when you fall in love with kwangmin =)

when you fall in love with kwangmin =)


When You Fall In Love With Kwangmin …

Characters : You , Kwangmin , Youngmin , Your friend …

In The morning :

Your friend : ____ahhh –smiles-

You : oh dongsaeng ^^

-you and your friend on your way to class-

Your friend : I heard we have a new students in our class !!

You : omo !! , Really ??

Your friend : Ya , why would I lie ?? -____-“

You : hahaha , minahae ^^

-you and your friend take seats-

Teacher : anneyong ha sae yo class ^^

Class : Anneyong  ha sae yo seonsaeng ^^

Teacher : we have new students today please intrdoce your self boys !!

Youngmin : anneyong ha sae yo , I’m jo yongmin ^^

Kwangmin : anneyong . I’m kwangmin ^^

Teacher : now take your seats at the back ^^

-the seats were behind you and your friend-

Kwangmin passes next to you and gives you a very cute smile

you blush and smile

Your Friend : Yaa , why are you blushing ?! o.o

You : I’ll Tell You Later –you said very quietly-

-you sneeze-

Kwangmin : bless you ^^

You : Thank you ^^

after school finish ..

-you and your friend are on the way home-

-you've arrived to your friend's house-

Your friend : Ok ____ ah , see you tomorrow ^^

You : anneyooong ^^

-on your way home by your self-

Kwangmin comes behind you suddenly

kwangmin : ____ahhh !! ^^

You : -scared- ahh kwangmin , it's you -heart beating fast-  you scared me !! T.T

kwangmin : omo , i'm so sorry  >.<  

i was just on my way home alone ...

You : where is youngmin ??

kwangmin : he had to do some thing , i don't know what is it , but it's about school x)

you : ahhh so your house is close form here ??

Kwangmin : yea , do you mind if i walked home with you ??

you : not at all ^^

kwangmin : so tell me a little stuff about you ^^

you : i'm not really that intresting person xP

kwangmin : haha , but i really want to know about you -gives a cute stare-

You : well ... uhmmm let's see  i was born in jan 29 , my favorites colors are red and white ^^

Kwangmin : oh nice ^^

-after you had a very nice talk with kwangmin , you finally arrived at your house-

you : time for me to go ^^ , it was very nice talking with you !! 

kwangmin : you too , take care -kiss your cheek and gives a very tight hug-

you : .......

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koreanlover2min #1
All of a sudden! Wow, nice fic <3