Is this reality?

My Surprise Engagement
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I cringe as I hear my colleague’s voice. I knew from the tone of his voice he was annoyed with me. We were pretty close actually, but considering how important today was I knew he was pretty stressed out, especially since I wasn’t here to keep him calm.

“Kyungsoo-ya, keep your voice down!” I whispered. Some of the other employees were staring in our direction.

He walked right up to me and slapped my arm. He was a pretty small guy but his size didn’t compare to how feisty he could get.

“Yah! You should have been here over an hour ago! And here you are strolling in an hour later after you left me to deal with everything on my own! What is wrong with you! Babo!”

He finally calmed down enough to breathe. He stares at me with his well-known death glare and I push past him and head to my desk. Kyungsoo trailed right behind me.

I reach my desk and start removing my jacket and purse. I could literally feel Kyungsoo’s eyes burning holes in my back. I put on a big smile and turn to face him.

“Kyungsoo-ya, I’m here now. I’m sorry I was late, don’t be mad at me.”

I pout a little knowing it probably won’t have much of an affect since he was so upset but I could see his expression soften just a bit. He rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

“You had better not leave me alone on a day like this ever again.”

I nod, grinning widely.

“Ugh, wipe that stupid grin off of your face. Oh, and Mr. Kim wants to see you, he’s been asking for you all morning.”

Kyungsoo turned and stomped away. I’d have to deal with him later; I’ll probably take him out to eat for nachos or something. That would most likely make up for me being late and put a big smile on his face.

I quickly run some lip gloss over my lips and straighten up my dress. Some of the other employees were looking my way so I had to act as if I was simply straightening up my appearance before I began the day, instead of trying to look nice for my boss. I slowly ran my fingers through my hair to give it some body and took a deep breath.

I walked towards his office as I contemplated my plan of action. I had no idea how to seduce my boss, not that I was necessarily trying to seduce him per say, but I did want him to acknowledge how I felt and hopefully he felt the same.

As I neared his office I could hear him talking to someone. I slowed down and casually stood by, listening.

“Yes, father. I understand… no, of course not. I- um…you want to meet her? I … well, okay, okay… she’s pretty busy these days but I’ll see what I can do. Yes. Okay, I love you too. Goodbye.”

 I heard him sigh and he got up and started walking around the office. I knew he was pacing. I was beyond curious to know who he was talking about. Did he already have a girlfriend? Was he married? My hope of making him mine was starting to fade away. I was suddenly feeling less confident about this whole thing.

I took another deep breath and knocked on his door.

“Come in.” He said flatly.

I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. He was still pacing around when I walked in and I stood there for a few second before I cleared my throat. That seemed to gain his attention.


I wasn’t too keen on people using my first name but the sound of my name coming from his lips made my heart flutter and the way his eyes lit up when he saw me made me smile, maybe I had a chance with him?

“Hello sir.” I said sweetly as I bowed.

He shook his head and motioned for me to sit.

“Please, don’t call me sir.” He chuckled.

I blushed and flicked my hair over my shoulder.

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GGSone #1
Chapter 3: Yeah for the update!!!!!! Gomawo. I look forward to the next update ¤_¤
Chapter 3: Yasss put a ring on it!!!
Chapter 3: *cries* Happy New Year you perfect author you.
Chapter 2: I love this!! I can't wait to read what happens next~
GGSone #5
Chapter 2: Awww...whats wrong :( u said u didnt feel like writing. Hope all is ok. This chap has me on the edge of my seat...cant wait for more ¤_¤Fighting!!
Chapter 2: *waves* um....who told you to tease me like that? *waits (im)patiently for update*
GGSone #7
Chapter 1: Annyeonghaseyo *bows* this is a really cool fic so far. I like it.
Chapter 1: Soooooo good! Update soon please!!
Chapter 1: Update. Now. Me antsy. Also...will there be ? :3