Chapter 1

365 Days

My Darkest Days- Perfect


Day 1

"I do," she gazed into his eyes lovingly, while smiling.

The priest looked between the two of them and chuckled. "You may now kiss the bride."

Myungsoo smiled as he leaned in and gave her a heated, passionate kiss. He cupped the back of her head then let her go before the passion overtook him.
They turned to look at the crowd made up of their family members, and he smiled proudly.

This was the best day of his life.

He was never going to let her go. Ever.

But that was back when I didn't know you all too well.

Day 5

Yoona opened her eyes and smiled upon seeing her new husband. He was the first and last thing she saw every single day, and she loved it. She did a double-take at his handsome features, and wondered how she had been blessed with such a perfect man. He was the perfect husband.

She traced over his features with her index finger, slowing down when she reached his lips. She felt the sudden urge to kiss him. She jumped a bit when he opened his eyes.

Myungsoo smirked. "You were checking me out weren't you?"

"You caught me," she chuckled.

They both smiled as they kissed each other deeply. Myungsoo broke away, and stared deep into her eyes. "Round two babe?" he smirked.

Her eyes half-closed, the sensation of last night coming back to her. Her insides churned as she yearned more for his touch. "I... like that idea." She bought his ear closer to her face. "I love you Kim Myungsoo," she whispered. "I will never give you up."

"I love you too," he nuzzled against her affectionately. "You are the most perfect bride a man could ever ask for."

And that was back when I loved you.

Day 20

"Where are you going, jagiya?" Yoona asked innocently, but with a tinge of insecurity hanging off her words.

"I'm going to my high school renunion. Don't worry, yeobo. I'll be back soon." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Lock the doors when I leave alright? I love you."

Yoona stared after him as he closed the door. She couldn't help but feel insecure. What if he saw his old high school girlfriend? What if he falls in love with some one else in just one night? What if he cheats on her? What if... What if--

She shook her head, trying to regain her thoughts. No, Kim Myungsoo would never do that to her.

... Would he?

Yes, I loved you.

Day 45

Myungsoo sighed as he shut the door behind him. Work was stressful. It always has been, and it always will be. He headed for their bedroom, intent on getting his well-deserved rest for the night.

"Jagiya." He spun around as he heard his wife's voice calling out to him. It had a tone to it that he has never heard from her before.

"Oh jagiya it's so good to see you," he leaned in to kiss her, but she extended out a hand to stop him. "What's wrong babe?" He looked at her with worried eyes.

"Where have you been?" she said in a strict manner. Almost as if she was scolding a child. "What did you do? Why are you out so late?"

"Chill babe. I've only come back to work. My boss made me work overtime trying to meet this deadline and--"

"Is that women's perfume I smell on you?" she scrutinized.

Wait... What woman?

Myungsoo's eyebrows pinched together, creasing his forehead. "We don't have much women at work, you know that right?"

"Just tell me Myungsoo," she said, her face turning dark. "Tell me the truth. Did. You. Cheat on me?"

Myungsoo had a look of disbelief on his face. He breathed in and out heavily, trying to keep a balanced mind when it comes to his wife. He was not about to let stress and frustration damage their new marriage. He was late, yes. Maybe that's why she suspected that scenario. "It's okay babe," he comforted her. "You know that you are the only woman in my eyes. I swear on my life, I would never look at another woman the way I look at you. I love you Kim Yoona."

Immediately melting at his words, she smiled and her aura lightened. "Aww Myungsoo." She kissed him in glee. "I love you too. I would say the same."

Myungsoo smiled at her, his tired eyes were starting to weigh down. He yawned. "Now let's go to sleep babe."

She smiled happily as she followed his down the hallway and into their bedroom.

But at that time, I didn't know... that I was only starting to get to know you.

Day 89

It was midnight. And she was not back, yet again.

Myungsoo tapped his fingers on the benchtop as he waited, his patience starting to run out. "Where the could she be?" he whispered to himself.

He looked up as he heard the door shaking a bit as someone keyed it from the outside. As soon as the door opened, in stepped Yoona. As she took off her boots, Myungsoo observed her with tired eyes. She was unusually lively and bright. And... refreshed?

"Hi babe," Myungsoo called out to her, his voice tired and stressed.

She looked up, surprised, as if she had not seen him there. "Oh, hi Myungsoo."

... Myungsoo? What happened to jagiya?

He frowned, sensing that something was off. "So... what happened today? It's the third night in a row that you've come home this late."

Her happy face immediately twisted into a frowing one, implying that she was outright offended by him asking that question. "Well, what do you think I did?" she snapped. "Don't you have any trust in me? God Myungsoo I'm your wife. I expect more from you than that. What are you trying to imply?"

