
The Recognition



Junpyo was already losing his patience. He had his back faced away from Jiho and he's been massaging his temples for a while already. He gave off several sighs and had bitten his lower lip out of frustration. As for Jiho, in spite looking calm and collected was currently banging the door like a maniac.


"Yah! Song Woobin! Where the hell are you? Come here quickly!" Junpyo yelled at the phone.


The front door of the newly renovated studio flung open. "What the hell Junpyo?" Woobin yelled back at his friend as he emerged from the door, he walked towards them.


"Stop it you two, will you?" It was Jiho who made the order, he did not yell at them but it did made Junpyo and Woobin swallowed deeply. "We've been waiting for you... you said you'll just take half an hour but heck it's been hours, Woobin." Trying to sound reasonable, Junpyo retorted.


"I was caught in a traffic jam, Gu Junpyo. And what is it now? That rascal isn't opening that damn door?" He signaled Jiho to step back away from the door which the later had obeyed. "Is this why you've been ranting like brat, Junpyo? Why haven't you two destroyed this goddamn door...?” Woobin kicked the door with full strength and it flew open and down the floor. "See it's easier." He declared but Jiho shook his head on him. "What? Jiho, your patience will just spill out no matter how you control it. It has no effect on this rascal. You know him too well; even if suicide bombers will come here he will never open that door." Definitely, the door will never be open unless it would be destroyed from the outside. The inhabitant of the room had no plans of opening it at any time.


From the most corner of the room, he could hear his friends arguing at each other but he had no will power to join them. He was tired and exhausted, his head was throbbing in pain from hang-over, his eyes were heavy and his head was clouded to even think of what to do. In a flash, his room door flung open and down the floor. He knew it would happen and at the site of it, Yi Jeong just shot his eyes together and pretend to be oblivious.

He heard them coming nearer as the crashing of broken glasses rubbed the floor between their shoes.


"What the hell?"


He heard a voice coming from Junpyo. For the time his friends had arrived inside his studio, all they had said was curses and he never had heard them curse that much ever since.


"So Yi Jeong. What are you doing to yourself?"


He knew where the statement was coming from, Jiho never use offensive words like the rest of them but by the way he uttered his words, he can definitely conclude that his friend was at the edge, the very edge of his patience. He opened his eyes and looked at them. The room was dim, the widows were not yet open and the curtains were still drawn together. They were looking back at him with apparent irritation and sympathy. Yi Jeong remained quiet. He did not utter anything to what Jiho had said.


And then he heard Junpyo asked. "Damn it Yi Jeong, are you trying to kill yourself? Why are you not answering our calls and not opening your door. What the hell are you thinking?" But Junpyo never heard his friend answer any of his questions which turned his hands shaking for control of rage.


Junpyo was about to open his mouth to yell back at Yi Jeong, but like flash, Woobin bolted towards their friend. He saw him grab Yi Jeong's collars and hoisted him up to standing position.


"I'm sick of this... What the are doing looking at us like we're nothing? Huh? Are you really testing our patience? Well I'll let you taste how my patience erupts..."


Woobin raised his fist above his head and was ready to punch Yi Jeong at the face. Yi Jeong was looking at him without any readable expression, and it seemed like his is expecting his punch more. But Jiho grabbed Woobin's wrist in time, before it even touch Yi Jeong's face. "I said that's enough!" Jiho directed with his teeth together and voiced controlled heavily. Woobin then let go of Yi Jeong and stepped back with eyes burning in anger.


"Is this what you want? Make us angry and despised you for being who you are and what you have become? And with that we'll all leave you alone?" Junpyo had cleared his head out and was able to get why his friend was acting that way. Woobin pulled out some strands of his hair then breathe out deeply.


"Yi Jeong... No matter what you do to get rid of us about this matter, we are already involved. We are not going to let you suffer like this alone because everything that had happen was never your fault. I am willing to beat you up until you realize that we three are your friends and we will never fail you no matter what. Do. You. Understand. Me!?" He heard Woobin speak.


"No! He will get back on you. He will do anything just to get what he wa..."


