The Original Story (Introduction)

The Boy with the Red Eyes

If you have not read the forward yet then I suggest you read it. It explains the creation of this story. So go check it out now! This "First Chapter" will not be part of this story but this is what it is based upon, my Honors Biology Project. This is not editted in anyway to fix the story. I just wanted to share with you my inspiration.Take note that this is just my school project and it can't be filled with romance of any kind no matter how much I wanted to write it into the plotline. ENJOY THE TEASER!!!

"Miss, are you alright?" The bulky and stocky bodyguard assigned to me asked, a frown plastered on his face as he tilted his head to get a better look at me. "Of course I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I chuckled nervously in a response. He gave me a second glance, one filled with genuine concern, before he shrugged it off and walked on ahead of me. Making sure the path before me was clear of any danger. I slowly released a sigh and decided to finally come to terms with the task I was assigned to do.


     Dear Scientist Number 23988756,


           I apologize for the inconvenience, but I, Retired General, top military official, Mathews T. Stevens of the United States of America, assign you the task of developing a synthetic biological organism tasked with handling terrorists in our world. We, the United States Black Operations: NTREST, will provided you with a local discrete lab with all the necessary equipment you will need for this project. Being a project dealing with the sketchy subject of creating life, this organism will be known and marked as "X - leveled" classified, meaning NO ONE will know of this experimental organism outside of yourself, your superior and myself. You will be heavily watched in and out of the facility being that your job is highly secretive and you will be given a covert title and assignment if anyone is ever curious to ask about your occupation.


Please generously accept this task for I have heard great things about you Miss Choi Jin Ae. You have graduated at the top of your class with a grade point average of 5.0, being the youngest and brightest the world has seen yet at the age of eighteen. You've majored in Life Science, Biochemistry and Physiology, which makes you overqualified for this job. So please humbly accept this offer and help our world through this cause. 



                                                                                           General Mathews T. Stevens


I vigorously shook my head as I tried to concentrate on the road head. The bodyguard assigned to me "watch" me was just a couple of steps ahead, walking with conviction and purpose as if I was a princess of some European country with a serial killer as a stalker. Honestly, I'm a teenage girl, who would ever suspect that I was part of some classified government job creating "a synthetic biological organism" to rid the world of terrorists?


            We were strolling along a dirt path, heading towards the discrete lab I'll be able to conduct my experiment in. Tall oak and red wood trees lined the path, blocking the view of those standing beyond the barrier. Not that you'll find anyone here since the facility is smacked right in the middle of a forest in the state of Washington. The chilly air and gray clouds gave this tranquil place in the middle of nowhere an eerie feeling that I wished to escape. "Hey," I began. "Adam." The stocky bodyguard before me interrupted, as he turned his head slightly to meet my eyes, chuckled. "I wouldn't want to be addressed in such a rude way." He sent me a playful smile, indicating that he was in no means offended by my mistake. "I'm sorry, Adam." I corrected. "But why are we walking? Shouldn't we be able to teleport to the lab? I mean..." Adam, once again, cut me off. "Miss if we do, then those who want to track down the lab can, since teleporting has just been stabilized to accommodate all body parts, not just some and since the programming system backing it up is still in the process of being integrated into the military system, I'm afraid we can't use teleporting as a means of transportation." "Then how about driving?" "Too loud, plus a car wouldn't be able to fit through this pathway." "Then how about a motorcycle?" "Even louder and it'll attract unwanted attention." "What?! Are you serious Adam? More so than a car?" Adam laughed wholeheartedly and sent me a soft smile before slowly turning to the building ahead of us. "Miss we're here."


