Short Fiction.


this is only a short fiction that i have come up with. it's more like a one-shot story. my friend call it as an 'imagine'.

this is a copyright story. i have no intention of stealing someone else's stories. i respect them and i hope you will too.

if my storyline are the similar to those fictions you might have read before, then it might be a coincedence.                                               

overall, i'm making one for fun. 

so i hope you'll enjoy reading them.

P/S: i might write about my biases only ._. because the more i write about them, the mores interest input in to make interesting stories. i'll try to put 'he/him' to let you, readers, imagine your prefered Idols/biases. 

/bows/ kamsamidha!^^


dream while you can because it's not too late to dream. 

plus dreams do come true once you put a lot of interest and efforts.



i don't know why i said that but whatever, just have some positiveness from me.

hahaha,lame starting ㅎ.ㅎ


please look forward to it!


and oh, I'm not that much kind of an updater. 


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