Yi Jeong Sunbae!

The Recognition

Yi Jeong Sunbae!


A box that was safely placed on one of the drawers was taken out by Jandi. It was Gaeul's gift to her on her 16th birthday which she made into a photo container. Jandi opened it and took the brown envelope out. She went out of her room dressed in her lab gown and was ready to leave. She saw Gaeul at the leaving room; she was seated on the carpet with her gazed fixed on the TV but with her mind drifting somewhere else. Jandi knew her friend was at lost from their previous conversations; probably she's making her brain remember things from her forgotten past.


Jandi made her way to her friend; she reached and held Gaeul's hand then placed the envelope on top of it. "I think it's nice for you to see it yourself, Gaeul. I am sorry if I had kept this to you for years. My very reason back then was actually all wrong and keeping this from you would be unfair at your part.” Jandi gave a small smile. “Those were photos taken from our trip to New Caledonia; some were from Jeju Island right after the cancellation of Junpyo and Jae Kyung Unnie's weeding and a lot more vacations."


"But didn't you show me those before?"


"Not all of them, actually. Those pictures with Yi Jeong Sunbae... I placed them all there. And that was also the reason why you only had seen few of your pictures before because almost all of his pictures included you."


"Oh? Is... That so?"


"Find time and see those photos. You can ask me anything about it on Wednesday. I'll be calling you later when I arrived at the hospital. Keep things close okay?" She smiled at Gaeul warmly and saw her smiling back with gladness.



Wind blowing and the smell of sea breeze are very comforting to him. It’d been a long time that he had felt this kind of comfort and freedom. Being at a place like in front of the sea always reminded him of her. She who love looking and taking pictures of the sea with its scenery and she who loved making sand castles at the shoreline like a preschooler. Everything he saw at the moment reminded him of her.


"She loves being here. Still loves being here even after what happened… She did forget a lot but she still do things she used to do when she's at the beach. And she still calls that water her friend, Mr. Sea."


Yi Jeong smiled at the thought, he couldn't explain what he was feeling at the moment but it's comforting to know that she stayed the same. "Woobin-ah, do you…think? Will she accept me back? I... I'm afraid to hear rejection… Not from her. I can't think of what to feel. Will she... "


"She will accept you without inhibition. You shouldn't be afraid of anything about her, Pri... Gaeul doesn't hold grudges to anybody and you know that more. I think it's time for you to go... and see her."


"Can I?"


"What kind of question is that, So Yi Jeong?"


Yi Jeong's doubt was nevertheless winning over him. What if she refuses on having 'him' back in her life? What if she'll blame him from what had happen to her before? And worst if she had a change of heart from the long time they have not been with each other. He was unsure and in uncertainty. He wanted to hear it straight from Woobin but he's too fearful to ask. History repeating itself was what's playing in his wildest imagination. And an affirmation from his friend might shut all his senses to numbness.


"Yi Jeong-ah, it is because of her why you came back. Your reason is not anymore yourself nor us your friends. Gaeul, she's been your sole reason why we can see and be with you now... not the other way around.” Woobin tried not to tear his gaze out from the waters. “You can start building new memories with her now. Before things come into place and before work consume all your time. And please be reminded that we're waiting for something really important. Better be mindful of your time."



For the last fifteen minutes he was there in front of her door, standing and rooted. He could not get the strength to lift his hand and knock. The revelation about what had happen to her from those four years he'd been far away caused his heart to be torn over and over again. He could have lost her without him knowing. He could have lost his reason for enduring all the pain he obtained from his exile without even seeing her face the last time.


The very reason he had become himself again; the only reason he remained sane and came back. His reason for continuing to care, to breathe, to live and to love was her. To her whom he could become true, weak, vulnerable, and unpretentious and he who allows her to see himself cry and crumble. Yi Jeong would never forgive himself to be the reason of her almost departing. She was his sole reason of being able to go and endure this far, far enough to be called humane.


Tears were the only consolation he could have at the moment; they were streaming down one after the other, his sight was all hazy. Though he allowed himself to cry this much it was not enough to ease the pain, guilt and hatred he felt towards his own self. His friends told him that it was never his fault but he couldn't help but feel those mixtures of emotions. How could he be this stupid, this dumb, this idiot?