The architecture of the lab was one of utter surprise and disbelief  "This?! This is the lab?!" I bellowed, turning my whole body one hundred and eighty degrees, facing way from the so-called facility. It was a run down cabin, colored in dirtied and peeling white paint with a door barley hanging from its hinges and a broken window clearly showing that the space inside was bare of any furniture. Adam gave me a look of pure amusement before laughing his head off with his baritone of a voice. "Well Miss, this is a classified assignment. Do you really expect the government to have the lab out and about in broad daylight?" "No." I meekly replied, feeling the heat rushing towards my face. Adam lightly chuckled before ruffling my hair. "You may be America's smartest pupil but you're still just a kid."


After entering the 'abandoned cabin in the woods' with Adam activating a hidden sensory machine using my voice and fingerprints to reveal an elevator raising from the dingy wooden floors, we were able to reach the under ground lab where I will by conducting my studies, research and experiments from this day onward. "So what's first on the list Miss?" Adam nonchalantly asked, touching every little thing inside the underground lab. From the built in computers to the shakers, mixers and rockers on the long steel working table drilled in the center of the laboratory. "Well you can first stop addressing me as Miss and start calling me by my name, Jin Ae." I calmly stated eyeing his every move as he contaminated every little thing the lab had to offer with his DNA. "Alrighty then, Jin Ae. Or is Jinnie okay? I actually like Jinne better! So what's second Jinnie?" Adam asked, looking at me with expectant eyes. “Well, first we have to determine the type of organism that must be created.”  I briskly walked towards one of the many computers the lab had and began typing away on its keyboards, searching for the right programming software. “It’s all about balance, my dear bodyguard, for an organism without balance, inside and out, will never receive the recognition it deserves.” I stated, quoting from one of the many professors that taught me my line of work. “For an organism to obtain that balance and be recognized for what its worth, it should have, at least a system dedicated to chemical substances. Our Earth supplies ninety-two naturally occurring chemical elements and living organisms only use two-dozen of those elements. Biochemistry is an important aspect for it allows the body to take in carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids that it needs to develop and grow. It should also have a stable cellular respiration system, releasing energy from chemical bonds of food molecules, such as carbohydrates, that provide energy for life. And last but not least, they should have, at the very most a working cellular structure complete with a cell membrane, allowing food to come in and waste products to come out and organelles such as the mitochondria, which creates energy known as ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, all being able to replicate itself in a span of a few minutes to hours over fifty times.” I finish triumphed, pleased that I still remember my past studies. “So what do you think, Adam?” Silence greeted me. “Adam, are you still here?” Light soft snores could be heard in the distance.


Over the next few weeks, sleep has not once yet greeted me. I’ve put myself to work non-stop day and night trying to create the perfect set of DNA molecules that this organism must have from many different types of animals and creating it into one super species but the program designed specifically to create this organism has been rejecting all of my genetic possibilities. Telling me that, ‘your organism is still chemically unstable to be exposed.’ or ‘your organism has stopped cell division, it will now crease to exist.’ “Ugh! I can’t take this anymore!” I screamed, slamming my head against the cold steel table. The room smelled of brewed coffee and scented vanilla candles, lit to help me relax and ease my mind but instead the once calming scent left me spinning around and around in circles. “Instead of creating a new organism from scratch, why don’t you just mutate, or whatever you call it, the DNA molecules of another organism then add in the characteristics you’d like? Wouldn’t that be an easier route to take?” Adam asked out of the blue, freshly brewed coffee in hand. “I mean its technically creating a new organism since no one in the world will carry the same genes and DNA make up that it’ll posses, right?” I slowly brought my head up from the table and looked straight ahead. Facing Adam with face of horror and thankfulness, horror because I was so stupid to not have figured it out myself and thankfulness, for I now can finally get some sleep.


“Umm, Jinne, when I said mutating another organism, I was thinking more along the lines of a dog or may be even a cat. Not a human being!” Adam proclaimed, two hands gripped tightly to his black locks, pacing back and forth. “Well, you should have told me that earlier.” I nonchalantly remarked, as I typed in the required information once again, which I hoped, would be the last time. What type of DNA molecule would you like this new organism to have? Human. What would you like to be changed from this Human DNA molecule? Speed of metabolism, speed of cell division, production of organs and creation of cellular structure.   Are there any specific phenotypes you would like this organism to posses? Pale complextion, tall stature, lean muscles and piercing red eyes.

