
Someone's Getting Challenge

"Hello everybody" Jonghyun turns on the camera and starts off with a greeting and the usual perfect smile on his lips. "First I wanted to apologize for not uploading new songs the last three weeks... I was kind of having a block, but I'm working on something right now, so don't worry!" It’s clear how exited and bubbly he gets with the idea of the new song.

"But now I bring to you..." He waits some seconds creating just the right atmosphere "...The Someone's getting challenge!" His hands go up in the air to make emphasis. "Yah! Take your mind of the gutter you guys!" He fakes an angry expression and points his finger to the camera, as if accusing the person watching the video.

He will edit that part so his little intro would play, and now in front of the camera appears he and a taller and skinner male. "Today I have as a guest, Taemin" Jonghyun presents the boy "And if you follow my videos you'd know that he's my boyfriend"

"Hello everybody" the boy repeats the usual sentence that his boyfriend uses in every video. The shorter chuckles at that.

"So, the challenge is like that, we wrote some mini-challenges in pieces of paper and put them in a bowl" Jonghyun starts explaining to the camera, and Taemin raises a black, large rimmed hat on his hand, where the said papers are.

"Wait, that's not Key's?" Jonghyun raises an eyebrow, looking at their ‘bowl’. The taller boy doesn’t say anything, just struggles. "He's going to kill you"

"Just continue"

"Yeah, yeah... So." He waits a second before talking, trying to remember where he stopped "Yeah, and we will do it! And the loser of each challenge will have to take an article of clothing off... Who gets first loses!" He says it all in a relaxed manner, as if stripping in front of a camera for hundreds of people over Internet is normal.

"Since you are the guest in my challenge, you can pick first" Taemin rolls his eyes, he is always there, he doesn’t feel exactly like a guest anymore.

In anyway, the boy puts his hand in the hat, scrambling the papers a little and taking a piece out "Arm-wrestling" he smiles. Both boys rise from their sits and go to the table, putting their elbows on the wood and grabbing each other's hands (always bringing the camera with them, adjusting its angle every time they change positions).

"I'm going to win that" The silver haired male says confidently eyeing the skinny figure of his boyfriend, who grins. "I wouldn't be so sure" Taemin hardens the grip of his hand, provoking the older boy.

"Three, two..." Jonghyun starts counting "one, GO!" their arms flex immediately, showing off their muscles. Of course he knows that Taemin, despite his looks, is strong, flexing his arms like that makes it obvious. But he himself also is pretty fit.

For a moment, their arms don’t move, both forces going against each other. But after some seconds their fists start pending for the older's side of the table, making a huge smirk spread on Taemin's face.

They growl with the force that they’re making, squeezing their eyes shut. Jonghyun wouldn't lose to his boyfriend, no. He presses as hard as he can, but the black haired boy is still winning. Just then, the taller boy gives in for a second, but it’s enough for Jonghyun slam his hand against the table.

"Woooh!" He shouts with the win, smiling. Those hours in the gym paid off for something, at least.

They reach back to their sits and Taemin shows his tongue to him, in a childish gesture "It was almost" he says in his defense, smiling nonetheless.

"But I won! Take it off"

"Bye socks" Taemin takes the pair of white socks off, showing them to the camera, and throwing them somewhere in the back of the room. "Now you pick the next one" he hands the hat to Jonghyun, who was grinning happily.

"Sure" his hand scrambles the papers until he picks one "Hand-standing. "

"Ha!" The other doesn’t hide how sure he is of his win.

"Right, three, two, one!" They both launch their bodies up, trying to stand in their palms. "!" The sigh is a mess, their legs stumble in each other, tangling, and they manage to fall together, laughing like crazy. "Oh man" The younger boy rolls on the floor, stumbling in the piano bench and dropping some sheets of paper that were laying there. It only makes them laugh lauder.

"Since this was clearly a tie, we'll do again" Jonghyun states as he rises from the floor, still laughing a little. They count and get on their hands. This time no major accident happen, but the silver haired male falls the same moment that he stands up. Taemin takes three or four seconds to fall, winning the round.

"Socks off" he says in a demanding voice, playfully. Jonghyun does as he is told, giving the hat to his boyfriend.

"The food challenge" he smiles, picking up two covered plates, and explaining, "We asked our friend to choose six foods and put three in each plate, we will eat this without looking and who get more foods right, wins" the younger places one plate on Jonghyun's lap and other one on his own, also taking a fork.

