EP1: Chen / Jongdae

Just Answer Me 2014

“Where is Kyungsoo?”

Chen looked up for the 10th time today from his desk, only to find Minseok pacing back and forth in front of him, with his constant fidgeting, a deep frown caressing his face.

“Have you eaten lunch yet?”

“That’s not important. Why do you think Kyungsoo’s not answering his phone?”

“When did you learn to skip meals? That’s so unlike you.”

Chen asked worriedly, knowing fully-well that his long-time OC best friend Minseok who’s obsessed with patterns and schedules just broke his quirk for a 2nd time today, the 1st one when he came in late, and a bunch of pink roses on his hands.

He knew that the guy never lost track of time ever since he can remember, and he most definitely was never the romantic type either.

But he thought that ever since Minseok started having a one-sided crush for their resident wide-eyed co-teacher Do Kyungsoo, he started noticing small inconsistencies in his friend’s personality, like suddenly spacing out over a conversation or smiling by himself when he thinks no one’s looking.

But then, those didn’t involve any breaking of his religious habits, so it came as a surprise for Chen for how Minseok was acting today.

“Something must’ve happened to him. Should we call the police?”

“Jeez, calm down. He must’ve taken an unexpected vacation or something that we don’t know about.”

“No, he doesn’t. He has a class today.”

“Everyone has, but maybe he just decided to skip it.”

“Then, he should’ve called. It’s unlike him to just skip without telling anyone.”

“Well everyone seems to be unlike themselves today, especially you.”

“I know. “

“I don’t like it.”

“Me, too.”

Chen knew from the sound of Minseok’s heavy sigh that he meant it, that his best friend was having a hard time. He didn’t want to see a disgruntled Minseok, because a calm and composed Minseok was way better. That’s his best friend. So even if he didn’t want to (because of reasons Chen doesn’t want to admit to himself), he offers his friend a smile and decided to help him look for Kyungsoo.

“Why don’t we ask the other teachers? Maybe they got the call from Kyungsoo earlier or something.”

He could see Minseok’s face brightening, a ray of hope flashing on his eyes as it lifted the corner of his lips into a smile. Now that’s more Chen likes it. A happy Minseok makes him happy, too.

“Great idea! How about we start from the English department?”

“Okay.” Chen said, getting up from his seat. He and Minseok rushed over to the English Department, a few cubicles away from their own.

Choi Si-won and Kim Kibum, two of the senior Literature professors were huddled into each other, deep into a discussion about something. As they walk to approach them, Chen overheard Kyungsoo’s name and car accident and blood being tossed into the conversation, and before he could compose his thoughts, he felt Minseok’s hand brush off him and saw him confront the two on what they’re talking about, with grief and panic etched on his usual bubbly face. Minseok must have heard them too.

“Please tell me what happened to Kyungsoo!”

“Hey, calm down Professor Kim. I just heard a rumour from my students. I’m not sure if it’s true…so I don’t think I should be telling everyone about this.” Kibum replied hesitantly, looking at Siwon and Chen for reassurance.

“Please, I need to know what happened to him. He’s important to me.”

Kibum looked at Siwon, who gave him a small nod.

“Well, they said they saw Professor Do being carried away by an ambulance earlier this morning. He was bloody after being hit by black limousine. And do you know what the most interesting point here is? That car is actually owned by ---“

“Which hospital?!” A wide-eyed Minseok cut him off.

“They said it looked like the Seoul National Hospital. But as I was telling you –“

“Ya, Kim Minseok!” Chen shouted after his friend, as he saw him give Kibum and Siwon a quick bow before running off outside the faculty room.

He knew where Minseok was headed to. With a quick bow to his sunbaenims, Chen dashed off to follow his best friend, but as he kept a small distance as he ran behind him, he came to realize that he wanted nothing more right now than for Minseok to stop, turn around and run back to him.

Author's Note

Hi guys~

Sorry for the late and short update. Been busy at work (yes, work) and life as usual.

Anyhoo, thank you you for reading! And to all my subbies, let me lava you~~~ 



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Ankzara17 #1
Chapter 9: Each chapter is very interesting to read! It makes me really curious as to what would happen. Is it wrong for me to want SuBaek/ BaekHo in this fanfic. Both seem broken and lonely. TaoHun/ SeTao is toooo cute!!! Love this story. Author-nim, please update soon~~
Chapter 8: Woooooahhh. Your story is good. I will love to read an update again. Daebak! <3 Love the story~