

1. Never leave the bathroom door open!

The first indication that Jongdae was in over his head came only three hours after his boyfriend left, a list of catsitting instructions stuck to the fridge. Of course Jongdae had protested upon seeing the list, he wasn't six years old after all, so taking care of a cat couldn't be too difficult. Joonmyun had merely raised a brow, told him to follow the list, and left with a chaste kiss and promise to be back in a few days. So here Jongdae was, despite his general apathy towards cats, spending the next four days at his boyfriend's apartment when said boyfriend wasn't even around. Life simply wasn't fair.

Mocha, Joonmyun's cat, had run away hissing like always when he had arrived, disappearing down the hall to God knows where. The tall male hadn't seen her since, which was fine with him as he wanted as little interaction with the beast as possible. He'd spent the first hour studying his boyfriend's list, growing more incredulous with each line. Some of the instructions were sensible, such as the one about feeding time, others made absolutely no sense. Jongdae looked at the words in disbelief. What? He had also gone around the apartment looking for Mocha's things, locating her food, toys, and litter box. Oh, and relocating the Mocha herself.

After reassuring himself that he hadn't lost his boyfriend's precious baby, who was curled up under the coffee table in Joonmyun's living room, Jongdae settled down on the couch. He pulled out his laptop to busy himself with answering emails, and drafting an article for the magazine company he worked with. During the next two hours, he only got up once to take a leak and eat lunch, wanting to be productive now so he could relax later.

As he was about to get back to work, stomach full with a simple cheese sandwich, a loud noise came from down the hallway. It sounded like something had either fallen over or smacked into another object, causing his heart to race.

That is, until he realized Mocha was no longer under the coffee table.

She pranced out of the hallway, looking proud as could be, toilet paper wadded up in and trailing behind her. The short-haired cat carried it to a corner, flopped over onto her side, and proceeded to tear the thin white paper to pieces. Eying her claws cautiously, Jongdae thought that the paper didn't stand a chance.

The toilet paper stretched almost all the way back to the bathroom, he discovered when he finally stood up, the door wide open. A quick glance in showed the empty roll laying on the floor, as well as the trash can (thankfully empty) knocked over on it's side.

“What the hell!”


2. Avoid couch when Mocha is hiding beneath it

After an hour of wrestling what remained of the toilet paper away from Mocha, whom promptly disappeared again amongst a series of vicious hissing, Jongdae decided to take a nap. He had only managed an hour of sleep, but at least he was feeling better than he had pre-nap.

That is until he moved his legs to fall over the side of the couch, feet barely touching the floor when something brushed against the back of his ankle. Then came the burning pain.

Jongdae managed to jerk his legs back up on the couch in time to see a paw swipe out from underneath him, retreating as quickly as it had darted out. Just above his heel, a thin line of red appeared, blood pooling in the surface of the wound. There wasn't enough to spill over, but it was starting to itch uncomfortably, the surrounding skin turning a pale pink.

He could only groan in dismay.


3. Feed Mocha wet food around six at night

“I think your cat's trying to kill me,” Jongdae spoke to his computer screen.

“You're being dramatic, Jongdae. Mocha isn't trying to kill you,” Joonmyun replied, voice sounding quiet through tiny laptop speakers. The two had agreed to video chat every night while the older was away, in hopes of keeping Jongdae's sanity in tact.

“She took a swipe at my leg earlier! I was bleeding!”

“I told you in my list of instructions to avoid the couch when she was hiding underneath. It's not my fault you didn't follow through with them. I wrote that list for a reason,” the older scolded, smoothing back wet black-hair. Jongdae had caught him fresh out of the shower, which made for a pleasing and distracting sight.

“How was I suppose to know she was there? I had just woken up from a nap,” he moaned.

“You should have looked befo- Where are you looking? My eyes are up here, Jongdae,” Joonmyun sounded amused.

Jongdae hummed. “I've decided I don't want to talk about your cat anymore,” he said, abruptly changing topics. “I'd rather stare at your chest, did you realize that it's becoming see-through? Is it humid where you are?”

“It's not too bad.”

“You mean you plan on sweating it out, like always. I have to say, I'd normally complain about your adamant refusal to use A/C, but I won't this time. It's nice seeing you sweat it out, when I don't have to. Especially when you're wearing a tight white shirt.”

He watches Joonmyun's face turn pink. “I hope that wasn't suppose to seduce me into wanting some kind of video chat , because it didn't work.”

“But hyung! It would be fun,” he whined. “How many other chances are we going to get to try this out, it'll be something new.” Jongdae raised his arms over his head, feigning the need to stretch, unsubtly allowing his shirt to pull up enough to show off plenty of tan skin. He was pleased to find his boyfriend's eyes immediately drawn to the area, pink face becoming a shade darker.



Joonmyun's sentence was abruptly cut off by a loud yowling sound coming from the bedroom door, sending Jongdae at least a foot in the air. His head snapped towards the door, just in time to hear another desperate sounding yowl.

“Jesus Christ! Is that your cat?!”

“What else would make a sound like that, Jongdae,” Joonmyun sounded unimpressed. “Did you remember to feed her?”

“! What time is it?” A quick glance at the corner of his laptop screen read seven o'clock. “Uh . . . oops?”


“I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention to the time. I'll go feed her now.”

