
Different and Uncommon


It started with several weird dents in the walls. Then various other damaged items, like a hole in the cabinet. Mr and Mrs Yoo found it appalling and frustrating when the source of this dents and damage were unknown.

"Youngjae? Do you by any chance know where all these are coming from?" Mrs Yoo swept her arm over the dented chair and the hole in the cabinet, looking at the reticent boy with his nose tucked into a book. Youngjae blew his offending black bangs away from his eyes, glancing at the items before shrugging nonchalantly. Sighing, Mrs Yoo went back to her household chores. She had given up trying to make him talk by now.

Ever since Youngjae joined the couple 8 months ago, he had been extremely reluctant to socialize. The couple had worried about him every day, hatching new plans to try and coax him to open up. Bribing him with new electronic devices and even money didn't work at all. Youngjae still remained quiet and reserved. They eventually gave up trying to do so and just got use to Youngjae's muted presence.

He was 17 now and socializing was definitely the biggest problem for him. Worried about his solitude and education, Mrs Yoo enrolled him in the nearby school. Allistair High, well known for its outstanding results but what Mrs Yoo doesn't know is that it is also notorious for the malevolent bullies there...





Youngjae stepped out from the black Mercedes and onto the cement, with his bag slung loosely on one shoulder. He surveyed the expensive surroundings of Allistair High before turning around to give Mrs Yoo a small smile, who nodded in return and drove off to work.

The students milling around him began to take notice of Youngjae, whispering quietly to each other while trying to look like they weren't staring or judging the new student.

Youngjae made his way to the office for registration, feeling like an animal waiting to be devoured.

Youngjae, relax and breathe.

He managed to calm his nerves but the uneasy feeling was still there. He desperately wanted to fit in and not feel like an utter outcast anymore. To be accepted by the people around him. To actually feel that he was needed.


By the time he found his classroom, everyone was already seated. Youngjae stood at the entrance scanning the classroom for a free seat. The class merely ignored his presence, not even sparing him a second glance despite their interest in him not too long ago.

However, one male brunette at the back of the class catches his attention. His light brown bangs were swept to the side and his arms were crossed over his chest. He was undeniably good looking and came across as a laid back and nonchalant person. He casually places his arms around the female student by his side, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. She giggles flirtatiously and makes a horribly high pitched noise.


Youngjae tears his eyes away from that sight and takes long strides over to his seat by the window. Just as he places his bag down, the teacher walks in as well.

"Good morning class. I believe we have a new student here with us today." Mr Lee eyes Youngjae as he mentions "new student", motioning for Youngjae to stand beside him,

"Why don't you introduce yourself?" Mr Lee gives Youngjae a reassuring smile as he notices the slight discomfort the new student was in.

“I'm Yoo Youngjae. Nice to meet all of you." Youngjae's voice was clear and steady, grabbing the attention of all students, even the brunette at the back.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr Yoo. How do you find Allistair High so far? Welcoming I hope?"

"It's...fine." It was hard not to say "atrocious" instead.

"Alright, I do hope you people will make Mr Yoo feel more at ease and welcome here yes? Lesson begins now."

Youngjae plops back down onto his seat, relieved that he was no longer the centre of attention.

“Youngjae huh.”

Youngjae turns round at the mention of his name and stares right back into the piercing gaze of the brunette. He mouths a “what” back to him but the brunette only smirks slightly.

Crazy .

Creeped out, Youngjae prays hard for this day to end.



"I'm Jongup and nice to meet you." Jongup extends his hand and grins again.

"Where's the cafeteria?" Youngjae blatantly ignores the extended hand; the desire to fill his stomach overcomes the desire for friends.

"I'll lead you there!" Jongup drops his hand, seemingly unbothered by Youngjae's cold behaviour.


"They're the ones who apparently 'rule' the school, mess with them and your life in Allistair High is screwed." Despite meeting with silence, Jongup rambles on nonstop. Youngjae couldn't care less about whatever they could do, eating was more important.

"You're really quiet you know? C'mon tell me more about yourself."

"There's nothing to say about myself."

“Why did you join at the end of the year?”

"Thanks Jongup. See you around." Youngjae picks up his tray before dumping the contents into the bin. He disliked questions and socialising wasn’t his strong point. Besides, he didn’t want to tell anyone about his past. He wanders around the hallways of Allistair High, looking for a quiet corner. It's not that he was ungrateful to the company of Jongup, it was just rather awkward for him.

