
Different and Uncommon

[The next day]


"Mr Yoo? Do you know who Mr Yoo JaeHwa is?" Youngjae can't help but ask and even suspect that they might have known each other since they possessed the same surname.

"I guess...we should tell you the truth Youngjae." Mr Yoo puts down his cutlery, glancing at Mrs Yoo for confirmation.

"Your father and I are brothers."

"Why keep this from me and only tell me now?" Youngjae runs his fingers through his tousled hair; his life had never felt this messed up before.

"He didn't want us to tell you, he wanted you to have a new life. Away from the two of them. H-he made us promise to take care of you if nobody else did."

"If he loved me, then why abandon me?!"

"He never had any intentions to abandon you, but JiHye couldn't take it. She got pregnant too early and it ruined her life. She nearly went mad and tried to kill you once. So to keep you safe and JiHye sane, they had no choice but to leave you. JaeHwa always made sure you were well taken care of by the foster families." Mr Yoo tilts his head up to look at the ceiling as he recalls. "I remember once, when it was your 7th birthday, JaeHwa literally bought everything on your wish list but he didn't dare give you in person. He passed them to your foster parents and loitered outside their house to catch a glimpse of you. You were never happy, always had this awfully sulky look. JaeHwa tried his best to make you smile every time he visited, from buying you presents to even cooking your favourite food. But you can't remember him because you never met him. He didn't want you to know you had such a father. He loved you so much and it killed him to know that you felt like an utter freak because of them." Mr Yoo's eyes turn glassy; he fingers the napkin on the table as Mrs Yoo nods encouragingly.

"JaeHwa was truly a great man; he refused to stop seeing you, even when JiHye started to suspect that he was keeping a mistress outside. Until, he fell ill. By then you were already in an orphanage, I was really tempted to get you to see JaeHwa one last time." Mr Yoo shakes his head as a tear slips free, it was tough remembering this, getting reminded again that his brother had already passed away. "But he told me not to, he was worried that you would despise him and he didn't want to die seeing his only son hate him. JaeHwa passed away with many regrets. He made me promise to get you out of that orphanage, to take good care of you. He even willed all his possessions to me so that you would be able to lead a blissful and comfortable life." By now, countless tears had slipped free and Mr Yoo gave up wiping them off.

"JaeHwa wanted you to lead a happy life, so I couldn't tell you we were related. I didn't want you to feel drawn to them in any way or you might end up despising us as well. You've to understand Youngjae, I know it hasn't been easy on you and we will always be here to care for you." Mr Yoo gives Youngjae a genuine smile and reaches forward to squeeze his shoulder.

It was hard to take in so much so suddenly, the one man whom Youngjae had hated nearly his whole life had turned out to be the one man who loved him the most. He didn't know they were facing so many problems with him, he had just assumed they didn't want him.

"T-Then why didn't they take me back once JiHye was ready for a child?" He knew he had to get all these questions off his chest while he had the chance.

"JiHye was...reluctant to get you back after she knew that you were special, furthermore she didn't want another child for she was afraid he would turn out like you. The truth is cruel Youngjae, but it's better than spinning an elaborate web of lies to cover it up." Mr Yoo seemed relieved off the burden he had been carrying all this while. 

"We did lose contact with JiHye after Jaehwa passed away; I never want anything to do with that woman again." 

Youngjae inhales a deep breath; he knew Mr and Mrs Yoo had good intentions by keeping this from him so it was pointless to be mad at them.

"Thanks for not keeping this any longer from me."

"We're truly sorry for even keeping this from you Youngjae." Mr Yoo's eyes dart to the door as the doorbell rings for a moment before it gets answered by Sebastian. "And it's great that you no longer have that sulky look ever since you've gotten to know Daehyun here. This young chap has certainly changed you Youngjae." Mr Yoo gets up from the table, smiling at Youngjae as Daehyun awkwardly greets him.

Youngjae hastily plants a kiss on Daehyun's lips as Mr Yoo leaves the two of them alone. "I'm sorry for I don't know...rejecting you yesterday?"

"Nah, its fine." Daehyun fingers the younger's soft hair as he nudges Youngjae nearer, pressing their bodies close together. Daehyun tilts the younger's head up, his chin lightly as they lock lips. He slides his thigh in between Youngjae's legs, backing up until his back hit a wall.

"Dude, don't me in the kitchen." Youngjae tries to get away from the dreadfully arousing thigh but with the older's hands clamp tightly around his waist, he couldn't.

"Why not? We'll give your mum a nice surprise later when she comes to cook lunch." Daehyun has that cheeky grin again as he nibbles on Youngjae's earlobe.

Mrs Yoo wonders around the hall, completely unaware of the terribly inappropriate things going on in the kitchen. "Boys? Where are the two of you?"

The two were at either end of the kitchen instantly as Mrs Yoo finally finds them, looking rather guilty and red-faced.

