HunHan: Cinderella

Exo: The Fairy Tale Series

HunHan: Cinderella

Words: 3,618


Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom where people live peacefully, the king is kind who has a young son who must marry at his 18th birthday and replace the throne. Just at the edge of the kingdom, the last house was owned by a rich, handsome man who has a beautiful son named Luhan.

The mother of Luhan died when he was still a child. Luhan did not spend much time with his mother hence; he was more attached to his father. The father did not want Luhan to grow up without a mother and so he married again.

Luhan, being a sweet and loving child, accepted his father’s marriage and his new wife. The wife, however, has 2 more daughters named Ailee and Juniel who are both of different fathers. The stepmother treated Luhan just like her own daughters, loving and caring. She gave Luhan everything a mother should give that is until Luhan’s father died.

Luhan was treated differently by the time they reached home after the funeral. No hugs of comfort nor a kiss on the cheek but instead a harsh “Clean the bathroom.” came outside his stepmother’s mouth. Guessing that his stepmother is stressed because of the death of his father or maybe she is tired, with red and puffy eyes, he complied.

That was the day everything changed. From cleaning the bathrooms, later on he will sweep and mop the floor. He will feed the chickens and the nasty cat they own until it came to the point wherein he will serve them breakfast in their bedrooms.

After some time, Luhan always thought to himself that they are too busy to help them, too busy to buy themselves clothes and shoes and other unnecessary items. He once saw his sisters dragging out his clothes from his room and go back to their own rooms. He knew that they are stealing from him but he did not say a word.

Luhan soon found out that he was forced to settle in the attic because he found his stretched and now overly used clothes on an old, grey bed with his stepmother right beside it. The clothes were stolen by his sisters since they wanted to buy new clothes but their mother was away and the money she gave was all gone so they sold his clothes but his physique is small and the men in the kingdom forced the clothing in their fat or big bodies making them to only earn a few dimes that can help them last for a week. He doesn’t have any clothes anymore and the only thing he has is what he is wearing right now.


After a few days, weeks, or even months are drastic for Luhan for he was not treated as a person anymore. Sometimes he would sleep outside as a punishment for forgetting something or earn a few whips from his stepmother if ever he did not do his work properly.

Her true nature was shown. She was far more cruel and selfish than her daughters. She was ultimately jealous of Luhan’s beauty, especially his sparkling doe-eyes that neither man nor woman had in the kingdom. She was determined to at least ruin Luhan’s face but she can’t so she hid him. She will do everything to make her daughters the most beautiful women in the kingdom.

Days passed until she used all the fortune that was given to Luhan making them burdened with debt.




He woke up with the sun grazing his pretty face. He slowly fluttered his eyes open until it is accustomed to the light. He rubbed his eyes and stretched his hands and proceeded to wash himself up.

He slowly walked towards the window where he dried his now customized clothes. The clothes he had was not able to give him comfort as he followed all the commands he received from the 3 everyday so he fixed it in a way wherein he can move easily.

He walked to the kitchen and did his daily routine of making breakfast for the 3. He separated the plates, bowls, and teacups and placed them properly on the tray. He poured soup in the bowls and breads on the plate and lastly, red tea on the teacups.


A scream was heard from upstairs that caused Luhan to cringe. He was about to send them their breakfasts until his stepmother screeched saying that he must hurry. Unknowingly though, he accidentally poured the tea on the bowl and the soup on the teacup. He was frantic. He did not notice him doing it.


He ran upstairs with a tray on each hand and one on top of his head. He balanced himself on the stairs just as how he does every day and stood in front of the door where Ailee is sleeping.

“Ailee, your breakfast is here.”

Luhan placed the tray on his right hand down first then proceeded on opening the door. He took the tray again and went inside. He placed the tray on the side table near the flower vase with wilted flowers and opened the curtains in the room to give light.

Groaning, Ailee covered himself with the thick blanket.

“Good morning, breakfast is here.”

Ailee pulled the blanket lower to look at Luhan with a tray on his hand and one on his head. He looked at him with cat-like eyes and pointed at the vase.

“Pick me fresh flowers from the garden. I expect those flowers to be fragrant for you must’ve taken care of them!”

With his free hand, he took the vase with him and went outside the room.

He proceeded to do the same with the other but he accidentally gave Juniel the tray with the wrong catering, she threw the tea at Luhan making the bowl crash on the floor. Luhan bent down to pick the leftover pieces of broken shards and went outside the room.