Myungsoo looked at her, shocked. He did trust her. "I wasn't implying anything! I was just asking you what happened at work!"

She rolled her eyes. "We both know that that's not what you're thinking Myungsoo. You're just insecure. Yeah, there are lots more perfect men than you are, but that doesn't mean that I'll stoop low enough to cheat on the one I've been stuck with."

Myungsoo clenched his fists hard. "Excuse me Yoona? You were the one who accepted my proposal. Don't give me this . You're not a ing God so that you can read my mind. That was NOT what I was thinking. What is wrong with you?"

She took a step back and put her hands on her hips, offended. "Excuse me? What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you? I expect more trust and credit than that."

He cleared his throat and took deep breaths. This was happening more and more often, and he didn't want to end their relationship. That was the vow he made.

And he was a man of his words. "Yoona... Okay. Do you love me?"

She blinked. She was thrown aback by this question and it had caught her off-guard. "Y-yes... I do."

"You do? You what?"

"I-i do. I love you."

Myungsoo shook his head, disappointed.

If you did, then why was it so hard for you to say so?

Day 135

Myungsoo smiled. February 14. His favourite day of the year. Honestly, he used to detest it back in high school. Girls used to flock to him and clog his breathing space. But ever since he found Yoona, February 14 became just like Christmas, but happier. So far, sure, they've had bad days. But, they also have good days. And he was determined to make this day one of those good ones.

He breathed in the fresh air and smiled as he walked through the town, thinking of what sort of present would make his wife happy. This was, after all, the first Valentine that they would experience as a married couple. He stepped into a shop, and all heads turned to him.

This tall and handsome man had just stepped in to a shop, purposely desinged for females.

The girls stared and talked to each other, and he made sure that his ring had glinted in the sunlight. He smiled at each of them, and pulled out his phone to dial Yoona's number. He smiled when she picked up.

"Hello?" her voice came through.

"Hi babe," Myungsoo smiled. The women behind him groaned as they found out that he was, sadly, taken.

"H-hi... Jagiya. What did you call for? I'm still at work."

"It's alright, I'll be quick. Is there anything in particular that you want today?"

"... Just you."

Myungsoo smiled. This was one of the reasons why he had fallen in love with her. She was utterly affectionate and she never asked for more than what she needed.

"Okay, I have to go now. I'll see you at home," she whispered from the other side.

"I'll see you," he hung up. Then he smiled once more as he saw a golden necklace. Pricey, but if it was for her, it would be worth it. "How much is this ahjumma?"

"Oh, it's beautiful isn't it? You have a wonderful taste young man," the ahjumma smiled at him, her wrinkled face was very warm and tender, as if she was speaking to her actual son. "It's 150,000 won. But for you, I would cut the price down by 50%. Now, who's the lucky girl?"

"My wife," he grinned as he took the bag from the old lady. "Thanks a lot."

"You're welcome. Anytime my dear. May you be blessed with a happy marriage," she waved off to Myungsoo.

His spirits were high today. This was going to be a good day.

11:15 pm.

He parked in front of Yoona's workplace. He anticipated. This was just like the time when he asked her out for the first time. His hands were starting to get sweaty, his heart pumped faster and he fidgeted. "Keep your cool Myungsoo," he talked to himself. "She's not single anymore. Not like last time. She's married. To you. You're her husband. She is your wife. I'm not asking her out for a first date." He straightened up as he walked out of his car, carrying the small plastic bag.

Myungsoo walked up the stairs, smiling all the way. She wasn't expecting him, and he bet it would be a good surprise.

He frowned as he saw that no one was at work anymore. It was all empty chairs and empty desks.

He looked through an opening.

... And he wished he never did.

That was his wife down there. And her lips were being devoured by a man who is not him. A man he doesn't even know.

And what was worse was... that she didn't even resist.

It caught their attention as he dropped the case on the tiled floor, paralyzed. It could not be happening.

If you loved me, why did you take your ring off?

Why did you betray me?

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Haha hope you guys listen to dem emo songs that I put in as well ^^


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Chapter 2: I totally am in love with your writing style ^^
Read this in one shot cause it was amazing~
(Someone save poor Myungsoo though :D)
kwistal12 #2
Chapter 2: That's so.........AWESOME!!!!
Chapter 2: LMAAOOO OMG i knew this was a horror story xDD
Chapter 2: OMG !!! Somebody , please save him !
Chapter 2: Scary Yoona. Poor Myungsoo
minyoungunnie #6
Chapter 2: Omg!!!!!
That's so creepy.