A ring on the phone took her out of slumber. The envelope Jandi gave her was on top of her table, it was not yet seen by her. She stirred from her bed and slowly shifted her position and stood up to check her phone. It was on top of her bedside table beside the envelope, ringing and vibrating at the same time. As she read the name of the caller a soft sigh of relief went out form her. She swiped the answer button but then the call ended before she was able to answer, her phone screen turned black again. She waited for it to ring again while tentatively made her way towards the living room, towards the door. She fixed herself a little and plastered a gleeful smile on her lips. Moreover she slowly opened the door.



Him, he was about to leave and turned his back from the door, taking one step down the porch stairs. When, just when the sound of the door slowly opening made him stop his track and look back. There she was. She was standing in front of him, gripping the knob with her right hand looking very expectant. He witnessed how her serene smile faded slowly into an expression of shock, her eyes widen and her lips parted from the realization of who was in front of her. Subsequently her expression softened in a second reflecting how much pained the man she's currently looking at. Those feet he got made their steps towards her without him realizing it and the next thing he knew, he was standing just few inches away from her.

"Yi Jeong Sunbae!?"


He heard her say. The same way she would always call him. He didn't even know how a single uttering of his name could make him feel a lot of emotions adding up together into another set of tears. He could not explain how much he missed hearing his name said that way, much more the person saying it.


As if it was natural to her, she lifted her hands and reached for his face. She cupped both of his cheeks and wiped the traces of fresh tears with her thumb. It's hard for her to explain why she felt so hurt seeing him pained this much. She's hurt because her unconscious mind was telling her that she might be the very cause why the man in front of her was so broken, so frail.


The warmth coming from her touch was enough for him to tell himself that she's real, here a few inches from him. Near enough for his reach. And with that, he lifted both of his hands to hold hers as she continues erasing the tears he gave off. Holding her hands with his was always been the most intimate interaction they had ever since. But he was still longing for more, more to ease himself with how much incomplete he was all those years. In a swift, he had thrown her hands on both sides, pulled her shoulders and trapped her into an embrace that made her seized her breathing. His embrace which turned her heart in a panic state that she feared it would jump out of her cage. He held unto her tightly as if not giving her the chance to get off, never again.


His heart might be too overjoyed that its beating went up until his ears, which made it the only audible sound he could hear. With her this close to him made him feel at home and complete though his knees were shaking he managed to hang on to her for support. He noticed her shiver when he held her head nearer to his chest but relaxed again after.


That sound mirrored what she had inside her. The sound coming from his chest was in rhythm with her own heart. Then and there she realized how much her heart recognized the person tightly holding her in his arms. Maybe her heart did miss the very person having her in a warm and long embrace. It missed him so much that its beating reflected joy and extreme gladness.


Maybe Woobin Oppa is right. 'The heart remembers what the mind forgets'


At the far end of the road near a well-lit descent looking house. He could see them both clearly. He had intended to make a miscall to her and to know what her reaction would be. And just seeing what she had done after he ended his call, he definitely confirmed how much she had expected to see him the moment she opened the door. He saw how her expression changed when she realized it wasn't him. Even though he was glad to see how she had anticipated his visit, all the gladness he felt went crushing down right after he saw her reached and touched the face of the person in front of her. He knew it was wrong to feel that way. It was very wrong and unfair. Then all his thoughts were interrupted with the sound of his phone, he fished it out of his jacket and answered it.




"Woobin-ah, where is Yi Jeong?"


"He's at the patio... with Gaeul."


"And you?"


"Just... somewhere. Jiho-yah, I need to hung up now. I'm heading home." He swiped his phone screen and ended the call. He glanced back at them before going inside his car and drove away.



They stayed like that for sometimes, mending their hearts for the time that they have been apart. For Yi Jeong, it was like one of the dreams he had back in Sweden the only difference was that their current situation indeed was true and the former was just a make-believe product of his lonely mind. And for her, it was a confirmation of what Woobin and Jandi had told her, that she was special to him, even though things weren't that vivid to her. And even so she had to sort out her feelings, she was truly happy to have someone like him back in her life.


He released her first from the embrace, his hands on her shoulders. Then she felt his hands left them and went to hold her face, he was tracing her face like feeling if it had changed from the last time he saw it. She looked at his eyes and found longing and pain, Gaeul poured all her heart out and gave him the most reassuring and consoling smile she can ever show.


The feelings of her skin against his palms turned his heart into supersede. Her face was so small on both of his hands and her cheeks were adorned with soft blush from his caress. Yes, she's the same person indeed. The Gaeul who would blush whenever he’s so near her, his Gaeul-yang was indeed the person he was holding at the moment. And then Yi Jeong saw her smile at him. It was so enlivening for him to see her smile that close. She looked more angelic to him, more beautiful and more feminine.


