
A Little Late

F i n a l ;


One would think Chanyeol never gets sad. With his eyes twitching all the time and his booming laughter all the while chatting to everyone he knows, be it at the lobby or classroom or cafeteria.

Chanyeol likes to think he's good at showing a facade.

His laughs were real before. Before is when the fire happened. Before is when his best friend will ring the doorbell in their door with a new game for the xbox. Before is when his bestfriend would wait for him after his band practice. Before is when Kim Jongin had replaced Minseok, their bass in the band.

He doesn't hate Jongin though. The kid was great. Tan skin, pretty lips and a smile one would always want to see. His bestfriend began watching their practice, watch Jongin to be more specific. He hangs around the kid more and more and more than him until one day his best friend said he'll have a date. With Jongin.

Chanyeol is supposed to feel happy, but he just can't. He had just lost his bestfriend and probably a piece of his heart because he wants to be the one going out with him. Not as his best friend but more on the boyfriend-thing side. But he can't now, so he smiled half-heartedly and said what a good best friend would,

"Congratulations, Kyungsoo-yah."




Chanyeol can still feel the adrenaline even after their performance had finished. Even more when the MC had just announced that they won first place. It's an amateur contest, but still. Chanyeol was looking for Kyungsoo, because he is so happy right now he just need to see him. Chanyeol finds him, in the middle of the crowd, giving Jongin a chaste kisses with smiles. He stops in his tracks, feeling everything crashing down all at the same time.

Kyungsoo promised he'll be the one congratulating him when his band had won. But he guesses Kyungsoo wouldn't be able to do it.


"Hey." Chanyeol replies.

"Uhm. You guys were great. You deserved to win. Congratulations, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol smiles half-heartedly, still seeing the couple a few strides away from him in the corner of his eyes, "Thanks, Baekhyun. I just really hope you enjoyed ours."

"I did. No worries."

"Well. Thanks. I'm glad. But I need to go. I'll see you."

If Chanyeol had been more observant, maybe he could see the longing in Baekhyun's eyes.




Chanyeol breathes heavily, his nightmares were going on frequently and it’s bad. He fished his phone from his nightstand and dials Kyungsoo. After four tries of hearing it going to voicemail, Chanyeol gave up. It's pretty early for a walk but still decides it'll do. He changes into sweats and a hoodie and a pair of sneakers.

Chanyeol didn't expect to see Baekhyun sitting at the bench between the bakery and flower shop in front of their school though.

"Hey, Baekhyun."

"Oh. Hi. Morning."

"Morning." Chanyeol sits beside the smaller boy, noting that he's still wearing a pajama. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah. I just-- I don't know, developed a hobby to sit here when I wake up early."

"You can't sleep anymore?"

"I could, but I get headaches. So yeah."

Chanyeol hums in acknowledgement.

A comfortable silence ensues. Chanyeol had half a mind to go back but decides to stay.

He met Baekhyun when they first entered college. Baekhyun is Kyungsoo's cousin and the two shares the apartment. Chanyeol thought Baekhyun is pretty. He could be asking him out the first time Baekhyun had smiled at him before extending a hand towards him while saying his name. If only he wasn't already breaking his heart back then.


"I what?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Well I.. had a nightmare. I tried calling Kyungsoo but he's not picking up."

"He's over at Jongin's. He probably forgot his phone."


"You.. like Kyungsoo, don't you?"

Chanyeol widened his eyes at Baekhyun, "How did you--"

"Don't worry I won't tell him. I'll let you do that by yourself."

"It’s not like I could." Chanyeol whispers but pretty sure Baekhyun heard it.

"Hey, want to have coffee?" Baekhyun replies instead. "Of course it’s you treat because I don't have money with me." he continues smiling up to him and suddenly Chanyeol feels a little better now.




From: Kyungsoo, 07:58PM
Chanyeol-ah. I won't make it. Sorry, Jongin caught a cold. I'm reeeeeaaaally sorry, okay?

From: Kyungsoo, 08:09PM
Chanyeol-ah, don't be mad please? :(

To: Kyungsoo, 08:11PM
Nah. It's alright. I can manage. Take care of Jongin well alright? I'll see both of you Monday. Goodnight.




