Chapter 2

365 Days

My Darkest Days- Goodbye


Day 213

They did call a truce. Myungsoo was angry at her for cheating on him.

No, not angry. More like furious. Betrayed.

But he forgave her. Because he was determined to keep this marriage intact. Even though it seemed like they were just strangers living together now. He was never going to give up. Things were going to get brighter. He was determined that it will. This was the woman he fell in love with. But he needed time to recover.

Yoona did have a conscience. She did feel ashamed for what she had done. She felt dirty. Immoral. The man didn't know that she was married. She blinded herself with her emotions. From then on, she vowed to never do the same horrible mistake again. She had given her heart and soul to Myungsoo, and she couldn't just give it to someone else. She wanted so much for them to make up, but she didn't know how.

She knew that it was her fault. She wanted for them to talk, but this barrier known as pride just kept them from having an intimate relationship. It's what caused them to have empty sheets between them when they sleep.

"Myungsoo?" she called out to him that morning before he left for work.

He turned around in response.

"...I love you," she said hesitantly.

Myungsoo hadn't expected it, nor had he actually wanted it. So he managed to make a small smile and nod before he rushed out of the door.

Yoona buried herself in her arms and broke down, crying. This had all been her fault.

Yes. For once, she took the blame.

It's so funny... How people who were once in a close relationship can stab each other by pretending as if they didn't know who the other person was at all.

Day 234

It was the things that she does that made Myungsoo fall in love with her. She tried her best to make ends meet. And he appreciated that. Things were slowly crawling back to normal.

Or so it seemed.

"Hurry, we'll be late," Yoona called out to her husband in a loving tone.

"I'll be right there," Myungsoo replied, grabbing his keys and going inside the car. They shared a quick kiss before he started the engine. The car came to life, and they headed down town to get paperwork done for the payment of their newly bought house.

They intertwined each other's hands and smiled.

It's as if they never had been strangers.

As soon as they entered a building, a tall, slender lady came and greeted them. Immediately, Yoona was on the offense. She looked the woman up and down, judging her and sizing her up as if she was an opponent.

Myungsoo smiled politely and let her lead the way. The woman spoke in a professional tone, yet all that Yoona can hear is lust. Her heartbeat accelerated, and her fists clenched together tightly. Everytime that woman spoke, Yoona became more and more insecure. Not wanting to make a scene in front of a crowd, she breathed in and out to try to get a firm hold on herself.

The saleslady handed Myungsoo some papers, making brief contact with his hand. Abruptly, Yoona came flying up and grabbed her harm and twisted it. The lady shouted in pain and winced.

And that was when she realized... she would never let another woman steal her man.

It was something that I had no control over. This is what you've become.

Day 312

Myungsoo sighed as he prepared for another day at work.

"Babe?" Yoona called, her voice cold. This had happened more and more often since they had been to that house dealer.

He turned around, wondering what she was going to ask him this time.

"Who is Eunji?" she asked with a calm facade. She scrolled through his phone, scrutinizing every sort of call or message.

"Yoona, you already know, that's my cousin." He grew exasparated. This happens. One day, he was sure, that she would even judge his mother for calling him.

"Yeah, but what if you form some sort of a more intimate relationship with her? Huh?"

Myungsoo shook his head in disbelief. She had gone paranoid. She couldn't trust anyone anymore. "You know what Yoona? I need to go to work. And you do too so... I'll just see you later."

Her eyes widened as she stood up after him when he closed the door. "Wait Myungsoo! Don't you dare walk out on me!"

But it was too late. The car drove off without her.

Yoona frowned. She was simply trying to care for her husband. Trying to protect him from supposed harm. She can't have another woman snatch him away from her.

No. She wasn't going to let that happen.

Were we ever perfect?

Day 345

"WHAT THE YOONA?!" Myungsoo yelled as soon as they reached their house.

Yoona kept quiet, staring blankly at her lap, seemingly unaffected.

"I WAS AT WORK. I. WAS. WORKING. I MINDED MY OWN BUSINESS YOONA!" He ran a hand through his hair and gripped the steering wheel tightly. "."

"Hey look, that's a cute dog," she smiled as if nothing was wrong. She ignored him purposely. "Jagiya, we should get a puppy."

"Something is wrong with you," Myungsoo whispered inaudibly. "How long have you been doing this for?" he asked, trying to keep calm.

She held an innocent look on her face, as if he didn't know what he was talking about. "Doing what babe?" Her voice held affection. Too much affection.

"You know what I'm talking about Kim Yoona. For the past weeks, I've been seeing your car hanging around my workplace for the whole day. I see it everywhere. And now, you decide to bother me more by going inside my workplace and distracting me! What is wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, babe. I just wanted to check up on you. Everyday."

...Every hour and every minute.

Day 359

Yoona smiled. Her hands were etched with red. She knew this was wrong, but it seemed so right.

Myungsoo had a terrified look on his face. For a while, he went numb. This was not the woman he fell in love with. She was not... like this.