Lastly, he opened the door of his stepmother’s room. His stepmother was on the bed, looking at him. He saw deadly serious eyes that made him tremble inside but did not show it. He showed a defiant look and remained near the door.

“Well? Come in and place that tray beside me.”

Luhan walked towards the side table and arranged the utensils for his stepmother to use. Bending down, he walked out again until his stepmother called making him only grab the door knob before turning it.

“I heard crashing sounds in Juniel’s room. I suppose you made her angry again.”

“Stepmother I—“


Luhan followed the command and stood up straight, looking straight at his stepmother. He was ready for this. His stepmother will always give him a heavy load of chores including all the things he just finished doing.

They love this. They just love treating him as a slave.




“Sehun is already 18 and he had to replace me in the throne!”

The king pranced around with his adviser, Xiumin, standing near. Sehun is 18 and he was the only son of the king. He can take over the kingdom all by himself but his father doesn’t trust him. He was careless. He doesn’t care about anything and most importantly, their kingdom.

“I might not make it Xiumin. I still want to see Sehun taking over the throne. Do you know how hard it is to see your child growing up?”

The king sadly said as he passed by the large pictures of him and Prince Sehun in his childhood years.

“Yes sire, seeing your son growi—“

“YOU MUST GO AND FIND HIM A RESPECTFUL MATE XIUMIN! I WANT TO SEE HIM WITH THIS CROWN ON HIS HEAD!” The king shouted as he pointed the piece of accessory on his head.

“B-but sire--!” Xiumin reminded.

“Sehun needs all the guidance he can get! I don’t want my kingdom crumbling down in his hands!”

“I can see now sire! You want to see your grandchildren!”

“I’m afraid not Xiumin. As you can see, he does not interest women.”

“B-but… How come? Are you saying that—“ Xiumin stammered.

“Yes, you are precisely right!” The king raised his hands in an approving manner.

“But the throne! Who will take over the throne?” Xiumin was now confused. He has this blank look on his face.

“Why we can always adopt right?” The king chuckled. “I just want to see him happy and well, in love.” The king said in a sing song way. “Now now, why don’t we make a ball? Invite all acknowledgeable men but yes, also women to be sure.”

“Will Prince Sehun know about this sir—“

“No no! He might lock himself in his room! Tell everyone to be quiet about the ball Xiumin. They must not say a word! Nothing!”




“Sing sweet nightingale, sing sweet nightingale ahh ahh ahh ahh ahhh~”

Sweet and lovely voices ring across the whole chateau. The sisters are having their vocal lessons and they have undeniably beautiful voices but unknown to them; they are not the only ones who own such voices.

Luhan sings along with them and makes wonderful harmony with his stepsisters. He was cleaning the living room and as he did, he was singing to make himself feel good. Singing was always his passion and dancing is right next to it.

After all the things happened to him, he never showed weakness. The last time he cried was after his father’s funeral. He had to stay strong, for his father. Sometimes he cannot help himself but dream of being free. What did he do for him to deserve this?

*Ding dong*

Luhan straightened his back and wiped off the sweat from his forehead. Hastily, he stood up and went to the door.

“Good afternoon sir, what can I do for you?” Luhan asked as he placed the dirty cloth in his pocket. The man in front of him was busy getting something from his bag.

“Good morning lad, as you can see—oh my goodness what a handsome man!” The man raised his voice upon seeing Luhan’s face.

Luhan smiled gently and lowered his head a bit and rubbed his neck. “Why thank you sir.”

“Ahem, anyways, the palace will be having a party and all are invited for it is Prince Sehun’s return to the palace. We hope you can come to the party young boy.” The man handed him a parchment and left.

Luhan examined the shiny parchment and went upstairs where his stepsisters and stepmother are practicing.


Sing sweet nightingale, sing swee—“

*knock knock*


“Stepmother—“ The door creaks then followed by his voice.

“Sweet child! Luhan, what do you want?” His stepmother stood up.

“There is a letter from the palace.” Luhan said as he showed the parchment and his stepsisters ran to him, getting the said thing from his hands.

“The palace?! Let me see!”

The girls tried opening the envelope but no one was able to since both are busy trying to get the letter from the other’s hand. Before they can rip the letter, their mother stole the letter and she read it herself.

“There will be a ball.” Their mother excitingly said.

“A ball?!” The sisters gasped.

“At the palace and every young maiden and male are supposed to go and attend the event.”

“Oh we must go! A party at the palace!”

“To celebrate Prince Sehun’s return!”

“Prince Sehun?!”

The two stepsisters jumped around with glee and their mother smiled happily.

