January 2014

Deathnote -from L-

Hi again.

Thanks to those who subscribed!

Sigh. I should be working on History but it's not due until Monday so I'll give it a break... going to regret saying this later but what ever... 



-January 2014-

Sungjong watched the clock intently, waiting for the numbers to change. 

It was already January. Once the numbers changed, it would be exactly a month. 

A month of pain. 

One month ago:

Sungjong was laughing with his family, enjoying being back home for a little while. 

His phone rang. 

Lee Howon. 

"Neh hyung?" 

"Su... Sungjong-ah. He's gone." 

His heart dropped. "What do you mean?" 

"He's gone... L is gone." 

"L? Myungsoo-hyung?" 

"I... don't know. Sungjong-ah. He left a goodbye." 

Sungjong didn't hear the rest as he sprinted out the door, not hearing his family's calls after him. 

He ran into the dorm a hour later.

"Myungsoo?" Sungyeol called hopefully.

Sungjong shook his head and Sungyeol looked back down at the floor. Everyone was crowded in the living room, Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungyeol, thier managers, Doyeon and Myungsoo's brother.

"Where is he?" Sungjong asked.

Hoya wordlessly handed over a plain black notebook. With shaking hands, Sungjong opened it and read Myungsoo's letter.

"His stuff is gone. All of the places that he could be, he isn't. He dissappeared."

They searched for weeks. They talked to the police and got investigation going. Each day, nothing showed up. Even they couldn't find a body. 

Sungjong pressed his lips together. It hurt so much to think about it. 

The Inspirits knew that Myungsoo was missing. Sungjong knew that they had little search parties out too. All of them had theories about his disappearance, ranging from something like he was filiming something in private, got in an argument with Infinite or thier boss, or died. The most popular theory was that Doyeon did something. 

Sungjong sighed. Doyeon... she was a nice girl. He liked her too when they first met but everything started to get out of hand. He badly wanted to just go out there and ask all of the fans to stop hurting her and hating her. 

But probably nothing would stop them. 


One month since Myungsoo dissapeared. 

One month of waiting...





One month of waiting.

Each one of them delt with the pain differntly.

Dongwoo acted like a child, sometimes nearly throwing tantrums or shutting himself in his room for hours. The worst came when anything reminded him of Myungsoo, even small things, tiny memories would trigger his thoughts, he would start screaming and crying. It seemed like the only thing that would stop him from crying or screaming was something that would give him a good memory of Myungsoo or if he was simply too tired to continue screaming. 

Sungyeol seemed to crumble without his best friend. He would freeze up sometimes, just staring at the last thing he had his eyes on. Slowly his eyes would tear up and he would start crying sooner or later. Sungyeol sometimes just shut himself in his room, kicking Jereumi out of the room. Music would leak out from underneath his door and anyone in the dorm would hear Sungyeol start singing/yelling along with the music, singing and screaming out his hurt. 

Woohyun sometimes scared Sungjong. He would sometimes just start yelling at anyone for no apparent reason at all. Most of the time, it was rather that he was speaking loudly with harsh backlash. It was especially bad with Sungyeol. When Woohyun would start yelling at Sungyeol, Sungyeol would freeze up for a few minutes, Woohyun right in his face, screaming. After the third minute or so, Sungyeol would unfreeze and start yelling back, most often ending up in tears. Sungjong knew that Woohyun felt bad for yelling at them, but at the same time, it seemed like if Woohyun didn't vent his grief through yelling, he would crumble too. 

Hoya stayed out of the house for hours on end, spending time alone with someone, no one really knew. All they knew was that he wasn't home and most of the time, he would return home late at night, drunk. Each day, he would write a letter to Myungsoo in a similar black notebook in which Myungsoo left his last goodbye in. Sungjong once picked it and read the last entry. The only thing that Hoya would say in the messages was telling Myungsoo what he did that day and tell him that he missed him and wished him to come back. 

Sunggyu seemed be hurt the most out them. In the mornings, Sunggyu would whisper good morning to Myungsoo's side of the room and say that today was the day that Myungsoo would come back. Every day, he would leave the house for a little while. Sungjong knew that he went out to search for Myungsoo. No matter how helpless it was. Not matter what the weather was. No matter how much the police and family discouraged it. Each evening, he would sulk in his room quietly, his hands over his ears, shutting out Dongwoo's screams, Sungyeol's cries and Woohyun's yells. Every night, Sunggyu would whisper goodnight to the same spot where he wished Myungsoo a good moring. Every night, he would cry himself to sleep. Sungjong's heart wreanched as he heard echoes of Sunggyu's heartbroken sobs. 

Sungjong hated all of it. Myungsoo's disappearance hurt all of them... the only thing that would heal Infinite was Myungsoo. 

And he wasn't coming home anytime soon. 



Got an idea for another part of this story. :D

I'll update later again, maybe tonight, who knows.

Now this will probably be at least another 7 or so chapters...

God, my mind goes everywhere...

I'll start writing again after I finish some History. ^^

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Chapter 21: Wait what? Did he... did he just jump off at the end? Nooo... TT^TT You should totally write a sequel where the members find out that he's actually dead and etc.
_Aecha #2
Waaa! ! I really enjoy this story! I'm hsppy to have found it^^ fighting author-nim~~
Chapter 21: What happen to myungsoo?
Chapter 21: This was such a great fanfic! Thanks for sharing ^_^
jenisee_ #5
Chapter 20: omg I loved this fanfic. it was so emotional. pls update the epilogue soon:)
cynthiaaxo #6
Chapter 20: this whole fanfic was amazing!! omg my feels it was so emotional & dramatic
Chapter 20: Loved this update! Of course they would stop him from jumping. Poor Myungsoo. This chapter was so emotional T.T
Chapter 19: I just discovered this story today and you leaveus with an evil cliffhanger. This story is so good.
Chapter 19: Hi author! You updated atlast! I missed this fic, Idk why but the entire time reading this chapter ifnt's "the chaser" keeps playing thru my head. Pls don't kill our bby myungsoo :(((
mskay6790 #10
Chapter 19: Omg!! Did Myungsoo really jump??! I don't want him to die :( Hope you can update soon!