"So we’ll just let him be? Yi Jeong, things are different now. Don't be casted away by his shadows like you used to be. You can face him now, you have us. Don't let him control you again by using Gaeul. You need to protect her from him so that things won't happen again. But what you are doing now with yourself? Will you be able to do that? Protect her?"


No. He can't do that. Not now that he looks like a person with major depressive disorder; not now that he's miserable. What Jiho said was right he couldn't fight and protect her if he’d remain a sober. His grandfather might be planning of something else. But was he willing to let his friends get involve with this? He didn't know, however hearing them say that they'll stay involved, left him no choice. His three brothers were as stubborn as he was and they won't stay out unless they got what they want.


"How... how am I...?" Yi Jeong is at loss of words.


"Aish! What a stubborn little sissy you are? Don't ask us how we will start doing things. Stand up straight and fix yourself. You look like hell, do you know that? Are you even my friend? F4 Casanova? Are you So Yi Jeong?" The atmosphere become lighter and things around turned brighter. He looked at his friends giving him faces that mean 'what-the-hell-are-doing-go-fix-yourself'. And yes Junpyo was right he didn't look anybody near his own self. And he looked more like a Richard Simmon fresh from hell.


The three of them watched him as he stood up straight and regain composure. Yi Jeong gazed back at them and sighed like no tomorrow.


"What am I going to do without you?"


They heard Yi Jeong said and then Jiho replied. "You're going to be doomed." Just like before everybody laughed their hearts with such remark. Yi Jeong appeared so stunned of himself that he was laughing with them too. It felt warm and comforting to him like the old days.


Yi Jeong was back. Partially. Because he was yet concern of what might happen in the future. The time he spent alone thinking about that problem was enough already, he needed to stop being melodramatic and should stand up. His friends pulled him out of his disastrous self. They took him back with them and they’re not willing to let him be his sulking self again. Indeed they’re his brothers bound to be each other’s pillars, though not by blood but by loyalty, trust and love.


The laugh they had, extirpated the worries and doubts that had crowded inside him and traded it with pure sense of delight. The newly renewed mood hinted his witty and playful mind as the inner part of his brain formulates an oh-so-naughty act. "Aren't you guys going to give me hugs?" He stepped closer to them staring at their reactions. Yi Jeong saw them stepping back away from him and by that he plastered his infamous smirk that hints teasing.


"Yah! So Yi Jeong!" Woobin yelled as he sprinted away from Yi Jeong. Jiho was already at the door way away from them, he knew what's running on Yi Jeong's head so he freed himself and started laughing at them. As usual, Junpyo was slow to pick-up the hint so he stayed standing their flabbergasted.


"What?" He asked and he heard Jiho and Woobin laughing at the doorway and Yi Jeong was by now in front of him. "So our leader is there to hug me. Thank you!" He saw Yi Jeong spread his arms out like a child aiming for a hug. Junpyo immediately pushed him hard and yelled.


"What the hell Yi Jeong? Go fixed yourself. I'm not going to hug you looking like that!"


"So, you're saying you'll give me one if I'll go and fix now?"




Then a round house of laughter erupted.



"Really? Where did you..?"


"Years before, when I spent a night at Oppa's room with Jae Kyung Unnie. She told me it was him on the portrait with them but she never said anything in details. Unnie said she not that close to him."


"Oh... I see."



The whole studio looked fine but Yi Jeong's room was a disaster. The door was on the floor, ceramics and broken bottles were scattered all around, debilitated chairs and tables were everywhere. Now everything was visible in their eyes as the light from the outside went through the windows and inside the room. "Look how clean your room is, Yi Jeong. I can't believe you did all the cleaning." A very wise observations coming from Woobin who had just notice the whole wreck after his emotions plunged down.


"Don't worry it will be taken care later. Aren't we leaving yet? Or do I have to drag all of you out my room?" His hands on his pockets, he diverted his gaze on his friends who were flopped down on top of his bed. It was the only thing that remained untouched and damage free inside Yi Jeong's room. They stayed there not saying anything. Jiho was seated on one corner eying a photo of a five year old Yi Jeong he held with his left hand. Junpyo was lying on his back with arms open wide; he kept staring at the ceiling. While Woobin was seated in an Indian style facing Yi Jeong with blank expression. They had been like that ever since Yi Jeong went out of his shower up until he emerged out from his walk-in closet.