"So I just wanted to tell you two that we won't be back till midnight. Apparently, there's something wrong in the company now." Mrs Yoo sighs heavily, looking like she had aged a few hundred years, and she leaves them once they've acknowledged it.

"I've never seen you move that fast." Daehyun smirks, closing the distance between them.

"Okay okay, be serious now." Youngjae lightly shoves Daehyun's face away. "What did you find out from your mother?"

"Nothing...she refuses to tell me anything." Daehyun smacks the younger's hand and adjusts his slightly ruffled hair.

"What?! Is she feeling guilty or is it because she simply doesn't want to reveal anything." Youngjae's eyebrows crease, forming wrinkles along his forehead. "Damn, whatever. We'll find out sooner or later." Youngjae forces a smile to reassure the older that he wasn't bothered by this when in fact it was clawing relentlessly at the back of his mind, nagging at him to find out.

"I will try my best to get her to share." Daehyun attaches his plump lips to Youngjae's slightly chapped ones while snaking his hand behind the younger's head. He gently pushes Youngjae back onto the counter, lifting the younger up by his thighs till he was comfortably seated. Daehyun steps in between Youngjae's thighs and holds onto them, never once breaking their lips apart.

"Since there's no one home, be as loud as you can baby." Daehyun breathes hotly into the younger's ear while grazing his sides with his fingertips.

"Dude, the maids and Sebastian are home."

"I'm sure they won't mind a little entertainment."

"Oh my god, eww you just made me imagine Sebastian while watching us." Youngjae smacks Daehyun's shoulder as the older trembles in laughter.

"Leave the poor man alone." Daehyun wraps his arms around Youngjae, his hands lightly caressing the younger's jean clad .

The familiar shrilling ringtone can be heard again, coming from the hallway.

"Damn, you should seriously change that horrible ringtone." Youngjae hops back onto the floor as Daehyun curses in annoyance while retrieving his hand phone.

"What do you want?!"

Separating Daehyun from wasn't a good thing.

"...oh! I-I'm coming over now!" Daehyun tosses his hand phone into his bag and slings it over his shoulder. "What happened?" Youngjae eyes the older's pale complexion.

"My mum is in hospital. She fell down the stairs."

"I'll go with you." The two hurriedly get into Youngjae's car and drove off to the hospital.

"Dae, she'll be fine." Youngjae reaches across with his free hand and holds Daehyun's wringing ones. Taking a few calming breaths, Daehyun nods in return and gestures to the road, wanting the younger to concentrate on driving instead.






Daehyun rocks back and forth on his heels as they wait for the lift to reach its designated level. "Calm down, I'm sure she's fine." A deep dark part of Youngjae wished she wasn't, at least that way they never have to find out the truth. They will never know if they were truly related.

"I will wait outside." Youngjae couldn't bear to see that woman again or he might just try to strangle the truth out of her. Daehyun grasps the younger's hand lightly and leaves him waiting outside the ward.

Maybe it really is just a coincidence. A really bad coincidence. But that would leave many unexplained factors.

All these constant confusing thoughts were driving him insane and he knew he would have to find sooner or later. It was just a matter of whether he wanted to or not.

No matter what, I will always love Daehyun. He's the only one who made me feel like I'm wanted and needed. I was literally wandering aimlessly through life, feeling like an utter reject and outcast till he came along...





[Two days later]


"Youngjae, my mum wants to speak to you." It was Youngjae's third visit to the hospital and just like the other times, he remained outside.

Youngjae hesitantly steps in, gasping softly when he catches sight of the motionless lump on the bed. Mrs Jung looked as though someone had all the blood and energy from her face. Her cheeks were sunken and she had dark eye bags, despite having suffered only a minor fall. Youngjae slips into one of the plastic chairs, his eyes darting everywhere except Mrs Jung.

"Y-Youngjae..." Mrs Jung weakly gestures at him to come closer so he could hear her better.

"I've been worrying about this ever since I saw you...and I can't bear to keep this any longer." She sighs heavily and turns away. "I'm sure you know who I am..."

The next two words confirm all of Youngjae's nightmares.

"My son."

"Why didn't you tell me when we first met?" Youngjae's voice came out in a whisper; he could literally feel his world crumbling away at that very moment.

"I recognized you but I wasn't sure. I had to find out more from Daehyun, and then only...did I know you were really my son." She looked at Youngjae, her eyes seeking and pleading for forgiveness.

"Then why tell me now?" Youngjae's voice cracks as he shakes his head and clenches his fists, staring right back at her cold brown orbs.

"I'm sorry and I realised it's not fair to you-"

"So you only found it unfair after what, seventeen years?! You threw me away when I was just born and then now you feel guilty? You left me thinking that I was a ing monster for seventeen years and then you tell me you're sorry because you realised it wasn't fair?!" Youngjae stands up abruptly, knocking the chair a few meters back. The pent up rage and frustration he had been burying deep inside him for so many years, was overwhelming him.