After a bloody battle of Rock Paper Scissors, they decide that Taemin will start. The boy has one of Key's scarves tied around his eyes (they would get murdered because of the hat anyway, so why not do good use to Kibum’s designer clothing?). The silver haired male opens the wrapping and shows the camera the food in there, bringing a finger to his lips, doing a 'shh' sound, as if asking the viewers to keep quiet and not tell Taemin that there is peach jelly, pickles and beans.

"Ok, open up" Jonghyun first picks the beans with the fork. The other opens his mouth but starts giggling, "Sorry" he murmurs when Jonghyun complains that he can’t feed him that way, but keeps giggling anyway.

When they manage to do it, Taemin makes a face of disgust "Ughh, its cold" he opens his mouth wanting to spill the cold thing out. He reaches for a napkin or something "Jonggg!" he asks for help, but his boyfriend just laughs at his face.

"You gotta eat it Taem" he smirks evilly.

"You're not doing your work as a good boyfriend Jonghyun" he tries sounding mad, but fails. And after some difficult chews, Taemin swallows. "Yuck" he puts his tongue out of his mouth, felling the disgusting beans.

Jonghyun laughs softly, "After all that drama, what was it?"

"Beans" he says bitterly "Cold beans. I mean, I have nothing against beans, but cold beans are horrible" Taemin gestures with his hands, still blindfolded.

"Yeah, yeah. And you tell that I'm the picky one..." Jonghyun shakes his head in disbelieve "Ok, next one!" He announced, picking up the fork with some of the yellow jelly to put in Taemin's open mouth.

"Hm... Jelly"

"Which flavor?"

"Knowing that's jelly is not enough?" Taemin inquired "You know that those all taste the same pure sugar"

"Nope, you have to know it!" Taemin couldn't see it, but he was sure that Jonghyun had a stupid smirk on his lips, already counting with the win.

"Hm... Give me more" he opened his mouth again, tasting the jelly carefully on his tongue "Ah! Peach!"


"Ha!" He knew he was right "next one" opening his mouth much more eagerly, fired up by the right guess

Jonghyun rolls his eyes but put a big portion of the pickles in Taemin's mouth, hoping that the boy would say something like cucumbers or something.

But he doesn’t stand any chance, Taemin will get it, after all, they already tried lots of different recipes from the internet with pickles. Jonghyun can’t blame anyone but himself, he was the one that made them do it, chasing for the true recipe of Crabby Patty.

"Pickles." He laughed smoothly "they never get better" he complained but ate the green vegetable (it was a vegetable?) anyway.

"When we find the secret ingredient they will taste good, don't worry" The shorter only stated, taking the scarf off of Taemin to wrap it around his own eyes. Actually, himself isn’t a great fan of pickles, but they had to taste good in Crabby Patties.

"Yeah, they will" Taemin answers, with a warm smile and a soft chuckle. "Now your turn" he grins, waving his hand in front of the other’s eyes to see if he isn’t seeing anything through the green fabric. Then he picks the fork in his plate, burying it in Jonghyun's first food, frozen meatball.

"Are you ing serious?" He explains, swallowing the thing "Minho didn't heat that stuff up before making us eat this? Ugh, is horrible"

"Take this as a revenge for the beans" Taemin smirks to the face of disgust on Jonghyun. He looks for the next item in the plate, asking himself if he should give his boyfriend that, it looks a little too evil of his part... But it was Minho's fault. He have to remember to call the tall man’s attention later, for choosing cold and also for the fact that Taemin could have picked that plate instead of Jonghyun.

"Meatball, meatball." He gave his answer in a hurry "Give me the next one" Jonghyun opened his mouth wide, wanting to replace the taste of frozen meat with anything else.

"Hm... Ok, and just to remind you that Minho picked the food, not me" and with that he puts the fork in Jonghyun's mouth.

The man jumps in his sit, makes the most inhuman sound, and opens his mouth wide, as wide as he can, and you know, singer's mouths are pretty big.

"! Oh god, Taemin!" He pleases, searching for help

The boy laughs but feels a little sorry anyway, so he stands up to get a glass of milk to his hopeless boyfriend, who drank it as if he hadn't seen food for weeks.

"You know, since you are korean, you should accept spicy food a little better" Taemin mocks, but gives him more milk.