"Guys! Come on? I..."


"Come to look at it, I haven't been in this room since we finished grade school. Every time I come here it would just be until living room or at the pottery room." Junpyo bolted up into a sitting position and settled beside Woobin. "Me too!" Both Woobin and Jiho answered. "But I was able to be at his other room. The 'extra room', you know. I was able to be in it when I got him and his too drunk. I thought that room was this room." Woobin declared while pointing at Yi Jeong who shifted his weight on his left foot.


"What in the world are to you talking about? Of course you wouldn't be coming in my room anymore since grade school was the time the lounge was finished. And Abojie prevented me from having you here because it will just turn out like mess."


Their conversation was cut off by a knock on the wall. Well it's because the door was down. All their head whipped at the door way where they saw a man went inside.






Jiho, Junpyo and Woobin scrambled and went out of the bed and fixed themselves. They bowed their heads and paid the older man a greeting in chorus. "It's nice to see you, Uncle!" So Hyun Sub then bows a little to acknowledge them. "I see you're all here. Did Yi Jeong give you a hard time?" He asked the three young men who went looking at each other contemplating to answer.


"I did father. They've been cursing at me for hours." It was his son who went and answered him. He looked back at the other three seeing them nodding their heads. "My apologies. He's obstinate enough to be cursed. And now young people, since we are all here, how about let us settle everything me and my son left behind about our businesses?" He offered.


"Of course Uncle. We've been waiting for you." Woobin gladly answered.


Yi Jeong was gaping his mouth and is too jumbled up to act in response. He just stayed there standing quietly, exchanging his gaze from his friends to his father. Did I miss something here? He thought.


"Well then thank you very much for that. Let's leave and have something to eat first." Hyun Sub addressed his son after. "We are leaving… are you going to just plunk there. Move your out So Yi Jeong."



All of them had settled around the conference table inside the Lee International Industries conference hall. The said company was owned by Yi Jeong's grandmother in his maternal side, Lee Hae Jin. The Lee's were highly known for their international businesses with regards to large scale production from oils and constructions. The business they were in was most focused on international transactions that they were actually not that active in Korea but still known to be one of the most influential Conglomerates next to the JK Group and Shinwa. They were also the sole creator of the world renowned Woo Seong Museum which was given as a present for being entangled with the So's. Hyun Sub brought everybody there after the ostentatious lunch they had that was aranged by him.


"He's currently working on new investors and your mother and grandmother are doing things about that." Hyun Sub informed them but with his attention directed to his son. Yi Jeong's reaction was far more puzzled and thrown.


"Umma?! Why is she involved?" He knew that his mother would be soon knowledgeable about what happen but her being involve was not what Yi Jeong's been thinking. As far as he knew, his mother was unstable and she's been in Russia for quite some times now.


"She's in Denmark with your grandmother. She had undergone therapy in Russia and she is doing well. The two of them will be heading here soon if things are on the floor and ready. I went to them and told them everything about you and there I learned that they were both been livid about your absence and were also searching for you. Luckily, I came to know your whereabouts first and they told me that they had organized demands to Father about you, when they started to doubt him. When it was confirmed, they had set those demands running immediately. We just have to trust your grandmother about that, she knows how to play her cards well."


"But Abojie, what will happen to Woo Seong Museums? It's a national heritage. We just can't leave it like that."


"I know that it will be your concern. If your grandfather would insist with what he wants, we have no choice but to give up the museums but we have ways about it.




"Here's the deal Yi Jeong if he'll continue, soon the museum will be left out and probably be sold to anybody interested, so there we can work on buying it. But everything in that museum will downgrade in prices and it's a bad deal for us. However, if he'll be minding his legacy, we will just have wait until he gives up on his 'puppet' idea and just hand everything to you. The ego and pride are his problems. If he manages it well, it will be the best for all of us." Woobin explained and it earned an agreeing nod from everybody.