Mrs Jung was sobbing by now; her shoulders quiver and shake as she stains her sleeves with tears. "I'm s-so sorry Youngjae, I wasn't ready to handle you back then, please forgive me." Mrs Jung desperately reaches out to grasp Youngjae's clenched tight hands. He violently pulls them away and shoots her a menacing glare.

"You never once tried to contact me or even see how I was doing. You just went off to start another family and forgot all about the son you rejected years ago. If it truly was because you couldn't handle me back then, then why didn't you want me back when you could? You had no intentions of doing that right?" Youngjae laughs coldly while Mrs Jung's sobs turn uncontrollable. "I did fine without you and I still am." Youngjae inhales a deep breath and looks at Mrs Jung, disappointment and hatred fills his eyes.

"I never want a mother like you."

"N-no! It's not like that! Y-Youngjae you've got to listen to me!" Mrs Jung's harsh hacking turns her words into a mixture of coughs and incomprehensible sounds, just as Daehyun bursts into the room, hands full with steaming cups of coffee.

"Mum? What's wrong?" Daehyun worriedly rushes forward to her side and dumps the cups onto a nearby table. He glances at the quietly seething younger; feeling rather apprehensive about what Youngjae might have done to agitate her this badly.

"I'm going." Youngjae stabs his hands into his front pockets and storms right out, still feeling very unbridled. He speeds up when he hears a pair of unwelcome footsteps following him.

"Youngjae! Wait up!" Ignoring the older's plea, Youngjae breaks into a sprint, aimlessly dodging random obstacles as he prays the pair of feet following him would eventually give up.

Just as Youngjae decides to speed up again, a hand grabs hold of his upper arm and tugs him backward. He stumbles and slips from the sudden impact, but lands safely into the arms of the older.

"If you're here to ask me what I did to your mum, then I'm running again!" Youngjae breathlessly spits out as he struggles out of Daehyun's embrace.

"No, I just want to know what happened. Jae, you didn't think you could run away from me forever, did you?" Daehyun peers at the younger and wills his heart to slow down; it's been a long time since he had ever sprinted this quickly.

"We're related Daehyun! We're ing half-brothers! And she says she's only telling me this now because she feels that it's unfair! Unfair!" Youngjae laughs sarcastically as his vision blurs with tears. "My own mother ditched me for seventeen years and then decides to reclaim me all of a sudden. And what for? Cause' she was feeling too guilty. And now the only person I truly love is related to me-" Youngjae lets out a choked sob as his knees give out, he forcefully presses his palms into his eyes to stop the tears but they fall free either way.

Daehyun sinks to his knees and engulfs the younger with his arms. He was stunned and taken aback too but seeing Youngjae so distraught truly ripped his heart apart. Daehyun presses his cheek to Youngjae's damp one while his hair. The younger weeps even more from that gesture; he tries to stifle them and buries his head into the crook of Daehyun's neck.

"Youngjae it's not possible is it? I'm a year older than you, I'm sure your father would have noticed JiHye was pregnant?" Daehyun peers into his eyes, begging for him to prove him right.

"Mr Yoo did tell me JiHye left for a year or so to her relatives before she got pregnant with me... She would have had plenty of time to be pregnant with you without anyone else knowing." Daehyun grips onto Youngjae's shoulder, as though he was clinging onto his last bits of sanity.

"Why? I always knew they didn't want me but I also wanted them to prove me wrong! And I'm freaking related to you?! Is this some kind of sick joke someone is playing on me?!" Youngjae thumps Daehyun's chest in frustration as his speech gets distorted with cries and hiccups. "Why am I such a freak that even my parents don't want me?"

Daehyun runs his hand up and down the younger's back while his hair with the other. He patiently waits for Youngjae to calm down as he repeats his hand motions.

Once Youngjae's cries had died down a little, Daehyun whispers into his ear,

"Freak or not, I still love you.


Forever and always." 






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cheonssa #1
Chapter 7: Glad I found this fic, beside is kinda late,,,
im still happy I found this beautiful story, the way daehyun caring about youngjae, the way he love youngjae is so warm,
Chapter 7: this is great. i get hyped up at the moment committing was being mentioned gahhhhhhhhhhhh

so whats next
Peace of art!! Loved it (°•°) please do continue to writhe similar fics ;-)
Chapter 7: Oh! Gurl! This story is perfect. PER-FECT!! And you're a flawless author! I love your way to write! And I love the fact that you're Daejae shipper. I think these guys are really perfect together! ^^
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Have a great one and may bunny-force be with you! ^^
Chapter 7: youngjae's butler kinda reminds me of kurosuji there hehe.
great story! i enjoyed it a lot.
lolipopcandy #6
I fricking loved this story so it's kind of sad to see that is completed but thanks anyways for the awesomeness! !!! ^ ^ /
DawnD2014 #7
Chapter 7: Awe that was cute I enjoyed this story
Chapter 7: why they are so cute together huh? thank you for this story! ^^
Chapter 7: That the end?O.o..
It nice btw n knowing that them are not half brother was great!?^^

Authornim thanks for this story,
I hope you will write another soon~#D