"Guess what?!" Jongdae enthusiastically greeted their cafeteria table.

"uhm. You fell off the stairs?" Sehun supplies unhelpfully.

"No, you ."

"You slip off and fell face first on the stairs?"



"One more Sehun and I'll burn your soul."


"Why am I friends with all of you?! Guess who has a date tomorrow night?"

"Uhm. Jongin and Kyungsoo-hyung?"

"Oh Sehun. I've warned you."

"Just tell us then! Jeez."

"I asked Junmyeon out and he said yes!"

"uhm. Okay."

Chanyeol chuckles at the two as they continue their childish banter.

Jongin is dozing off on Kyungsoo's shoulder and Chanyeol wonders if what Sehun had said is true. He has two tickets for the premiere of the action movie Kyungsoo and he had been on watch ever since its seeies started. But then again he guesses they wouldn't be able to watch it. Well they still could, just maybe not together.

"Hey Kyungsoo." He called out.


Chanyeol fished out the tickets from his bag and handed it over to Kyungsoo, "Here. My uncle visited and gave this to me. You and Jongin could go."

"Really?! Chanyeol you're the best best friend ever!" Kyungsoo squeals, waking up the tan boy on his shoulder. Chanyeol heard a soft sleepy kyung what happened before Kyungsoo is muttering about the ticket Chanyeol had just gave him.

Chanyeol was sad and happy at the same time as he watches the two. Sad because what is he doing in the first place stabbing his own heart and happy because the two just looks so cute.

But then maybe if his eyes had travelled a little more to Kyungsoo's right, maybe he could see Baekhyun heaving a sigh.




"You're a masochist too."


Baekhyun laughs a little as he pedals besides Chanyeol. "Do you want to hang out tomorrow?"


"Uh.. play soccer or something?"

"Yeah. Okay."

Baekhyun lets out a laughs and bids him goodbye as he turns its bicycle to the left.

Chanyeol doesn't notice anything.




From: Baekhyun, 04:35PM
Hey hey hey soccer alright? I invited the others too! Get ready now! (And get ready to lose to me ha!)

To: Baekhyun, 04:36PM
Yeah yeah wait for me let's go together. (and as if your short limbs could beat me heh.)

From: Baekhyun, 04:36PM
Okay! (did you just said im short you bad tall human!)

To: Baekhyun, 04:37PM
See you. ( ㅋㅋㅋ )




Sehun and Luhan were already there at there by the time they arrived. Luhan was playing with the ball, kicking it up using his foot and head alternately.

"Yo." Sehun greeted.


"Remember his date? he's freaking out on what to wear that idiot." Sehun mutters.

"It's just us then?" Chanyeol said.

"Yeah. Jongin and Kyungsoo were out right?"

"So how do we play soccer with four players only?"

"Let's just do it like this. The three will kick the ball in the goal. Whoever has the lowest number of balls blocked lose." Luhan explains.

"The loser will have to buy drinks after. And kiss the highest blocker."

"Oh Sehun you want to kiss Luhan don't you." Chanyeol teases.

Sehun clears his throat while blushing, "Oh well. It's optional but the drinks were not."




"Why did I lose again?"

"Because your long limbs are awkward." Sehun said while he leans his body on to Luhan.

Chanyeol sighs then sips from his Coke.

The sun was long gone now, and the street lamps were already on. Luhan had tugged a barely awake Sehun up to its feet, and said they'll be heading back first. Chanyeol heard Sehun mutter along the lines of hyung can i sleep over because I’m not ready to hear live .

"That kid really is something." He said to no one.

"Sehun is sweet. He cares for his hyungs so much." Baekhyun added before drinking everything from the bottle of his apple juice, which Chanyeol bought.




"You're really a masochist."

"Am I?"


Chanyeol chuckled at how straightforward Baekhyun could get. He looks to his side. "Hey."

Baekhyun hummed as he played with the bottle of apple juice.

"You have a lot of admirers."


"You don't have a girlfriend. Or boyfriend."


"I wonder why."