"Is this why all my assets were withdrawn and transferred to my other account? Is this also the reason why you three canceled all your deals and withdraw your stocks on Woo Seong?" Yi Jeong seemed worried and concern but all of them nodded affirmation. They saw him sighing. "Have you ever considered all the people that will be involved in this matter? It's a big company and is owned by a Conglomerate. No matter how we deal with this thing for our benefits it will still shake the industry and more the people working on it, all the employees will be affected."


"I already have thought about that Yi Jeong. I know that, more than yourself you have been very cautious on you decision because of the employees. The whole scheme is my idea. And this is my proposal. As a National Heritage Woo Seong is partly owned by the government because it was developed and went known with their support and if the government will get the idea that things will need some transferring, they can greatly influence your grandpa. And with that he will have no choice but either sell it or hand it to Uncle or you. I had consulted Harabojie's advisor about that and he told me it's very much possible, the only thing we have to do is to send a letter of information and detailed evidences to the Blue House and it will be carried out immediately. But the matters about the real estates are out of my grip." Sometimes, Yi Jeong wonders about how Jiho could be a genius and be humble at the same time. And at this point, his friend had proven him that he's more than a genius.


"I think it's my turn to deal with that." Junpyo declared. "I'll be in charge for settling those things and for those who'll refuse Woobin will deal with them, right Woobin-ah?" He directed his question to Woobin gave him a confident smirk as an answer. "I'll be in charged with the people will be needing. But as you see Yi Jeong, everything will not be carried out without you. You need to work your off and then we're finished. This is going to be really complicated yet interesting." An amused look was evident on Woobin's face as he was speaking.


With a convinced and satisfied look, his father stood up and went in front of them. "I can say we are all settled then. Gu Junpyo, Yoon Jiho and Song Woobin, I know this will sound odd and unusual to all of you but... I am very happy and thankful that my son has friends like the three of you. I am very grateful to all of you for looking after him all this time. And for giving us a lift about this matter, thank you very much."




"It will never be a problem, Uncle. That rascal is our brother, though Yi Jeong got a handful of fortune coming from the Lee's we can't let him lose his passion." Sincerity was seen by Hyun Sub on Gu Junpyo's appearance. There was lot to be said to justify how important Yi Jeong was to them. For Junpyo aside from being a friend to him and making favors for him, Yi Jeong was one of the reasons why Jandi had remained by his side. It was his dear friend who opened his eyes on how life would be if Jandi’s not around. Yi Jeong said he'll regret it. And gladly he listened to him because of his friend Junpyo got Jandi back.


"And Uncle, we can't just turn down that son of yours... he's becoming a sissy sometimes." All of them laughed while Yi Jeong throws his pen to Woobin with an annoyed look.


"Yah! Song Woobin!"

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Rereading this because, feels.
MonicaRuiz #2
Chapter 47: Wowww authorim
I love this story
You are the best ♡♡♡
mimi9335 #3
Chapter 47:
esimoto #4
Chapter 47: thanks authornim! that was a daebak ending! love the story and so thrill how every F4 member ended up with their soul mate and having their nice little family. thanks a million.....
Chapter 47: This one is sweet Yuri...thanks for sharing Soeul story :)..

i miss this couple and now is quiet hard to find new story about them...

i loveeee strawberry too...she sound super cute
2484 streak #6
Chapter 47: This was a great story and I'm so glad to have come across this Soeul story!! :') You did such a great job of developing their relationship and the small side-relationships, and it was so heart-warming to read about their romance. x] Kudos to you for an amazing story!! :)
Chapter 47: One word, AMAZING.
It was mesmerizing how you wrote a mature chapter in a tantalizing yet innocent way.
But i have one complaint, that this is the end chapter whaaaaaattt.

Anyway, thank you for feeding my soeul craving and it was delicious haha.
Keeps on writing yah . . xoxo
tipani22 #8
Chapter 47: Wow finally a happy ending and hope you continue to write ff about these 2.
annya25 #9
Chapter 45: I'm happy n sad at the same time when this story will be end soon.but aotornim i always love the way you write....and the vow make me tearing up.i hope if this story end you will write another story about soeul couple....thanks autornim
AngAng #10
Chapter 45: YEAYYY! They are married! :'D Wowww they vows are really beautiful! I'm tearing up while reading it. And also, MIRROR is one of my favourite song! And it suits this chapter well. Congrats authornim!