Sandeul - Hot Chocolate

Christmas Drabbles


You swiftly retracted your mouth away from the scalding, chocolatey liquid. The generous portions of milk you added had done nothing to cool down the classic winter drink.

Junghwan cast a sideways glance at you and smiled behind his own mug, "I told you it wasn't enough milk."

You furrowed your eyebrows, "Don't smile. It really hurts."

He laughed lightly, his eyes crinkling up into two delighted half-moons. "Let's put something cold on it, so it doesn't swell." Getting up from his seat, Junghwan shuffle over towards the freezer and extracted an ice cube.

"I can't put that directly in my mouth. It'll be bad for my teeth…" You covered your mouth with your hand in defiance.

"Who said we were putting it in your mouth?" Junghwan smiled again - this time, less innocent.

He popped the ice cube in his mouth, tugged your hand away from your mouth, and pressed his cold lips against yours.

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Chapter 7: Haha way to ruin the moment Kai XD
Chapter 2: Awwww poor Zico^^ I like his embarrassed expressions too!
barooya #3
Chapter 7: This one too! Awwwww I just don't know how to express my feel >___< I may be 3 months late cus this was on december right huhu but I still love your writings ♥
barooya #4
Chapter 6: Awwwwwww this one *_____* it suits me well uhuhuu
barooya #5
Chapter 5: Okay Sandeul. I didn't see that coming ≧﹏≦
Chapter 5: omg ! that was .. uhmm ?? . cute .. and sweet ? . and a little naughty ? hhahaa ! yah Deullie ! ^^
barooya #7
Chapter 4: seriously envied you for this ability of creating detailed yet still short story. anyway this one is quite humorous hehe :3 good job honeydew!
barooya #8
Chapter 3: my~ you know what. when I say that gif up there I quickly searched for exo's showtime cus I know that must've come from thar and I was right. and know what, I ended up laughing till dead till the end of the show and finally finish reading this now....
oh my I'm easily distracted hooooow'd XDDD
anyway this is cute hehe
barooya #9
Chapter 2: Chapter 1 with Luhan. He really was... tricked. haha and I love it, it's cute.
Chapter 2 with Zico. awwwww I really miss woojiho!!! *____* bet this is a shot of being friends for long that allow pdas and skinshipp stuffs and blablabla lol I danna wut I'm talking about. playing with him is a nice thing to do.
Thank you!! ^___^