"What the did you just do Yoona?" He asked. He didn't expect a reply, for it had been so obvious. Yet so surreal. She couldn't have. All of the colour zapped out of his face, and he felt paralyzed. "...Why?"

She turned to him, and smiled sweetly. A sickly sweet smile that would've turned your insides out. "In the name of love Jagiya." As long as it was for that, everything seemed justifiable to her. Her and Myungsoo were the perfect couple. Her twisted mind had erased all sorts of guilt, and all traces of her conscience. He was right there in her grasp and she would never let him go. Even if it meant that she would have to squeeze him tight.

Even if it meant that he would have no room to breathe.

"Now let's go home babe," she smiled as she took his cold hands.

He retracted them quickly from her touch, petrified. He wanted to run, but he knew that this is his wife. The woman he fell in love with right?

... Right?

Or maybe, I fell in love with what you were. Not with what you've become.

Day 365

Myungsoo had thought long and hard about this. And he had came to the conclusion, that he must do what he is about to do. The only thing that's left is, if he should let his wife know.

And he reasoned, that she should. After all, he's not the only one that's going to get hurt by this.

"Yoona," he called out.

"Yes, jagiya?"

"...I..." He faltered. What would happen if he told her? She had become a monster. She was bipolar, paranoid and obsessive. But this was his wife, and she needed to know. "...I'm filing a divorce."

Instantly, the sweet expression on her face contorted into a demonic one. Her eyes turned dark, and she was definitely not the person she was a few months ago. "B-but Jagiya..." Her voice was dangerously low. "W-Why?" Out of her eyes came tears, and she took small, staggering steps toward him. "WHY?! WE ARE PERFECT TOGETHER!"

Myungsoo inhaled deeply. She can't do anything to him. She can't. "Yoona, I think it would be best for us to go our seperate ways."


He tried his best to keep a calm demeanor. He knew these words were sincere, but he can't imagine living his life with a monster. He wasn't living with Kim Yoona anymore. He lived with this beast. He only held onto the image and the memories that were shared by her previous self. "Yoona, you'll be okay. This is the best for the both of us."

Yoona's eyes were red, and she looked at Myungsoo with pleading eyes. "Tell me honestly Myungsoo," she let out a shaky breath. "The truth."

He prepared himself for whatever was going to come next.

"... Do you still... love me?"

He stared at her blankly. If he told her the truth, he wouldn't know what would happen. But... it's the least he can do for breaking her heart. "... No."

Her eyes widened, and her veins started to show. She a steel knife under her pillow before she grabbed it and pointed it threatiningly towards her husband. "Well then if I can't have you... then no one else can."

... No. How could I love you after all you've done?


Day ...?

Myungsoo woke up, startled. Everything was suddenly bright. White light shone through the windows. This scene was familiar to him.

It was the morning after their wedding. He sighed in relief.

So it had all been a dream. His queen was beside him, sleeping on his arm. She looked like the perfect angel. This was Kim Yoona. His Kim Yoona. His wife.

He kissed her forehead, and her eyelids fluttered open. She smiled sweetly at him, and butterflies started to fly in his stomach. "Good morning yeobo," he whispered affectionately.

She chuckled lightly. "Good morning jagiya."

He stared at her for a while, his dream running through his head. He kissed her to make sure of the reality. "You know, I had this crazy dream," he whispered once they parted.

"Oh yeah? How crazy was it?" she smiled.

"It was... never mind. It's too crazy." He waved it off.

"No, tell me. We're a couple now, we should share each other's dreams and secrets right?"

"Well... if you insist. I don't know... you were the main character. It was a nightmare. You were totally out of yourself and before I woke up you were going to kill me and..." He looked at her. Her big, innocent eyes could no way hold such a demonic stare. "But... it was just a dream. I'm glad you're safe and yourself."

She giggled. "Of course I'm myself silly. Go, wash your face and brush your teeth. I want my husband to look presentable for my parents today." She put both of her hands under her pillow.

Myungsoo chuckled and kissed her one more time. "I'll be out soon."

She kissed him back and laid in bed for a few more minutes.

Yoona brandished out a knife from under her pillow. She chuckled, darkness clouding her face. "Jagiya... that wasn't a dream at all."





lol i bet i totally ruined the mood.

haha I hope it was good ^^

jajajajajaja sweet dreams ;)

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Haha hope you guys listen to dem emo songs that I put in as well ^^


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Chapter 2: I totally am in love with your writing style ^^
Read this in one shot cause it was amazing~
(Someone save poor Myungsoo though :D)
kwistal12 #2
Chapter 2: That's so.........AWESOME!!!!
Chapter 2: LMAAOOO OMG i knew this was a horror story xDD
Chapter 2: OMG !!! Somebody , please save him !
Chapter 2: Scary Yoona. Poor Myungsoo
minyoungunnie #6
Chapter 2: Omg!!!!!
That's so creepy.