"Yi Jeong Sunbae." He heard her call his name for the second time then everything snapped out of him.


Gaeul was getting worried at Yi Jeong, he has been looking at her and touching her face for a while already, so, she decided to get his attention and uttered his name. She called to him but the next thing she saw was his forehead right in front her eyes. Gaeul's eyes widened from shock. The realization had come into her when she felt his lips against hers. Her breath spiked up to making her breathing halted as she felt one of his hand sliding down her neck, holding it steady. Her visions became all fuzzy and her heart went all frenzy when he went nibbling her lower lip. Gaeul was struggling not to close her eyes that her hand went to grab Yi Jeong's jacket.


Yi Jeong knew that what he was doing might startle Gaeul. But the moment he heard her call his name looking all concerned and worry made his control running out of the window. In an instant he bent down and claimed her lips. Feeling her lips against his for the first time ever sent chills down his spine. He had never felt that way to any of his girls before, just her. Her lips were subtle, they taste like strawberries and he’s sure being hooked, it’s far more addictive and it fit his lips just enough. He slid his left hand down to her neck to make her head steadier. He needed her to hang on to him a little more so that he could let her feel how much he miss her, how much he long for her and how much he love her. He was taking all his liberty on kissing her the way he wanted it; gently, giving and with respect. Yi Jeong felt her hand clutching on his sides. Feeling her uneasiness he left her lips and rested his head against hers.


Both of them are aiming for air, catching their breaths. Gaeul mind was jumbled to even think properly, she saw him with his eyes closed while still holding her face with both of his hands and his forehead on hers; like her he’s also breathing heavily.


He was afraid to open his eyes and gaze back on those brown orbs of her. But Yi Jeong knew he couldn't go and just escape away. He opened his eyes slowly and saw how her eyes went wide seeing him gazing back at her. He saw her blinking for seconds with gaping finding anything to say.


"Sunbae I..." Gaeul started but his finger shunted her thoughts out.


"Shhhh." He felt her lower lips with his thumb and spoke. "I'm sorry, Gaeul-yang", and went down to claim her lips again, it was just a kiss of apology that lasted shortly. By this time Gaeul closed her eyes, she let her doubts go and just feel his lips against hers again. The second kiss was just short but sweet. Gaeul’s eyes remained close after the kiss until she heard him speak something she couldn't clearly comprehend.


"Saranghae. 사랑해 초가을!"


She looked back at him sporting bewilderment on her face. He held her shoulders firmly and continued. "I'm telling you that I love you. I love you. I'm in love with you, Chu Gaeul." She opened but Yi Jeong placed his thumb back on her lips, and by that she stayed silent and listened to him. "I know you are baffled and all but still I'm telling you that I love you. I don't want to lose another chance with you again. I have spent four years away from you and was only left with these words which I badly want to say to you. I'm telling it now because I'm... it scares the hell out of me not being able to tell you how much I feel for you even just for once." He shook her a little and locked his gaze on hers.


"I love you so much. Please, always remember that."


Yi Jeong looked so desperate in her vision and he was shaking her shoulders to get her on focus. She didn't know how to respond to his confession. Her memory of him were just fragments and she's still into the ‘building of trust’ stage but Yi Jeong had kissed her twice this evening already and he just told her he love her. She couldn't help but feel concerned about him so instead of speaking nonsense, Gaeul chose to nod her head.


He saw her nod at him. For him that's more than enough, he held her face again and came to give her a peck on the forehead. Gaeul just closed her eyes just like what Yi Jeong did and felt her body being wrapped again in his embrace.


Let's stay like this forever, Gaeul-yang. Please remember me again. Please.


Talking about awkwardness. Both of them were seated beside each other, not saying anything for an hour. Yi Jeong was mentally torturing himself on what he had done to Gaeul a while ago. He might have freaked her out because of the kiss, although he's not sorry about it or thinking of taking it back, Yi Jeong was still concern. The things running into her head feared him the most. What if she'll think of you as someone taking advantage over her or worsts a maniac? Yi Jeong let out of his frustration and smacked his forehead forcefully.


The sound that Yi Jeong made from smacking his forehead stole Gaeul's attention, in a swift she whipped her head and looked at him. His eyes were closed and irritation was painted on his face. He might be feeling guilty about 'it' and that's because you are not talking. But what am I going to say? Hey! I like the kiss, Sunbae?! I'd rather die than say that out loud. Gaeul was in a panic state; she breathed out and swallowed hard before opening .