"Yeah, but pure pepper is not just spicy food" he drank more from the glass "and you know that I don't like spicy stuff anyway"

"I'm sorry babe" Taemin apologized\s in the cutest voice that he can "but blame Minho!"

"Yeah, yeah, just give me the next thing" Taemin put a good amount of baby food in Jonghyun's mouth, hopping that it would take the taste of the pepper away.

"Hm... Thanks god, something that's actually eatable"

"And I'm the drama queen here..." The taller boy rolled his eyes "ok, what's it? You gotta get it right if you want to stay clothed"

"Baby food" he smiled confident.

"The flavor?" He inquired, smirking to himself

"Oh, Tae, come on, baby food is much more difficult than jelly"

"Nope, you have to know it" he quotes the sentence that the older said earlier, trying to do a lame impression of his voice.

"You really at this voice thing you know"

"Whatever, you still didn't get it"

"Hm..." He hesitates, taking a little bit more of the food in his mouth "Apple" he says after some seconds.

"Is not only apple" Taemin feeds the older with more baby food

"There's only apple here!"

"You lose" the younger boy takes the blindfold off of his boyfriend, with a smirk covering his face "it's apple and banana"

"That's unfair, apple and banana is no-" The younger boy just sighs and leans to kiss his boyfriend, succeeding in shutting him up.

There is a sudden cut in the image of the camera, but the boys appear again in their sits "Sorry guys, we had to stop filming due to... Technical problems" Jonghyun smiles lazily, ignoring the fact that they just started making out in the middle of the filming.

"Oh, yeah!" Jonghyun remembered, brushing the side of his hair with his fingers "Onto the next challenge" he’s already putting his hand in the hat.

"Wait, wait, you are not fooling me" Taemin takes his hand away from the pieces of paper "shirt off" he commends trying to keep a straight face.

The older curses under his breath (only Taemin can hear since Jong tries to keep his channel completely PG... Or almost) with the failure of his plan, he takes his plain black t-shirt off with a fast movement.

"Why so pissed Jong? You were the one so exited in doing this video" Taemin smirks.

"It's not going the way I planned" losing two challenges in a roll can be pretty frustrating.

The taller laughs with the answer and decides that he already annoyed his boyfriend a lot, so he just puts his hand in the hat to pick the next challenge, even not being his turn.

"The monster challenge...?" The silver haired man looks to Taemin for an explanation.

"Oh, who can drink a whole can of Monster drink first wins" The younger says, standing up to go to the kitchen, adding right after, "Oh, that thing is huge". He complains taking the can in his hands, it was indeed bigger than most of soda cans out there.

They count and start drinking. Turning the black cans against their lips, gulping them down without really tasting the yellow drink. They have to stop some times to gain their breaths. And Monster start dripping down the corners of Jonghyun's mouth.

Taemin stops one or two times coughing, but he’s so close, he fells the can getting lighter... But then, Jonghyun growls in victory, out of breath. And he smashes he can in his hand to prove his point.

"That's not fair, you spilled half of it!" Taemin accuses, pointing to the shorter boy's torso, now wet with the drink. The other just smiles lazily, not really denying the statement, but not wanting to acknowledge the younger either. He gives him a quick, small peck on his lips to take that pound away.

"Shirt off"

Taemin rolls his eyes yet again, but smiles picking the hem of his shirt, a little hesitant to strip in front of the camera. He eventually takes the piece of clothing off, revealing his flat stomach, with a hint of muscle under the pale skin. But it’s indeed different from his boyfriend's body, which is tanner and has those juggling collarbones and more muscles.

Jonghyun smirks and even flexes his muscles a little, showing off. The taller raises an eyebrow and also smirks, the shorter boy could compare their bodies on camera and act all prideful because of it, however, Taemin is sure that at the end that flat tummy of his drove the boy crazy.

They continue the game with the breath holding challenge and the balance challenge (in which they had to keep a bunch of random objects, like a banana, on top of their heads for longer), it makes both Taemin and Jonghyun lose their pants.

Now the two males are only in their boxers, which is surprisingly not that strange. A little awkward, yes, but not bad. Probably because, while they sit in front of the camera, the only skin that is shown is from their belly buttons up.

"Ok last one" Taemin looks with expectation between the shorter boy and the hat, he picks up a paper and reads out loud, "The note challenge"

"YEAH!" Jonghyun jumps up, it is obvious that he will win, after all he is the singer. The taller doesn’t hide his slight disappointment, but he still hold a confident smile on his full lips.