            “Red eyes? Now why such a peculiar color?” Adam questioned, chin tucked comfortably on this right hand as he leaned his elbow then half his body on the table, watching you type away. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”


            After typing the last minor details of this new and improved human being as my organism, I hesitantly pressed ‘enter’ as we waited for the results to come. A green horizontal bar popped up on the bright computer screen, as it did countless of times, the green bar slowly being filled from left to right. But what was utterly surprising was that it didn’t blink red midway through the process, it had in fact stayed green the entire time, indicating that the process that the creation of this organism was to be a success. Once it hit the completed 98% mark, Adam couldn’t hold back any longer and picked me up off my feet for a brotherly hug, taking both our attention away from the screen. “You did it squirt! You did it! Now lets go make that super red eyed human!” He gently rested my feet upon the linoleum floors before stirring my whole body towards the machinery on the other side of the lab, which had the ability to create any organism of your choosing.


            But what they didn’t see was the screen blinking a flash of red just as it hit the 100% mark before shutting off completely.


            Over the next twenty-four hours, the excitement that filled the lab was still so contagious that Adam even wanted to help out in create the organism and being in such a good mood, I allowed him to just a bit. “So how is this done?” Adam curiously asked, bouncing around me as we neared an freezer filled with the and eggs of multiple organisms from a fruit fly to, of course, a human being. “We need to pick out the organism itself along with its characteristics coming from other animals.” I explained taking out multiple petri dishes filled to the brim with either hundreds of eggs or thousands of . As I quickly gathered the materials, we walked just as eagerly back to the center of the lab for the mutations to begin. I took out multiple test tubes, placing one of every animal that I chose inside besides the human and egg, which I put aside on another petri dish. I then used a needle filled with chemicals allowing me to extract only the DNA within the . It was tedious process to complete since it required me to use a new needle every time I extracted DNA from the cell but it was worth it in the end if it’ll be a success. “Ruby-throated hummingbirds? What are you going to do exactly?” Adam asked, reading every label on every petri dish. “I’m going to extract the DNA from one organism, take the little piece needed, then insert it into the human egg and . Simple and easy to do yet very difficult considering that humans and other animals just don’t mix.” After extracting every DNA of every organism, I began to inject the DNA into the human and egg. Each obtaining the DNA of the selected animals, to create equal balance of the mutation, I slowly transferred the egg and on the same petri dish and watched as the made its way to the egg before permanently attaching itself. I walked carefully to the other side of the lab, nearing a machine that resembled a tanning bed. I inserted the petri dish in the small opening on the side and began typing the genetic characteristics I would want this organism to have. “Why don’t you have fun with this experiment Jinnie? Since you are, after all a girl, make this organism your ideal type. I mean, this is still an experiment after all and nothing is holding you back.” Adam suggested with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. “Besides I’m kind of curious as to what teenage girls are into these days.” He laughed as watched me blush a shade of light pink to tomato red. “If you insist.” I shyly replied, typing in the characteristics of my ideal type. I started to second-guess myself as I completed the list of characteristics I wanted this organism to have. What if I become emotionally attached to this organism? It is human, after all. What if it can’t succeed in creating an organism designed for combat? What if this organism turns its back on us since it has mind of its own and can chose its own path? As I fought an internal battle, Adam has been watching me from the sides with eyes filled with excitement. As I typed in the last characteristic, Red Eyes, Adam immediately pressed the create button, leaving me no time to contemplate on my decision. The horizontal green bar once again popped up on the screen, indicating that the organism is now in the process of being created.


