it."

He received a playful whack in reply.

Suddenly Junmyeon gasped, his eyes widening to twice it's size, their gaze roaming around the room.

"What's wrong?" Jongdae grabbed his shoulders anxiously.


"Uhh..." Jongdae pulled his phone out of his pocket. "4.45PM. Why?"

"Oh my god!!" Junmyeon grabbed Jongdae's arm, grinning like a maniac. "I have to do twenty jumping jacks now, oh damn!!"

Jongdae just stared at him blankly.

"Listen, I have to attend a concert now, it's starting in 15 minutes. Wanna come?"

Jongdae blinked at him incredulously. "I..me? What?"

"Yes you!! I don't care but you're coming with me." Junmyeon started to pull him out of the room. "Miyoo is NOT going to be happy. Let's go!!"

And Jongdae just laughed.

"Okay, let's go."

*Over, Roger that, Over and out are some walkie talkie language codes. 
'Over' means the person has finished talking. 
'Roger that' means the person has understood your instructions. 
'Over and out' signals the end of the conversation.

A/N 1 : The clue to the fact that Wufan purposely left his walkie behind is when he used his spare walkie to message the station to tap the call (Part 2)

Okay, so I completely diverged from the original plot from the bottom of part 3 onwards. Haha.

Maybe a sequel? There are many unanswered questions for this story so maybe ill make one soon :) Subscribe for more updates :D
Also, if you have any movie that you want me to write a fic about, you can leave it in the comments. 
Hope you enjoyed this story!!




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Chapter 5: I DEMAND A SEQUEL! xD
Chapter 5: omg I loved it!
omg sounds awesome! :)