Baekhyun still hasn't stop on what he is doing. The lights of the soccer field were on and it gives a glow on Baekhyun's face. Chanyeol thinks he's beautiful.

"I'm waiting." Chanyeol was cut from his train of thoughts as Baekhyun continued, "I'm waiting for him to notice me."

"Then he's taking a long time."

"Yes. Long, long time."

The silence once again consumed them both. It was a wonder how that someone couldn’t notice Baekhyun.

"Are you showing him signs you like him?"

"Subtle ways."

"What if he doesn't notice you with just that?"

The boy beside him hums, eyes now trained at the seemingly endless green field in front of them, "I already know he won't. He never really bothered to look at me. He's always looking past me, or beside me, but he won't really look at me."

"He's an ."

Baekhyun chuckled, "No, he isn't. He's a great guy."

"Like me?"

Baekhyun looks at him and Chanyeol swears something passed in those eyes, "Yeah," Baekhyun chuckles, "Just like you."

Chanyeol didn't think much about it.




"Really though. You don't have to bring me home literally in front of our apartment door."


Baekhyun smiles again, "But thanks. I'll see you at school."

Baekhyun motions to grab to the door. Chanyeol isn't sure what possessed him but he stops Baekhyun and kisses its left cheek.

"Uhm." Baekhyun starts.


"Uhm. Okay?"

"Yeah. I'll see you. Bye."

Chanyeol missed Baekhyun's blushing cheeks.




Chanyeol mutters a series of low curse as he washes his hand which he had burned. He uses his other hand, wearing a thick glove now to take the burnt cookies out. Another series of curses went out of Chanyeol's mouth because this is the fourth time he's tried and the cookies looked more burnt than the last one.

Who even said to him that baking cookies were fun and easy then they surely are lying. Then he remembers why he was baking and everything seems a little sad.

Chanyeol still packed them, just in case, and grab his bag before riding his bike.

Classes went by and then its noon break. Chanyeol spots Kyungsoo about to enter the cafeteria, "Hey, Kyungsoo!"


"So, movie marathon later?"

"Oh. Uhm. I'm sorry, Chanyeol, Jongin said he'll be taking me somewhere tonight. It's our anniversary. Can you believe that?! Our relationship went through a year!" Kyungsoo said with his heart shape smile and pretty big eyes that Chanyeol can't help but let him go.

"Really?" Chanyeol tried, "Well I guess time flies fast. Congratulations then."

"Oh hey. Since I am out and probably be at Jongin's, why don't you just invite Baek?"

"Nah. I don't want to bother him to come over to just watch some weird sci-fi movies."

"Wanna bet about that?" Kyungsoo said as he smirks a little.

"Fine, fine. We'll see."

Chanyeol guesses he'll have to eat all the burnt cookies alone.




A series of knock was heard and Chanyeol opened the door only to see Baekhyun with a bag of what looks like a source of cholesterol and a box he assumes a box of dvds.

"Still in for a movie marathon?"

"Uh I don't want to put your effort to waste. So yeah, let's do it."

They ended up sitting on the floor with their backs on Chanyeol's bed.

"I want water." Baekhyun says and stands up.

Chanyeol pauses the movie to wait for Baekhyun.



"Did you make these?"

. "Uh. Yes. But that is supposed to be in the trash already because that's not-" Baekhyun takes a bite, '-edible. Baekhyun did you just-- spit that out you idiot!"

Baekhyun munches on even with his small outburst. "It's not that bad."

"It is that bad, now give me that."



The movie marathon resumes and by the clock strikes two in the morning, the two decides its a wrap.



"Can I sleep here?"

Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun, "Yeah. Sure. Bed is big enough."

The two settled themselves on the bed, both on their backs.

"I.. don't really like sleeping alone." Baekhyun said, barely above whisper in the night.

"What do you do when you're alone then?"

"Hm. I don't sleep."

After a long pause, "You lied to me that day, didn't you." Chanyeol stated.

"Busted." Baekhyun said and lets out a small laugh.

"What if some crazy psycho tries to do things to you?"

"I don't know."

Chanyeol sighs and turns to face Baekhyun. "Hey."


"Come here."