            “So what’s with the hummingbird DNA again?” Adam questioned, leaning against the metal walls, hands dug deep into his pockets. “Hummingbirds, preferably, Ruby-throated “hungrybirds” are known for their fastest metabolism. I also added in the DNA molecules of a cheetah since they’re known for being one of the fastest land mammals on the planet with flexible muscles and bones which don’t require that much oxygen at all. And I also enhanced the cellular structure by adding in the DNA of a chimpanzee because we share approximately 85% to 95% of their DNA. The only major difference is that they have forty-eight chromosomes instead of forty-six, which is no big deal since I already corrected the problem by removing it.” I firmly stated, drying my hair with a towel. It’s been five hours since we created our organism and during that time frame, I’ve taken a well-deserved shower while Adam has been lazing around the lab, playing with the various glass test tubes and idling around. “Do you know when this organism will come out and start walking about?” Adam asked, as he blew a raspberry. A soft ding echoed around the whole room and green light was blinking from the computer screen indicating the birth of a new organism.


            Slowly, the lid opened and white smoke graced to the floor, creating a dramatic and eerie effect. “Congratulations Jinnie! Now go check it out!” Adam scratched his head nervously, obviously terrified of the organism. “Honestly, you’re so bipolar.” I sighed, taking the first few steps towards the machine. Truthfully, I nervous wreck too but, of course, I didn’t show it. Just as the white smoke was clearing, revealing the new organism, a computer across the other side of the room, signaled that a web chat invitation was sent and that it was from my family.  


            “Oh, no.” I breathed as I turned and ran towards the computer screen with my mom and younger twin sisters waiting on the other end. “Adam!” I whispered, pushing him towards the machine. “Whatever you so make sure thatthing does not get out!” “Yes Miss.” He replied back firmly, eyes focused and on task. I gave him a quick thumbs-up before making a beeline for the computer screen and accepting the call button. “Hey Mom! Hey Ali and Eli!” I forced a pretty smile on my face it felt so unnatural. “Hey sweet pea! The girls and I were just wondering what you were up too. How’s your work on producing live organisms by means of laser scanning working out?” My mom asked, holding Ali, dressed in a blue on her right leg, while Eli dressed in a blue one was on her left leg. “It’s great!” I lied; I didn’t even read the covert title and assignment yet. Behind me, I heard a loud banging of a metal door, the breaking of glass and the grunts of what appears to be Adam in pain. My mom gave me a questioning look while my baby sisters curiously tried to look behind me. My mother’s mouth dropped in alarm as my baby sister, Ali, pointed behind me. “Big sis, whose hand is that?” I felt weight on my right shoulder holding me down but I dare not look up. “It’s no one, just another scientist.” I played it cool cracking a crooked grin. “But why is he -“ I immediately ended the video call. Exhaling and inhaling deeply, I came face to face with my creation.


            He was a skyscraper, towering my small physique, which is a solid 5’4, with his 6’2 body of legs and torso. He had pale skin and a defined jawbone; his long black hair grew past his prominent eyebrows and his thin lips were drawn in a straight line. His almond shaped eyes were surprisingly not the color that I asked for. They were a shade of sweet honey, giving off a warm glow.  I dare not look down any further beyond his face, I knew what was down there and I didn’t want to see it. “Yup, he has abs!” Adam hollered from across the room, watching my face turn from blush pink to rosy red.


            Over the course of the next few weeks, I’ve been monitoring the health of our newly developed organism. Adam even brought some of his own clothes from home so he wouldn’t have to walk around in the toga like cloth we’ve found for him right after our little staring competition. During those critical weeks of “birth to adulthood,” I’ve had Adam personal train and myself teach him everything he’ll need to know. Adam trains him in personal hand-to-hand combat and martial arts from dusk till the late afternoon. While I take him from there to educate him about ethnic studies, world language, mathematics and modern technology until late evening. Two weeks into our newly developed routine, I get asked a peculiar question. “Jinnie, what’s my name?” His voice deep and smooth, curiosity sketched all over his face, from the frowning eyebrows to the pouting lips. To be honest, I haven’t really thought about one myself until I finally found the perfect name. “You’ll be called Kris, “the one with kindness in their heart.”