Youngjae reaches the rooftop of Allistair High, plopping down against the wall. He draws out his iPod and stabs in the ear buds. His eyelids fall shut as he enjoys the slow breeze alongside his noisy music. Just when Youngjae thought he could enjoy his solitude, something hits him on the head. The ear buds fall out of his ears from the impact, leaving Youngjae dazed and a little confused.

Rubbing his sore head, Youngjae glances at where the object might have come from. The brunette from before now stood in front of him, hands tucked into his pockets.

"You're in my seat, ." The brunette lifts up his leg and prepares for another hit.

"I don't see your ing name here." Pissed off by the rude intrusion, Youngjae stuffs his iPod back into his pocket.

"Since you're the new kid I won't do anything more if you leave. Now."

"I didn't know the school employed a guard for their rooftop." Youngjae remained seated, staring right back at the brunette.

Obviously pissed, the brunette grabs Youngjae's arm, hauling him to his feet. Just before the brunette could shove him away, Youngjae twists his arm free and pushes him hard. The brunette tumbles to the ground, scraping his arm in the process.

"Here's a little advice. Try saying please next time." Youngjae leaves the brunette lying on the floor, aghast and bewildered. Vulgarities spew out of his mouth as he rubs his bleeding elbow.

“I will make you regret this.”




Youngjae dumps his bag at the foot of his table and flops face down onto his bed.

Who knew socializing could be this exhausting. He had clearly angered the tiest bully in the school but what did he do exactly? All he did was sit at the rooftop. There was really no reason to hit him.

Truly the definition of a crazy

Shaking his head, Youngjae heaves himself away from the comforts of his bed as the doorbell starts ringing persistently.

Youngjae descends the stairs as slowly as possible; wishing that whoever it was would go away.

"Sebastian! Get the door, will you?" Said butler obviously MIA.

The incessant ringing makes Youngjae hurry down the last few steps, rushing to open the door to stop that obnoxious noise.

"What do you want?" Youngjae throws open the door, his eyes grew big when he saw who it was.

It was the crazy ’s girl.

Seeing how dismayed the girl looked, Youngjae softened his tone. "What do you want?"

"Hi, I’m Hyomin! I didn’t mean to startle-"

"Did you stalk me?"


"I don't date stalkers."

"Wait, don't close the door yet! I'm sorry... I just wanted to get to know you better."

"Don't bother. You can go back to that gigolo you were with this morning."

"Gigolo? Huh? Oh! You meant Daehyun? No way, we were just fooling around!"

"Nice to meet you Hyomin but I'm not interested. Good day to you." Youngjae slams the door in her face before she could even reply.

"Sebastian, take care of that girl." Youngjae instructed his butler, who has finally appeared, as the incessant ringing started again. Rubbing his sore forehead, Youngjae plods back upstairs as the ringing finally halts.



A few days later

Daehyun and a couple other guys managed to corner Youngjae when he was on his way back from Allistair High. Seeing how calm Youngjae was in this situation seemed to agitate Daehyun further. Youngjae attempts to avoid this mess by barging pass one of the guys but he was shoved back into the corner.

"Not so smug now?" Daehyun's face contorts into an ugly sneer as he initiates the fight with a swing of his fist.

Taken by surprise, Youngjae doubles over in pain as Daehyun's fist comes slamming into his abdomen. Before he could even straighten himself, a shower of punches and kicks were rained onto him. Youngjae was forced to curl up into a ball on the ground, with his arms shielding his head. Physical abuse along with vulgarities and insults were thrown against Youngjae. All he could do was yell in pain as he closes his eyes and grits his teeth.

It was oh so difficult not to retaliate when he clearly knew he could.

By the time they were done, thick rivulets of blood was streaming out from the various gashes and cuts. The pain in his abdomen was the most unbearable, he was sure the bruise would be the worst there.

What the do these people eat?!

"You better know your ing place now, ." Daehyun spits a wad of saliva onto Youngjae's face and flashes him his middle finger. Youngjae struggles to pull himself together as he clutches his abdomen. The memory of Daehyun's satisfied and pompous expression spurs him to do something rash.

He lunges forward onto one of the guy's back. Using his weight, Youngjae pulls him to the ground. The two go toppling over and before the guy could even comprehend what hit him. The sickening crack of bones could be heard as Youngjae's fist makes contact with the guy's face.

As the others realise what had just happened, Youngjae scurries away hurriedly. Leaving the guy with his neck twisted to a freakish angle.

He sprints blindly, desperate to escape before he does something else that he would regret.



Breathless and unnerved, Youngjae slides quietly into the house. Grabbing the first aid box, Youngjae braces himself before looking into the mirror. Other than the cut on his lip and the bruise on his cheek, his face was relatively fine.

