when you fall in love with kwangmin =)

when you fall in love with kwangmin =)


When You Fall In Love With Kwangmin : (chapter 2) …

kwangmin : you too , take care -kiss your cheek and gives a very tight hug-

you blush allot

Kwangmin : sorry I didn’t mean to , but .. I like you –looks down-

Your Pov  :

OMG , he likes me , I’m so confused , what should I do ?? >.<

You : I like you too –smiles and hugs back-

Kwangmin : sorry for this … I won’t do it again promise >.<

You : No No , it’s ok ^^ , any ways i have to go now , see you tomorrow –waves-

Kwangmin : anneyooooong ^^ -waves and goes-


You’re with your friend

You : ____Ahhh !! –waves-

Your friend : ____Ahh –comes over-

You : guess what happened yesterday when I was on my way home ?! –blush-

Your friend : -shocked-  what happened ?! o.o

You : kwangmin walked with me after you went , he hugged me kissed my cheek , and told me that he likes me  ^^

Your friend : -very shocked-


Teacher : class , guess what ?? –smiles-

Class : -confused-

Teacher : pop quiz –laugh-


Teacher : I was just kidding !! hahahaha

-kwangmin inters class gives you a smile-

-you smile back-

Your friend : yaaaa , you should go out together –winks-

You : I want him to ask me , I won’t ask a boy out -.-“


Kwangmin : ___Ahhhh –smiles-

You : kwangmin ^^

Kwangmin : can I talk to you for a minute please ?? –smiles-

You : sure ^^

-you and kwangmin in a place alone-

-kwangmin holds your hand-

-you blush-

Kwangmin : would you go out with me this Friday ?? please ^^

You : yes ^^

Kwangmin : -hugs- thank you ^^

-you hug back-


You : __Ahhhhh

Your friend : ___ahhh what’s wrong ? you’re blushing !!

You : kwangmin , date , me , out !!!

Your friend : he asked you on a date ?! –shocked-

You : nae ^^

Your friend : when is it ??

You : on Friday

Your friend : good luck –winks-

-you blush-

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koreanlover2min #1
All of a sudden! Wow, nice fic <3