Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect
"The number you are calling is not available-" I shut the phone for the third time in a row.
"I swear Kim Woo Bin, if you are sleeping right now instead of getting ready I will personally dump ice cold water on you." I sped my car up in order to reach Woo Bin's apartment on time. When I got there I jumped out and power walked my way up to his floor.
"Excuse me miss you just can't walk into the apartments here!" The security chased after me.
"I'm working as part of KWB's management team, here's my badge. My name is ___________. I should already be on your list of non residents that are allowed to pass through here. I'm also in a rush so if you'll excuse me." I lightly pushed him aside and made my way into the elevator. I continued my power walk to his apartment door and rang the door bell.
anddddd.... 5 "Woo Bin-ah! I'm coming in!" I punched in his security code and marched in. I looked around and everything was quiet. "Too quiet. You're sleeping Woo Bin and I told you what would happen the next time I had to wake you up." I made my way towards his room and knocked. Nothing. I opened the door prepared to scream and startle him; until I saw the state of his room.
He was asleep alright, but he was sitting on his bed dressed in street close with pages of script and writing spread around him. He also had his planner for the month next to him and pictures of his last photo shoot that he had to look through to make sure he approved of them for the magazine edition of him..
"Man, I was so determined to yell at you. Hmmm... " I thought for a minute before an idea came to me and I whipped out my phone. "Hello, yeah it's ______. I'd like to request that all of Kim Woo Bin's appointments be cancelled for today. Yes I know it's short notice but all of his appointments today were short meetings about his character role in the drama and the products he will be endorsing in the upcoming CF's. All of these can be submitted to me by email or we can have an online meeting. However, Mr. Kim will not be able to come in today due to exhaustion. Yes, I understand. I will take responsibility if any misunderstanding occurs in regards to his acceptance of a certain product. You can also tell the drama team that although he is in bed rest he is dutifully studying his script so they don't have to worry about the cancelled meeting to see how he's doing. In fact, his co star Jong Suk will be coming by to run lines together as he rests. Yes, yes. Alright thank you, have a nice day."
I hung up and smiled down at the sleeping bear. Gathering up all of his papers I stacked them in order on his desk and tucked him in properly. Sitting down on the edge of the bed I texted Jong Suk to come over in a bit to run lines with Woo Bin. He started to wake up and when he saw me there and looked at the clock. He immediately sprang out of bed.
Oh _________ i'm really sorry for oversleeping. I didn't even realize when I tucked myself in. I'm so sorry I promise it's the last time I do it." He started to run around his room getting clothes to put on and as soon as he was about to take his shirt of I yelled out.
"Oh, sorry i'm just rushing."
"Well, stop rushing. I cancelled all of your appointments today. Everything they needed to tell you will be sent to me by email and we'll figure it out from there. All you have to do now is rest up and run lines with Sukkie later."
"Mhhmm." I tapped the bed so he could come back and rest some more. He listened but started scooting closer to the wall and leaving a gap on the bed.
"That's how you sleep?" I asked with a raised eye brow.
"Yes, that's how I sleep when i'm sharing the bed with my girlfriend." He mimicked  my patting movement and I smiled and slid into the spot next to him.  I rested my head on his shoulder and slowly we drifted off to sleep.
It wasn't until I heard my phone ringing that I woke up. Woo bin's big arms were wrapped around my waist and I had a hard time prying them off. I got up and answered the phone.
"Oh, Sukkie. Are you here already?"
"Yeah, I'm heading into the elevator right now. I'll see you in a minute."
"Alright, I'll wait at the door." I ended the call and turned to the still sleeping figure on the bed. "Woo Binnie~, Binnie wake up, Jong Suk is here. Get ready to run your lines together." He sat up groggily and grunted in response. His usually perfect model hair was twisted in all different directions. I laughed before walking out and going to open the door.
Just as I reached the door and pulled it open JongSuk raised his fist to knock.
"Oh, Hi ______!" He looked at my sleep ridden hair. "Did I... interrupt something?"
"What? Oh, no!" I smacked his arm as he laughed and walked in. Woo bin had changed his clothes but forgot to fix his hair and wash his face.
"AHHHHH!" Jongsuk screamed and pulled me infront. "It's a giant grizzly bear!" Woo bin sent him a glare. "Ah, nevermind it's just my good friend Woo Binnie." He made a heart with his hands and we scoffed.
"You can let go now you baby." I told him.
"Oh right. By the way Woo Binnie, if you look scary put together, you look absolutely terrifying when you just wake up. But, how come you're just waking up? I thought your schedule was filled."
"It was but that's why I have such an awesome assistant manager." He smiled and hugged me.
"Wow, she cancelled everything? Hmm.. maybe I should start dating my manager." He put his finger to his chin.