However his arms and legs were a whole different story. The bruises were a multitude of hues, colours that normally should not be on someone’s skin. Wincing as he gently tends to his own wounds, Youngjae knew he would have some explaining to do later on.

The real horror lies at his abdomen. Carefully lifting up his shirt, Youngjae couldn’t help but gasp at the sheer size of it. Even touching it hurt badly. A purplish blue bruise the size of a fist had formed at the side of his torso. Blood had burst out his skin from where blood vessels had been smashed.

Wow, that crazy must really hate me.

"Sebastian, help me with the wounds on my back." Youngjae hands the ointment to him, as he turns, with his back facing Sebastian.

"Yes sir."

His butler was clearly worried but he knew perfectly well that Youngjae hated questions.

Once the wounds were cleaned and taken care off, Youngjae sits numbly at the edge of his bed. He nearly lost himself there, if he had gone any further, there was no turning back. He couldn't blame himself entirely either, they were looking for trouble. He had to make sure he wasn't pushed to the edge again.

After all, that was why no one wanted him.




"Will Mr Yoo Youngjae please report to the discipline office now?" The announcement system dies off with a crackle as everyone in the hall turns to look at Youngjae. Earning a visit to the discipline office just after a week in Allistair Hight wasn't a good thing.

By now Youngjae had gotten used to the stares and hushed whispers when he came back with bruises. Rumours of him killing a student spread like wildfire, now everyone thought Youngjae was a serial killer.

Which idiot started that anyway?

Youngjae barges right into the discipline office and stands at the front of Mr Woo's desk, like a criminal awaiting his sentence.

"Please do knock in the future Mr Yoo. I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here." Mr Woo folds his arms across his chest and leans back against his seat, expecting an answer from the relatively rude boy. Youngjae just stares blankly, knowing he was already in deep trouble.

"Mr Yoo you're a new student here and you ought to know violence won't be tolerated at all. Are you aware that you broke his neck and chin?"


"There's no point in feigning innocence now. Five people saw you take down Chanyong yesterday."

Youngjae just remained silent with his fists clenched tightly at his side.

This isn’t my fault. It never was to begin with.

"I've decided to suspend you for one week Mr Yoo. Anymore violence and that's it. You’re already in a lot of trouble and we’ve informed your parents. Chanyong’s parents are insistent on getting you expelled but the school is trying to help you out here. Do you understand, Mr Yoo?”

"They beat me up as well. That's why I retaliated in the first place."

"That's impossible. The six of them would have no reason to do that to you. Besides, they never had any trouble before."

"What biased is this?! Just because I’m new here-"

"Arguing is of no use Mr Yoo! Now go on to your next lesson. Your suspension starts tomorrow." Mr Woo scribbles something into a file and slams it shut, gesturing to the door for Youngjae to leave.

Defeated, Youngjae jerks open the door and storms right out of the school building.

Screw this unscrupulous bastard. Expel me for all I ing care.

He arrives at a park, still boiling with rage but his conscience had finally kicked in. He had broken someone's neck and chin. Who knew if he would even survive this? Youngjae stops walking abruptly. Staring down at his hands, he draws a red line with his fingernail, from his wrist to his elbow.

Why do I have such destructive hands? Why weren't they normal like other people’s? Why is that I'm able to do things a grown man can’t?

What is wrong with my hands? 


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cheonssa #1
Chapter 7: Glad I found this fic, beside is kinda late,,,
im still happy I found this beautiful story, the way daehyun caring about youngjae, the way he love youngjae is so warm,
Chapter 7: this is great. i get hyped up at the moment committing was being mentioned gahhhhhhhhhhhh

so whats next
Peace of art!! Loved it (°•°) please do continue to writhe similar fics ;-)
Chapter 7: Oh! Gurl! This story is perfect. PER-FECT!! And you're a flawless author! I love your way to write! And I love the fact that you're Daejae shipper. I think these guys are really perfect together! ^^
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Have a great one and may bunny-force be with you! ^^
Chapter 7: youngjae's butler kinda reminds me of kurosuji there hehe.
great story! i enjoyed it a lot.
lolipopcandy #6
I fricking loved this story so it's kind of sad to see that is completed but thanks anyways for the awesomeness! !!! ^ ^ /
DawnD2014 #7
Chapter 7: Awe that was cute I enjoyed this story
Chapter 7: why they are so cute together huh? thank you for this story! ^^
Chapter 7: That the end?O.o..
It nice btw n knowing that them are not half brother was great!?^^

Authornim thanks for this story,
I hope you will write another soon~#D