Baekhyun raises an eyebrow but follows what he said. Baekhyun wraps an arm around his waist and nuzzles his neck.

"What are we doing." He says as he rubs Baekhyun's back once in a while.

"I don't know but.."


"It's a secret. You have to know it by yourself."


Baekhyun laughs again. "Night."


Chanyeol wonders if Baekhyun thought it's nice. Because to him, it is.




It's not like Chanyeol is a masochist, it's more like being in an unrequited love with your best friend that you can't help yourself wanting him happy. So Chanyeol is with a mug of beer with a sulking Sehun because I miss luhan hyung why does he have to go back to china i miss him and a Jongdae and Junmyeon eating each other's faces.

Kyungsoo and Jongin were rather enjoying dancing, or basically grinding each other in public at the dance floor.

"Where's Baekhyun-hyung anyway?" Sehun asked after being tired of thinking what he should do to get Luhan to come back sooner, the idiot.

"He doesn't like alcohols and loud atmosphere." He explains, because that is what Kyungsoo said.

"Hey Kyungsoo, are you staying at Jongin's tonight?" He asked after the two settles on the couch across from him.

"Well, yeah. Why'd you asked?"







"What are you.. Where's Kyungsoo? You stink!"


"Why are you here though?" Baekhyun asks as he makes him a tea.


Baekhyun settles the tea in front of him at the coffee table.

Chanyeol takes a sip, "Just wanted to sleep over."


"Well.. Kyungsoo won't be home."

Baekhyun takes a moment to stare at him, and Chanyeol shouldn't be blushing because that would be weird. Baekhyun laughs a little, "Okay."




To: Baekhyun, 7:05PM
Yo. Kyungsoo is out, right? Want to have a part two of the movie marathon?

From: Baekhyun, 7:06PM
You have to have a food for me first. ㅋㅋㅋ

To: Baekhyun, 7:06PM
You love food more than anything. jeez fine. come by eight?

From: Baekhyun, 7:07PM
Because food is adfjjfsjkjfsaaj
Aye, Captain!




"Hey Chan," Baekhyun calls out after watching Fast & Furious, All of it.

"Hm?" Chanyeol answers as he finds more comfortable position.

"You're being nice lately."

"I am?"

"Yes. You are."

"Why, do you want me mean?"

"No." Baekhyun whines.

Chanyeol laughs.

"It's just that.." Baekhyun starts but didn't continue.


"I'll miss this."

"Hey, we still have three years to suffer in college."

"Well.. yeah. But.."




"But I might love you so much and your ice cream in your fridge so yeah. I'll miss this after.."

"After we graduated?"

Baekhyun didn't answer.

Maybe if Chanyeol isn't a little more than sleepy, he would feel the hand on his torso tighten just a little, tiny bit and a whisper of i'll miss you.




From: Kyungsoo, 9:40PM

To: Kyungsoo, 9:40PM
Hey. What's up?

From: Kyungsoo, 9:41PM
I hate him.




Apparently, Kyungsoo and Jongin fought over something that Kyungsoo chose to not mention. Chanyeol had taken his bike to run to Kyungsoo and Baekhyun's apartment.

"Hey, stop crying."

"I just-- Chanyeol, I don't know what to do. He didn't bother to take me home tonight. It's just so--" Kyungsoo continues to cry in his arms and it's sad to see Kyungsoo like this.

"Talk things over clearly, alright? You can't continue on like this."

Baekhyun is watching the whole scene, that, Chanyeol had noticed. Baekhyun is tracing patterns on the couch he is sitting on and carefully watching them. Chanyeol felt something he can’t put a finger to when they got to look directly in each other’s eyes. He was not sure, because the moment it happened was so fast Chanyeol isn't sure if it’s only in his head.




Kyungsoo and Jongin were back in good terms now. After Jongin had brought Kyungsoo a new plushie and a dozen of balloons at their apartment while saying sorry a lot of times. Chanyeol is glad the two were back to normal because if he's being honest to himself, he can't imagine Kyungsoo and Jongin not together anymore.

Chanyeol snorts to himself and looks at Baekhyun's direction. Baekhyun is reading a book silently as everyone talks about their half of the day.

