Um what happened last night?

My Surprise Engagement
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I groaned as the sun shined brightly in my face. I pulled the covers up over my head and buried myself deep underneath. I had no idea what time it was, let alone what day. I felt movement beside me and I stiffened. I quickly racked my brain to remember last night’s events and who was in my bed.

A familiar scent washed over me and I rolled my eyes. I pulled the covers off of me and turned to face my best friend, Taemin; only to discover that we were both , and I mean completely . I shrieked and ripped the blanket from around him, pulling it up to my chin and startling him in the process.

Taemin awoke with a start and glanced around frantically, I could tell he was in a deep sleep since he was very disoriented. He started coming to his senses and he looked down at his body and chuckled but once our eyes met he grew very red and his hands immediately went down to cover his privates.

I glared at him but neither of us said a word. It wasn’t really an awkward feeling being in my bed with Tae, but since we were both and had no memory of the previous night; at least I didn’t, then it was now a somewhat awkward situation. I’ve seen Taemin plenty of times before and I’m sure he’s seen me a couple of times as well but we had both been sober and fully aware of what was going on. I mean, It wasn’t like I was going to be angry or disappointed if something had happened between us; which reminds me, this wouldn’t be the first time we’d sort of kind of ‘hooked up’, it was just a little shocking besides we were trying to turn over a new leaf and stop hooking up with friends, because that only led to complications that nobody wanted to deal with.

I noticed how Taemin’s eyes scanned over my body as if he could see through the sheets. I glared at him even more and he just chuckled. He grabbed one of my pillows and placed it over his crotch. I looked at him in bewilderment.

“Seriously? I sleep on that, you know.”

He just rolled his eyes and scratched his head.

“I don’t really remember anything, do you?”

I shook my head and he sighed.

“Alright…umm, well I’m sure you were wonderful.”

I glared at him but my gaze faltered and we both burst out laughing. The door to my bedroom opened and in walked Taemin’s good friend; and secret lover, (but you didn’t hear that from me), Minho. He pranced right on in like he owned the place. I made sure I was covered up and rolled my eyes at him, he could be so brazen at times; no wait, all the time. He was a cool guy and he really cared for Taemin as far as I could see. The two of them just didn’t seem to want to take the next step.

“Rain baby, how could you not invite me to this little get together?!” He cried. He tried his best to show how hurt he was but he failed. Taemin just laughed at him, like any other time and I just rolled my eyes. Nothing new here.

“Aw, I’m sorry Minho-ya, next time we’ll be more discreet.” I said sweetly. I threw in a seductive little wink just to top it all off. He stared at me with his mouth open just a bit. I chuckled and he shook his head.

“Yah… S-stop that.”

Taemin and I burst into laughter as he sat down on my bed next to Taemin. He folded his arms across his chest and huffed. Taemin ruffled his hair, carefully angling the pillow so it didn’t expose him. Minho rolled his eyes and fixed his hair.

“Why are you bothering us hyung?” Taemin asked.

Minho crossed his legs and eyed us brightly.

“That party last night was just what I needed to seal the deal.” He whispered. His eyes were shining with excitement.

I suddenly remembered that Taemin and I threw a party! We were celebrating something; I just couldn’t remember what it was exactly.

Taemin chuckled dryly and threw Minho a thumbs up before lying down.

“Taminnie, listen to me. I wanna tell you about my night.” Minho whined.

I pretended to gag.

“We don’t have time to hear your gross stories with random chicks Minho; we have other things to deal with.”  I said impatiently, shooing him from off the bed.

Minho stood his ground, not moving one bit.

“Like what?” He asked, clearly uninterested.

I sighed and glanced at Taemin, he had his eyes closed but he was smirking.

“We…uh, we need to figure if we slept together or not.” I said.

Minho eyed us lazily, looking from me to Taemin until he doubled over with a fit of laughter. I watched his laughing fit in confusion and Taemin sat up trying to push him off the bed.

“Hyung! What’s so funny?” He asked.

Minho kept laughing as he stood up, wiping tears from his eyes.

“Yah! Jinki hyung! Get in here!”

My eyes widened and I was beginning to wonder just how many people were still in my apartment. Onew walked through the door, with a chicken leg in one hand and a beer in the other and stopped dead in his tracks. He closed his eyes tight and started to back out of the room, only to run right into the wall.

“Ow! Oh, I’m sorry you guys, I didn’t realize you’d still be…n-.”

Taemin stood up, holding the pillow and started looking for something to put on. He found a pair of sweatpants and quickly pulled them on. He found a gray shirt and threw it to me. I turned around and slipped the shirt on.

“Jinki hyung, they think they slept together!” Minho cried, still holding his side from laughing so hard. Onew’s eyes popped open and he started laughing as well. He walked over and sat on the bed, gleaming at Taemin and I. I looked at them like the annoying little pests they were. They could be so immature sometimes and let’s not leave out annoying.

“What is so damn funny!?” I asked. My patience was running low.

Onew crossed his legs and started munching on his chicken

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GGSone #1
Chapter 3: Yeah for the update!!!!!! Gomawo. I look forward to the next update ¤_¤
Chapter 3: Yasss put a ring on it!!!
Chapter 3: *cries* Happy New Year you perfect author you.
Chapter 2: I love this!! I can't wait to read what happens next~
GGSone #5
Chapter 2: Awww...whats wrong :( u said u didnt feel like writing. Hope all is ok. This chap has me on the edge of my seat...cant wait for more ¤_¤Fighting!!
Chapter 2: *waves* um....who told you to tease me like that? *waits (im)patiently for update*
GGSone #7
Chapter 1: Annyeonghaseyo *bows* this is a really cool fic so far. I like it.
Chapter 1: Soooooo good! Update soon please!!
Chapter 1: Update. Now. Me antsy. Also...will there be ? :3