"I'm sorry!" They both said to each other.


"Huh?!" They chorused again.


And awkward again. Gaeul shook her head and gave Yi Jeong a forced smile. "No. Sunbae...you go ahead... and talk first." Yeah. That's right. Let him talk first because it's him who stole the kiss not you. She saw him nod and sighed a little.


"I'm sorry for what I did. You can slap me if you want... it is fine with me." Yi Jeong trailed on his words but what he said was true and he’s not joking about it. Gaeul's reaction was a little confusing though, he cannot decipher what’s it in her mind and then her eyes formed into a slit with her brows arched.


"Really?! I can do that? Slap you, Sunbae?"


Yi Jeong was shock hearing her speak like that. Yes I am serious about what I said but… "Areyoureallygoingtoslapme, Gaeul-yang?" There were a lot of expression crossed into Yi Jeong's face and it all summed up to being frightened and mind you he asked her the question with one breathing. It was overwhelming for Gaeul to see all of that in just a second that she can't help but burst into laughter. Her laughter made Yi Jeong felt horrified. Her eyes were tearing up from laughing. She was laughing so hard and was clutching her tummy. What the? Did I say something wrong? But there he stayed bug eyed and unable to utter anything.


Gaeul was catching her breath from laughing she stuck her tongue a little until her laughter died down. She gazed back at him and smiled sweetly. "I'm sorry Sunbae. It's just that you look like a worry wreck. You know the look when you're so confident walking on the streets then suddenly you stepped on a poop." And she laughed again.


"Yah! Chu Gaeul are you making fun of me?" He sounded annoyed but he was really happy inside. She was laughing again because of his silliness and he couldn't help but laugh also. They laughed together like their time was held still. The world was at its peak and things were brushed off aside. So elating. So comforting. Definitely so Gaeul.


"Ahhhhh... that felt nice." Yi Jeong said while he raised both his arms arching it behind his head and resting his back on the sofa when their laugh faded. She was just quiet and observing him.


"You sound like, Oppa. Haven't you laughed that much before, Sunbae?" She shifted to face him better. It took him a while to answer her, Yi Jeong was recalling his past on when was the last time he had laughed like that. His lips formed into a thin line then a sad smile came in. He locked his gazed at her. She was looking back at him patiently waiting for him so answer her. "I had... but it was so long ago that I missed having that feeling again."


She casted her head down at her hands, she was tugging the helm of her skirt. Gaeul wanted to apologize to him; she has the gut feeling that it was her, the reason why he missed the feeling of laughing his heart out. But she didn't know where to start and what to say first. Unbeknownst to Gaeul, Yi Jeong had been battling inside of what he would utter to regain another normal conversation after Gaeul went silent again. Yi Jeong was also clueless on what was running inside Gaeul’s head; he didn’t have a tiny idea that Gaeul was practically feeling guilty about the ‘missed having that feeling again’ that he had mentioned.


"Gaeul-yang, why... do you? I mean Woobin... you call him Oppa. Why?"


For how much time he was away from her and for her not to even remember him, Yi Jeong was having doubts if the Gaeul he had known to like and was affectionate with him had changed a heart. And it scared him so much that Gaeul might have liked his friend more than him now. Knowing his friend, Yi Jeong was quite confident that Woobin was careful and considerate, but it also bothered him on how close and protective Woobin was with Gaeul. 


God Yi Jeong! You just blurted it out! Damn it! Yi Jeong was becoming stiff as a stick on his seat and his hands went shaking. His mind was playing tricks on him and he didn't know how to solve it. He didn’t like it a bit, the feeling of doubt and jealousy. See you're getting crazy about your own question. You just kissed her. And what if she confirmed it? What are going to do about that, huh? Yes, maybe he really was getting crazy, not because of his question, but because of his stupid pessimistic brain. Was this the thing that he got from being a loner for four years? His brain would even contradict his actions. Talking about multiple personality, eh?



Gaeul tilted her head and smiled. "Ah that! Woobin Oppa and I." Suddenly Gaeul became enthusiastic and excited on what to tell Yi Jeong about Woobin. She wanted to tell him a lot about Woobin and the rest of the gang because she's thinking that it would be nice to share something to him. She knew how it felt to miss a lot of things and she's getting the idea that Yi Jeong did really miss his friends a lot. But unknown to Gaeul, her sudden bright aura was freaking out Yi Jeong. And it made him regret asking her that question.


A/N: Any thoughts anyone? I'd be happy to know what you think about this story :)!

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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2485 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!