"Hey." He called.

Baekhyun looks up, "Hm?"

"You've been quite lately."

"I am?"


Baekhyun simply chuckles and goes back reading.

Chanyeol wonders if there's something wrong.




From: Baekhyun, 5:39PM

To: Baekhyun, 5:48PM
Sorry, I was taking a shower. What's up?

From: Baekhyun, 5:49PM
Uhh nevermind. >ㅅ<

To: Baekhyun, 5:49PM
Tell me.

From: Baekhyun, 5:50PM
Can we go out or something? >///<

To: Baekhyun, 5:50PM
Like.. something like, a.. friendly date?

From: Baekhyun, 5:51PM
Uhm well if you want to call it that. I just really have a lot of discount coupons.

From: Baekhyun, 5:51PM
Because dude its fooooood for less money ;ㅅ;

To: Baekhyun, 5:51PM
You and your love for food. Yeah okay. should I take my bike or..?

From: Baekhyun, 5:52PM
Walking is fineee but if you want you can go with your bike from here then we would walk.

To:Baekhyun, 5:52PM
Alright! Be there in a while!




They eat and eat and eat until they can't eat anymore.

"I am in heaven." Baekhyun whispers.

Chanyeol laughs, "I can't breathe anymore and you feel like in heaven."

"Because food." Baekhyun reasons.

"Hey Baek."


"I might really like you if I'm not really caught up with someone at the moment." He whispers among the chatter surrounding them. Chanyeol's heart is beating a little faster than usual, but he thinks it could be because he indirectly said he likes someone.

"Second option?"

"What-- NO!"

Baekhyun laughs at him and at that moment, as the lights seems to make Baekhyun glow and blur everything except Baekhyun himself, that moment, Chanyeol thought, why didn't he look at Baekhyun directly before?

Then he remembers Baekhyun telling him how he likes someone else and everything dims a little and the noise from everyone earlier seems a little loud. His head hears himself asking why does it have to be like this always.




Their summer break is near and Baekhyun is behaving a little weirdly, or Chanyeol thinks so, and Chanyeol isn't sure if he should be worried. Baekhyun has been inviting him to a lot of what they both agreed to call a not-friend-but-best-friends-date that includes a lot of eating because Baekhyun doesn't seem to run out of discount coupons. Chanyeol has his own share of paying for their food, of course.

Chanyeol thinks he shouldn't be this happy when Baekhyun is being a little clingy puppy, like now, they are having one of their movie nights and Baekhyun has his legs on top of Chanyeol's thighs while he has the bowl of popcorn in his arms.

"Hey Chan."


"Thank you."


"Hm.. Secret." and Baekhyun giggles.

"Really now."

"Hm.. For spending lazy days and nights with me."

Chanyeol snorts playfully, "There will be a lot more so don't worry."

Baekhyun laughs softly then quites down.

By the time Chanyeol is about to sleep. He swears he feels something touched his cheeks.




The very next day that the summer break arrives, Chanyeol received a text message from Kyungsoo asking what is he so busy about early in the morning that he didn't went.

To: Kyungsoo, 09:22AM
What? Why?

From: Kyungsoo, 09:23AM
Don't joke around you big idiot.

To: Kyungsoo, 09:23AM
No. Really. Why?

From: Kyungsoo, 09:23AM
Park Chanyeol are you serious right now.

To: Kyungsoo, 09:24AM
Yes. Do Kyungsoo now tell me what's wrong.

From: Kyungsoo, 09:25AM
That idiot didn't tell you, did he?

To: Kyungsoo, 09:25AM
What? Who?

From: Kyungsoo, 09:25AM
Baekhyun left. He'll be continuing college abroad.

To: Kyungsoo, 09:25AM

From: Kyungsoo, 09:26AM
Right. wtf.




Flight no. xxxxxx had arrived. Flight no. xxxxxx had arrived.

To say Chanyeol is nervous is an understatement. Damn he can't even sit still within two seconds. His, their, friends decides to make him suffer by asking him to go first atvthe airport saying they would just follow in awhile but im the end they don't even have a plan on going in the first place. Some friends they are. Now that Baekhyun's flight had arrived he thinks he could pee in his pants in nervousness. Chanyeol chants a series of curses in his head and stands up, so he could see Baekhyun or, Baekhyun could see him.