“You know, if you're hoping to get her to like you. Starving her, isn't the way to go. If anything, she'll just dislike you even more. Try and remember to feed her on time tomorrow?” Jongdae's boyfriend asks.

“Yes, hyung. I'll try and remember.”

Needless to say, Jongdae didn't get the video chat he had been hoping for.


4. Don't let Mocha in the bedroom at night, keep the door shut!

Jongdae couldn't have been asleep for more then two hours when a loud racket woke him up, sending his heart racing frantically. At first he couldn't see anything, until another loud sound drew his attention to the corner of the room, where Mocha was walking around in a circle with her back hunched awkwardly.

“Uh. . . are you okay?” he asked, even knowing she couldn't answer. She stopped pacing though, lifting her head to look at him which was when Jongdae noticed something in . Something small and fluffy. “Mocha, what's in your mouth?!”

She placed whatever it was on the floor, meowing at him contently. As she was distracted, the object darted across the floor, heading straight for the open doorway. It's fluffy and fast, but Mocha was on it's tail, determined to get her treat back.

It was a mouse.

“Oh, God no! Mocha, leave the poor mouse alone,” Jongdae pleaded, images of dead mice playing across his mind. He does not want to have to clean up a mouse carcass during his time catsitting, even if Joonmyun is returning home tomorrow afternoon. He sets off to follow her, and plans on hopefully rescuing the mouse before it's killed so he can set it loose outside.

Except, as soon as his foot touched the ground, he steps on something wet. Unwilling to discover what he had stepped in when there is still a mouse on the loose, Jongdae ignores it for now. Something he knows he will regret later.

He spends the next half an hour chasing both mouse and cat with a plastic dish, making sure this time to close the door to Joonmyun's bedroom. After securing the mouse, and leaving behind a jaded cat, he takes it outside while ignoring amused stares from the security guard working up front. With the mouse safely outside, where it will hopefully stay, he makes his way back to Joonmyun's apartment.

It takes only a couple of steps in his boyfriend's bedroom before he remembers the wet spot. He debates leaving it till morning, but decides it would be better to at least know what it is first.

So he turns on the light.

And lets out a horrified scream.

On the floor, next to Joonmyun's bed, is the dead body of a mouse. Well, half of one at least, and a small puddle of blood.

Oh my God, Mocha! WHY!”


5. Have fun and don't kill each other! :)

“Is anyone around?” Joonmyun called, closing his apartment door carefully behind him. He hears the soft sounds of a cat running, Mocha racing from the hallway to circle his legs. She's purring loudly, rubbing her cheeks affectionately against him, pausing occasionally to meow up at him.

“Hey, girl,” he greats, bending down to scratch behind her ears. “I hear you've been giving Jongdae some trouble while I've been away.”

“That doesn't even begin to cover the emotional trauma I've experienced over the past couple of days,” a voice whines from the couch. Jongdae is laying down, staring listlessly at his boyfriend.

Joonmyun chuckled, making his way over to the taller male's side, sitting down next to him. “Emotional trauma, Jongdae? What did I tell you about being dramatic?”

“But I'm not!” the brown-haired male practically shouts, sitting up suddenly so his head almost collides with Joonmyun's. “I had to pick up a dead mouse at two o'clock this morning, Joonmyun. Half of a dead mouse!”

“I've cleaned up my share of dead mice, I know what it's like,” the black-haired male smiles, running his fingers through silky brown hair. “Let me guess, you forgot to shut my door last night, so the mouse's body was in my room?”

Jongdae flushes in embarrassment, “I'm sorry. I'm a really bad catsitter, you should probably ask someone else next time.”

Joonmyun moves his hands to cup Jongdae's checks, thumbs gliding over sharp cheekbones. “Don't blame yourself. You did the best you could, and I already knew that you and Mocha have a . . . strained relationship, so you were bound to run into some difficulty.”

The other male scoffed, but didn't move away the gentle caresses. “That's one way to put it.”

The older continued as though uninterrupted, “To be honest, I had kind of hoped that this time together would help you two get along better. I'm sorry, Jongdae.”

“You don't have to apologize, hyung. It's not like you could have foreseen how this went. But maybe next time you decide to 'improve' my relationship with your cat, you can do it while you're still around? That way you can remind me of the rules?”

“Of course. I'm glad your willing to try, I'd be really upset if you decided to leave me because of my cat.”

“I know, I'm practically a saint,” Jongdae joked, grinning broadly.

Joonmyun laughed. “How about I make it up to you?”

“Oh? How so?”

“I seem to recall that out video chat the other day was interrupted, just as things were starting to get interesting. Can you stick around for a couple of hours?”

“Yes, please.”

Leaning forward, Joonmyun pressed his lips firmly against Jongdae's slightly chapped ones, sliding them seamlessly against each other. The sensation caused his stomach to grow heavy with pleasure, lips tingling pleasantly. He loved how simply kissing Jongdae could make him feel so breathless, skin becoming overly sensitively.

Jongdae pulled away first. “You know, if this is my reward for watching your cat, I might not mind doing it again.”

A.N. - This is my first EXO fic, I hope I didn't do too bad! Let me know what you thought with a comment. :)

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Chapter 1: luuuuuv it QAQ and chen`s final remark was the sweetest and most funny xD
Chapter 1: this is so cute and somehow its ironic how chen sometimes looks kittenish but he hates the cat lol
Chapter 1: :B I love this!