“You two must dress beautifully! You must capture Prince Sehun’s heart! One of you!” Their mother said sternly.

“Luhan! Get me my best dress! Make sure to leave no dirty strain on it!” Both of them looked then pointed at Luhan.


Luhan, however, was in an excited mood too and so he asked. “That means I can go too!”

Juniel scoffed. “You can’t go Luhan as you can see you are not invited!”

“But it is said that every young maiden and male should go!” Luhan clasped his hands together in a pleading way.

“Hmm, you’re right.” Their mother said as she reread the letter.

Ailee gasped and ran to their mother. “You cannot make him go mother!” She pulled her mother’s dress in a childish way.

“I will make you go Luhan—“ She then looked at him with judging eyes.

“Why thank you stepmother, thank yo—“ He walked towards his stepmother to give him a hug but she raised her hand to stop him from doing so then spoke.

“If you can find suitable wardrobe for the ball then I’ll let you go.”

Luhan genuinely smiled. “I will stepmother! Thank you, thank you!” and with that he left. After hearing the door closed the 2 sisters are in rage.

“You will not make him go mother! I can’t believe you actually let him go!” The 2 stepsisters angrily shouted and stomped towards their mother.

“Now, now Juniel, Ailee… I said ‘if’.” Their mother smiled in a teasing way while the 2 stepsisters grinned. “Oh, ‘if’.”






Luhan was at the attic, there was a hidden room in it wherein he kept all his belongings when he was a child. The hidden room was rather clean because he always cleaned it. He kept the said room  organized for that is where his father’s things are hidden. He was ravaging through the neatly piled coats and suits owned by his father. He was, at the same time remembering the memories when his father was still alive.

Tears that landed to the piece of cloth he had on his hands, he saw them then wiped his face. He reminded himself to stay strong and have hope in everything. Standing up along with his chosen clothing then went downstairs.

Unknown to him, Ailee was following his steps and knew that he will sew himself a nice attire for the ball. She knows full well that Luhan can knit. With a worried face, she ran to his mother to tell him the news.


“Well look! I made myself a wonderful attire for the ball!”

Luhan was staring at himself at the mirror with arms bended, holding up the cloth just in front of his torso to inspect himself.

The wardrobe was pretty. Blue silk and gray cloth matched perfectly, with an improvised belt made from the remains of the used cloth and pants that has a shiny appearance. No doubt that he can go to the ball with that kind of clothes.


Luhan heard his stepmother calling for him and he sighed. Reluctantly placing the clothing down then let out a faint voice. “Coming.” With that, he went downstairs to see his mother.

Sadly, He did not notice a presence behind his door once he opened it and went down. It was her sister Juniel who was notoriously smiling and a pair of scissors was dangling from her hands. Upon seeing Luhan go down, she cautiously tiptoed and went inside to see the gorgeously hand-stitched wardrobe.

“You will not go to the ball, .”



It was night time when Luhan finished all the chores he was tasked to do. He was tired but then he remembered the ball so he hastily went to his room. He opened the door to see that the room is dark. He stepped forward and felt that he stepped on something sharp. The sharp substance ripped through his old shoes and injured his feet.


Slowly, he bended and blindly yet carefully looked for the cause of his wound. He felt a cold metal through his fingers and examined it. He realized something that he didn’t want his mind to wander upon. He stood up, and accidentally dropped the scissors. He shoved away the curtains to let light come inside.

The moonlight passed through his window and showed him his harshly ripped attire. It was not an attire for it was just pieces of cloth now.

He felt his knees wobbling and soon enough he found himself at the edge of his now steel cold bed. He placed his face on his palms and sobbed but he tried to stop his tears from falling but he found them running through his rosy cheeks anyway.

He heard footsteps just outside and raised his head to see the people he was expecting, his stepmother and sisters. All are ultimately accessorized, both gold and silver hanged on their heads and on their waists. They had no sense of balance in their colors seeing how they matched red with green and orange with black.

“Well Luhan are you read—oh! Look at the mess Luhan! I can see that you have no attire for the ball!” His stepmother faked a pity look but his stepsisters mocked him.

“How are you able to go to the ball with those rags?” They hollered.

“Now now children, we have to go. We cannot waste time here.” His stepmother sent them downstairs and closed the door, leaving Luhan behind.

But then the door opened revealing his cruel stepmother.

“Oh, and goodnight.”

Luhan then saw the door close with a creak. Immediately, his sight blurred and tears continuously flowed out as he pulled his attire in his arm and hugged it. The moment he felt the ripped cloth in his arms, he let out a painful cry and rushed to go outside to their backyard.