            Soon weeks turned into months and Kris progressed into the perfect organism suited for his line of work. He excelled in hand-to-hand combat, judo, jujutsu, taekwondo and other various forms of martial arts. He was able to solve and crack computer codes within only a few seconds. He was able to adjust and communicate with various types of people, socially and economically. And he spoke many languages such as Mandarin, Korean, Japanese, English, French and Spanish.

Even General Mathews came by for a visit and was completely smitten by Kris’s polite and charming manners that Adam and I had no idea where it came from. “Come on guys,” Kris smirked before pointing towards the many computers the lab had. “The internet holds valuable information.”


            One year has finally passed and Kris no longer needs our assistance, instead we needed his. With flexible bones and muscles derived from the DNA of the cheetah, he was capable of running just as fast as one. So for kicks, he would create mini tornadoes blocking the view of the cabin whenever suspicious personal come through. And with his fast metabolism derived from the DNA of the hummingbird, Adam and I no longer have to worry about wasting leftover food, since Kris is always hungry for more. And with enhancement of his cellular structure from the DNA of the chimpanzee, his body can work longer at strenuous tasks than normal human beings.


“Looks like we did a pretty good job, huh, Jinnie?” Adam winked, as we watched the sunset slowly set from the top of the white cabin. “Yeah, we did alright.” I smiled, glad that Kris was able to be way he is. “Just one question though? Why aren’t Kris’s eyes red? Didn’t you genetically modify his DNA strand specifically to that eye color? I mean he has honey colored eyes! Isn’t that just strange!” Adam exclaimed, still baffled after a whole year of knowing Kris. “I mean there has to be a scientific explanation for this.” I started. “But he turned out just fine so I’m completely happy. Plus I like his current eye color!” Adam laughed as he ruffled my hair, a habit he’s developed over the past year as being my bodyguard. Suddenly, we heard loud bangs and metal clanking against each other from beneath the surface, vibrating the cabin’s structure.

We both turned to face one another and knew instantly who was in trouble, Kris.


            We rushed quickly back down to the underground lab, hoping the lab wasn’t in any way damaged or worse Kris. But when we got there, everything was in total chaos. Equipment known for being stationed in one side of the room was flung all the way to the other side and broken into millions of pieces. The metal walls were scratched and clawed at until metal shavings were found scattered about on the floor. And glass jars known for housing dead and unusual species were shattered open leaving a foul and deathly smell that lingered in the room. But what scared me most were the pieces of fabric that I recognized to be Kris’s clothing. “Kris!” I shouted into the lab, our entrance blocked by an incubator made of steel. We heard mumbling and glass shifting before Kris appeared before us, stark and badly injured. But what stood out the most were the color of his eyes, they were no longer that warm honey color, we became so accustomed to, they were now the color of bloodshot red, the color I originally wanted him to have. Kris gave me a look of scared and utter confusion before hiding from us once again, ashamed of what he’s done. “Kris, come back! Please tell me what happened!” I yelled across the room hoping he’ll obey. “Jinnie, I didn’t mean to…I…it just happened so fast I…What’s happening to me?” Kris mumbled, still in hiding. “What do you mean Kris?” I asked with a cracking voice. “You’re scaring me. Please tell me!” Kris, after a couple of long silent minutes slowly stood up, carrying with him in his arms another him, perfectly unharmed and unscathed. “Jinnie, am I suppose to do this?” Kris asked his red eyes glowing brightly in the dim lighting of the lab. “No Kris. You aren’t. I know now that you are not just a human mutation. You are a living human clone, a mutation in itself, and people will come after you and your gift for their personal desires.”

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Chapter 1: Please update!!!!!! Its amazing!! I loved reading it!!;)