Big News

One Lovely Family

Thankfully after I told Taehyung all my feelings, he's been so romantic and sweet and giving me all his attention. Also, Jimin gave me more day offs since he knew what was going on with my family. I thanked him and worked hard when I did had to work in return.

Today was Taehyungs and my day off so we wanted to have a family day. We took our kids to Lotte World and they were so excited.

"Moommmmyyyyyy!" Seohyun screamed.

"Dadddyyyyyyy!" Daehyun added.

"Yes?" I said as I was packing my things in my bag. We were barely on our way to Lotte World because Taehyung was taking forever to wake up.

"Palli palli! Im too excited!" She jumped all around me.

"Ara ara, dont bug me, bug appa."

She nodded and ran to Taehyung."APPPA!"

"Okay sweetie we're leaving in 5 minutes," he informed and kissed her forehead.

"Yay! Okay! Daehyun come on lets get our stuff!" She ran to her room and got her tiny bag while Daehyun took his favorite stuffed toy.

"Okay, come little kiddos! We're going now!" I yelled. They both quickly ran down the stairs and headed out the door. I buckled them in the car and closed the door. Taehyung kissed me before he drove. I smiled then suddenly I felt my phone vibrating.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Soyung! Are you guys free today?" I could tell it was Misun.

"Well.. we're on our way to Lotte World right now.. why?"

"Aw chincha? I was going to invite you guys for some lunch.. we have great news!"

"Great news? Well we could go eat there first then go to Lotte World.." I looked at Taehyung and he nodded and uturned.

"Okay great, I'll see you! Bye!" She hung up and I was curious.

Great news? About? Is she omg no way...

We arrived at her and Jungkooks house and doorbelled before entering.

"Cominnnng~" she sang. She opened up the door and hugged all of us. She welcomed us inside and the first thing I smelt was chicken and spaghetti. I breathed it in and smiled.

We sat at her dinner table and waited for her to serve us. Our kids sprinted to their backyard and greeted Misuns dog,  Bogi.


Bogi barked and ran up to them. Seohyun petted him and he laid down and whimpered.

"Kids! We'll play with Bogi later, lets eat first!" I demanded. They obeyed and went back to their seat.

We ate their spaghetti and all I was thinking was what her 'news' were. Then finally she stopped eating and looked at Jungkook.

"So.. we have something to tell you guys.." she started saying.

"Which is?" I was getting too impatient.

"Is it okay if I stop babysitting for awhile?" she asked.

"Wait what?" I scratched my head.

"She has to take care of her health from now on," Jungkook said.

"For the sake of my I mean our baby." She closed her eyes waiting for me to scream.

"AHHHHHH! OMG CONGRATS GIRL!" I yelled. I got up from my seat and hugged her tightly.

"Also... we have decided to get married as soon as we can.." I screamed even more.

"FINALLY WE CAN BECOME SISTERS-IN-LAW GIRL! I AM SO EXCITED!" Taehyung and them laughed at my reaction and I hit them. I was just so happy, I love those two together so much and finally theyre getting married.

"Baby, you guys are going to have another play mate." Misun smiled and cupped their cheeks.

"We are? When?" Seohyun eyes widened.

"In a few months, you guys better be nice okay? For me?" she pouted. Seohyun pouted also and ran away from Misun. Daehyun followed and I ran to get them.

I caught up to them and I heard Seohyun crying.

"Baby whats wrong? Arent you happy for auntie?" I wiped away her tears.

"I am.. but.. that means no more babysitting us? Thats mean no more attention? Thats mean more lonliness? I dont want that mommy!" she cried.

"What do you mean? You always have me baby."

"But you have work. Daddy has work. We'll be just stuck with Eunji." She frowned and it broke my heart. I didnt know she felt like this.

"Im sorry baby, I'll think of something okay? I'll give more time with you guys okay? Just dont cry alright? Come on, before appa gets worried." She nodded and grabbed my hand.

"Is she okay?" Misun asked as we re-entered the kitchen.

"Yeah, I talked to her, she was just saying shes going to miss you babysitting."

"Ahh, baby dont worry I'll always visit," she smiled.

"Okay.." she wiped away her tears and grinned.

The rest of the time we were at their house, I was overthinking about what Seohyun has said. Maybe I should stop working . It wouldnt be that bad right?

I stood up and they all stared at me. I said that'll be back and I needed to go to the bathroom. I entered the bathroom and dialed Jimins number.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey uhm.. I dont think I should work any more, I hope you understand.."

"What? Please, you are one of my best models please."

"Im sorry but I just cant my family is drifting and I just cant right now.. maybe after my kids are gorwn up I'll be back just not now."

"I guess..its a really great loss."

"I know.. Im really sorry. Well keep in touch with me still okay?"

"Okay Soyung take care." I hung up and looked in the mirror. I was making the right decision. Making sacrifices for the love ones is always good. I breathed in and out and opened the bathroom door.

"Who were you talking to?" I jolted as Taehyung was waiting right outside the bathroom door.



"Jimin, I told him I couldnt work today.."

"Dont lie, I heard you. Why'd you quit?"

"Because Seohyun was crying because of us babe! She says we never give her attention anymore. I need to stop working for now so I could spend time with our kids."

"But babe, we couldve worked it out, I know how much you love that job."

"I love that job but I dont love it as much as I love you and our kids," I kissed him and he kissed back.

"Well since you said that... I kind of also quit my job.."


"Look appa said I could stop working for two years, he said that I'll still get paid but I dont have to work. He was upset on how our family is building up. So he decided to help.."

"He'd do that?"

"He already did honey." He stole a kiss and I smiled.

"Todays just too much. Too many big news." He laughed and nodded. We headed back to the kitchen and we saw our kids happily playing with Bogi.

"Mommy can we stay here? I want to play with Bogi!" Daehyun pleaded.

"Mhm, kids do you want a new dog?" Taehyung asked.

"YES!" they both screamed.

"Okay come on, lets go buy you a dog."

"Chincha? Youre buying us a dog?" I looked at him.

"Yeah come on before I change my mind." We nodded and waved goodbye to the newlyweds and went to pet store.

They were all so cute, I couldnt pick. I let the kids wonder around and look at the puppies they want.

After a few minutes they finally found one.


"Oh yes, that is our last husky puppy," the salesman informed.

"Kids you want him?" They nodded and I told the man. He got things settled and handed the dog to us.

"What should we name him?" I asked.

"You pick mommy."

"Alright how about Jayeon?" 

"Thats pretty! Yes!" They agreed and we took Jayeon home with us. 

After we arrived home, all they did was play with the new dog, I was happy that they were happy.

I wonder how life would go on from now, since we both arent going to work anymore.

Is this going to be better for us or not?


Author note: Hey~ Sorry for not updating in a while and Im sorry if this update . Well anyways I only have like 1 or two chapter left ): Please give me feedback thanks! Also thanks for the 50 subs and 700 views (: I'll fix everything later~

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I'll be adding another chapter later this week~


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gottie7 #1
Chapter 11: I am waiting for the link...-_-
gottie7 #2
Chapter 11: OMG I really like the story of V and yes it could be nice if you put kookie sequel but I want V sequel too... again... It was the best story i ever read..★ ♥♥♥
jiminbiasedxx #3
Chapter 9: Lovely familyyy!!
daetaebaek #5
Chapter 10: Yeah that would be great~! ^^
Chapter 9: yoo finally happy ever after . aww so in love with this story XD
daetaebaek #8
Aw this is so cute c:
VGuardian #9
Chapter 9: The couples in this story is sooooo cute, love them soooo much :D
xoRynoa #10
Chapter 9: Lovedddd it!~