He cried on a nearby bench and even if you can see him from afar, you will already know that he is sobbing just from the look on how his shoulders raise up and down.

“This is useless, I will never be happy. Oh how hard life is. I can’t go on anymore.” Luhan said to himself.

“There there child don’t be like that.”

Luhan raised his head to see a grinning man in front of him. Instinctively, he stood up and backed away from the man.

“H-how… who…” He stuttered.

“Now Luhan, don’t be afraid, I’m here to help you. I’m Chanyeol your fairy godfather!” The man now stood up and bowed.

Luhan can see that the man is tall and he has his hair styled back. The man named Chanyeol was handsome and he can say that he is one cheerful man if not for his grinning face.

“My fairy godfa—“

“Why yes! I’ve always been watching you ever since you are little. I saw how you grow up.” Chanyeol walked towards Luhan and pat his head.

“B-but fairy godfathers aren’t—“

“Do not say such words Luhan! I have always seen how you believe in fantasies!” Chanyeol waved his finger. “Don’t let those stupid, stepmother and sisters you have dampen your dreams yes yes!”

Luhan bowed his head in shame. “Now Luhan don’t be sad—Oh! The Ball! Foolish me I forgot all about it!” Chanyeol remembered the Ball the moment he saw the ripped clothes Luhan has on his hands.

“Let's see hm, the pumpkin—“ Chanyeol waved his finger and the pumpkin moved and changed into a carriage. “And the mice could make good horses—“ Chanyeol pointed at the mice present in their feet. “The dog can make a nice butler—“ He darted his eyes on Luhan’s dog and it changed into a butler. “And another man to handle the horses.” Lastly, he waved his finger at a present lizard and it changed into a man.

“And now we’re—Oh and you!” Chanyeol smiled at Luhan who in return looked expectant.

Chanyeol grinned then pointed at Luhan’s feet then suddenly he wore expensive boots. Soon, Chanyeol raised his finger to Luhan’s torso giving him pure silk robes with blue embroidery. He has golden anklets and a long silver necklace.

“Now, you’re ready!”



For the 23rd time, Prince Sehun bowed at the lady in front of him. He raised his eyes on his father who was smiling from the terrace inside the ballroom. He was mad for no one told him that there will be a ball today and that he had to bow to several young women and men in their kingdom. He knew that his father was planning on his marriage but he never really wanted to.

He is not into women and he knows that full well.



Luhan entered the now empty hallway with curious eyes. The soldiers looked at him with utter admiration for they had never seen such a beautiful person before. He admired the pillars that keep the palace intact. The red curtains that are making the paintings look modern. He truly admired everything until he reached the staircase and went up to look for the ballroom.



“Miss Ailee and Miss Juniel.” A baritone voice echoed through the whole ballroom.

The two stepsisters went forward then bowed seductively, making their cleavages show. Sehun rolled his eyes for he knows what they’re doing. Reminding himself to be polite he bowed. He wandered his eyes to the entrance, wishing to escape but the thoughts of escaping disappeared as a figure appeared in his sight.

A man.

He stared at the person who walked to where the light reached him. Sehun saw how the man entered and walked inside the ballroom, all eyes on him for he looks magnificent. The visitors whispered to one another, commenting how beautiful he is while some young men, and most especially women, looked envious.

Sehun felt his feet walking on its own. Soon, he found himself standing in front of the centre of attention. He bowed to the man and slowly raised his head to look at his eyes. Speechless, he did not expect to see such eyes, doe eyes that shine and sparkle.

“May I have this dance?”





You guys comment fast! Thank you! Ill be adding the next scenes after at least 10-20 minutes





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Haleysiazzz #1
Chapter 1: You said that you will add the next scene at least 10-20 minutes and this was written 2 years ago
Chapter 1: Oh my god... This story is like written.... 2 years ago ;;
Gkarthik #3
Xiuchen should be princess and the frog!!! Please!!! Xiumin should be the hard working tiana and Chen should be the trolling rich prince!!! Please author nim!!???!
Chapter 1: Please update soon,cause this s a big cliff hanger.
YuShing7 #5
Thanks for the update :) please update soon <3
Chapter 1: Update soon. ..
Yes Xichen is' Frozen'...
For Xiuchen you could do a spin off of "Frozen" since Xiumin has ice powers (according to the Mama era).
Vonnerrs #9
Chapter 1: UPDAAAAAAATE! Juseyo kkkkk this is cute! ❤