The waiting lasted for about half an hour when Chanyeol sees Baekhyun. He's wearing the glasses they both bought together, and Chanyeol thinks maybe, just maybe there is still those.

He watches him as he looks around, eyes darting from places to places until it managed to find Chanyeol's. There's a fraction of second that Baekhyun looks a little aback but then he smiles at him, then Chanyeol starts to remember all the times Baekhyun had been there for him. Helping him with song lyrics he trying to make. Congratulating him everytime he makes something that Chanyeol thinks he's the only one who thinks it's worth it. Those times he takes care of him because he always forgets his umbrella, running to the nearest convenience store because he has a slight fever. How Baekhyun would sing soft tunes when Chanyeol would call him in an ungodly hour because he's having the nightmares again.

Chanyeol waves at Baekhyun. Baekhyun waves back.

And damn why didn't he noticed this before. How Baekhyun would smile a little brightly to him than the others.

How he would always just be there.

"Hey." Chanyeol greets.

"Hey." Baekhyun answers back and he doesn't know how he lived for three years without hearing it.

"Dammit Baekhyun. You shouldn't have done that."

"Yeah. Sorry." Baekhyun looks so cute being guilty and Chanyeol feels his facade of being a little, just a little, angry falters.

"I miss you, and by that, I mean, a lot."

"I miss you, too, you know."

Chanyeol takes a deep breath, "And yeah. I love you okay."

Baekhyun takes his time staring at him. Then Chanyeol sees the smile trying to make its place on Baekhyun's pretty lips.

"Took you for like, four years," then there's smile he missed so much, "I still love you, so okay."

Chanyeol grins and takes Baekhyun's duffle bag from its hand to replace his own.


E p i l o g u e ;


"Chanyeol." Baekhyun calls out and stops, gripping Chanyeol's hand to say stop walking.


"You should kiss me."

"Uhm. Like, now?"


"Oh. Okay."

Chanyeol let's go of the bag in his hand and grabs Baekhyun's face, he kisses him with a smile then they kiss for a while, its sweet, too sweet but Chanyeol likes this kind of sweetness because it's Baekhyun then suddenly there's people giggling and, "What the hell are you guys doing here."

"Because Baekhyun wants a picture of your aggressiveness." Kyungsoo said still giggling

"You asked them not to come didn't you."

"Yeah." Baekhyun simply says, he bites his lips and now Baekhyun's the one grabbing him, pulling him down for another kiss.

"We should continue this at my apartment." Chanyeol said as he pulls away just a little tiny bit, keeping their foreheads together, nose slightly bumping and breaths mingling.

"I'd like that."



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140628/ALittleLate; sorry for some mistakes, i'll edit those tomorrow. >ㅅ


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Chapter 1: Lol. Congratulations! Yehet!

For about 137494029272626918489363 years you updated and completed this fic. Aha. Yeah. Yeah.

There are some people that are really oblivious of the persons around them who really do care and let's call the oblivious one 'stupids' and the caring one 'dumbs'. Hahahaha.

I think you're much a lot good better writing your otp fic don't you? :3

Well, thank you for some glimpse of kaisoo in here and hoping for a side story. Yes. Side story dude.

Thank heavens Chanyeol realized and feel it. That stupid person! And also, em so proud.of baekkie in loving him for 4 years! Damn yeol! (No chansoo. Pls.)



And Sehun and Jongdae makes me laugh. Hahahahahaha!

Post it! >:3

Novelette. Hoho~
some treat of te from you pls?
Laters, baby!
nikka14 #2
Chapter 1: CAN SOMEBODY STRANGLE CHANYEOL hahaha but yay they got together!!!
Chapter 1: This is so cute :)
mhargelynne #4
it's so cuuuuute. and i'm a jumble of emotions while reading it.
and i'm so happy the title is somewhat fulfilled positively.
. . .
a little too late but better late than never right author-nim? :)
music_lover10080 #5
Chapter 1: Wow so cuteee at the end <3 this was really good