"You could be there is the problem that he's a 40 year old man." Woo Bin pointed out.

"And he's already married." I added.

Jongsuk shrugged, "I can seduce him, almost  made Binnie over here fall in love with me 'till he met you ______." He ran toward Woo Bin to hug him but Woo Bin just picked him up and dropped him on the couch.
"Get your script out you dummy." Woo bin said and Jongsuk painfully complied.
The boys ran through their scenes for a few hours and Woo Bin was doing really well at first. His character as usual was a tough guy but Woo Bin was having a hard time getting into the backstory.
"Binnie, we've been at this for 4 hours. I have a CF to prepare for so i'm going to have to go." Jongsuk scratched his neck as he looked at his good friend.
"Yeah I understand. Sorry about all this man, you're playing your character really well though. I think you should be good for this episode."

"Thanks, I'll see you later alright, we'll have a drink. No work just play okay?"
"Okay. Bye." Woo bin gave a tiny smile and turned to go the couch.

"Bye, goodluck! Bye ________!"

"By Sukkie!" I yellded as he closed the door behind him. "Binnie, do you want me to help you practice?"

"You?" He made a face like if what I said was insane.
"Yeah, me. What you think I can't help?" I sat across from him and took his script.
"Well, your not much of an actor."
"And how would you know? You've never seen me act." I pulled him up and stationed him infront of me. "Now your character is supposed to confront the second female lead about cheating on you in the past with your best friend. You're supposed to be angry, upset, all of that aggression that you didn't confront her with years ago is resurfacing now that your friend has come back to korea after leaving to America. So, yell at me."

"You want me to yell at you."

"Yeah, get mad."

"Ummm, I don't know about this."
"Oh come on. Let's say I cheated on you... with Sukkie."

"What?" He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.

"Mhhm. You come into my house and BAM i'm kissing Jong Suk." That must have done the trick because in less than a minute Woo Bin had me agains the wall, his arms on both sides.
"Do you think that's funny?" His voice was raspy in my ear. He pulled back and I saw that unamused smirk on his lips.

"No, I just ... thought it would help."

"Alright. Lets do this." He looked at his script one more time before throwing it on the ground and reciting his lines. "You cheated on me; do you think that's something I can just forget. On top of that you cheated on me with my best friend! I trusted you, I trusted him. You want to know why I'm like this; why I'm so cold and cruel to everyone?"
"Stop it. Please just stop. I know what I did was wrong, I just felt so alone -"
"Alone?! When did I ever leave you alone? When did I ever forget an important date? When did I forget to text you or call you? I NEVER took you for granted."

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." I began to cry as I anticipated Woo Bins next lines but they never came. Instead, he broke character.
"Are you crying _____?"
"Huh, oh well yeah. Shouldn't I cry in a scene like this?"

"Well... yeah but... you can just cry on command like that?"


"Jeez, you're a better actress than a thought. I swear I almost felt heartbroken hearing you cry." He sat on the edge of the couch and rubbed his chest.
"Haha, and you doubted me." I sat next to him and kissed his cheek.

"Don't you ever dare cheat on me with Jong Suk understand?"

"I don't know... his other drama makes him look like a really good kisser."

He grunted and pushed me against the couch. "I'll show you a good kiss scene right here and now."

"But, that's not in the script."

"It's called improve." He smirked that gorgeous smirk of his and leaned in. His lips in perfect sync with my own. "How was that?" He asked.

"Hmm, well you know what the say: practice makes perfect." I smiled and pulled him down to continue our work.

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Chapter 1: OMFGGGG T_T that was good. btw if you wanted woobin fics, uh i write one. HAHA it's called Black Leather, and slightly (very little) based on heirs. Do check it out if you're interested! ;) this was a great read.
Chapter 1: WOOBINNIE~ Why are you so adorable? >3<
I just love you~! <3
dreamer-emi #3
Chapter 1: Yaaay very good , i love it really TT^TT
Good job onii Kim woo bin is very adorable :$
thanks . .
Chapter 1: So cute! Can't see why there isn't more Woobin and Jongsuk stories either! LOVE