“Whoever holds a low note the longer, wins” The shorter quickly explains the challenge to the audience, he’s exited, Taemin can tell. They sit with a straight backside, filling their lungs with air.

The younger holds his hand in the air, counting down with his fingers, from three to zero, to indicate when they should begin. They start together, parting their lips slightly to let a low ‘A’ continuous sound leave their mouths. The improvised harmonization is actually impressive, Jonghyun is a singer anyways, but Taemin isn’t bad himself. For the first minute they hold the note well, but then the sound begins to decrease, the viewers could see Taemin’s force the area of his throat, and his boyfriend closing his eyes in order to concentrate.

Their voices start varying tone, getting even lower. They both also start to whisper the note faster, forcing it to the max. The younger sends a side look to the camera, quickly looking back to his boyfriend, he moves his arms slowly in the other’s direction. The viewers can’t see his hand, just his arm, but is enough for them to notice how the boy is distracting Jonghyun.

The silver haired male opens his eyes, without losing his breath. Keeping the note up, he grabs softly Taemin’s thin wrist, taking it out of his lap. He stares at his boyfriend, who only looks back innocently. The couple look at each other for a couple more of breathless seconds, and finally the younger is the one who stops harmonizing first.

Jonghyun stops right after, jumping from his chair (and almost knocking it over) to celebrate – It’s important to remember that the boy is only in his underwear, even though he doesn’t seem to mind it. All his audience can see is an exited Jonghyun singing a victory song on the background and his boyfriend with a fake grumpy expression on his face, still sitting on the same spot.

The older finally stops and comes to lean over his empty chair, resting his elbows on the back of the furniture. “Strip, pretty boy” he doesn’t even try to hide the huge grin on his face. The other just send him a death stare, but stands up none the less, the camera shows their knees up, cutting their heads off the frame.

Jonghyun picks the camera to adjust its angle, so it would show only their bellies up to their heads while they stand. He looks at the other expectantly, waiting for him to start. Taemin still has a small smirk adorning his lips, he wouldn’t let the other feel that much satisfaction with winning.

He simply takes his dark pair of boxers off, showing it to the camera before throwing it to the floor again. The camera doesn’t really show anything, but the viewers just know that the taller isn’t wearing anything right there, in front of them. Jonghyun chuckles lightly, imagining the fanboys and fangirls watching that when he upload it.

Joking around, he looks at the younger’s body up and down, and wiggles his eyebrows to the camera suggestively “Just keep imagining” he says in a erted way.

Taemin openly laughs, choosing to ignore his silly boyfriend. “Hope you liked the video” he says, it’s better to end that now before it gets dirty. “We did the boyfriend tag over my channel, so go over there to check it out.” They begin to say all the basic ending to any video, click here to watch more, click there to subscribe, and all of that.

Jonghyun finally turns off the camera with a smirk, “So” he turns around opening his arms in an invitation “You can finish taking my clothes off”. All he receives in return is his pants thrown at his face.

Taemin is already putting his boxers on again, smirking at the other. “Shut up, we still have to edit that thing”. It’s enough for the singer to get conscious about that huge gameplay he did with Minho the other day that lays on his files just waiting to be edited. Still, he was going to make another comment on how they should enjoy since they were almost already anyways, but the front door opens before he can.

Kibum, Taemin’s flat mate, enters the room with a single shopping bag. He looks up and takes a second to analyze the situation, his peaceful expression turns into a pissed off look quickly, making the couple in the room freeze. They look at the articles of clothing that were stolen from the blond’s wardrobe to be used as props for the video, knowing that he wouldn’t be happy at all.

For god’s sake Taemin, I don’t care if you’re using those professional cameras to film you and Jonghyun having , but the living room is shared space.” Kibum says it in the most scary, serious tone. The couple stay frozen in their places, glad to be off the hook for the clothes, but still scared.

“No!” the older is the first to react “You got it wrong” he starts explaining, as Taemin dressed quickly “It was for a video, we just had to strip to the camera-“

“I really don’t want to know” he replies looking up and going to his room’s direction “Really, shut up” he looks at a shirt that lays on the floor with a growl “I won’t clean your stuff and I don’t want to see anything when I live this room” just like that, he shuts the door, not listening to what his friend was trying to say.

Junghyun chuckles quietly at Kibum’s reaction. He looks at his boyfriend, who has a smirk on his lips an evil glint on his eyes. “What’s up, Tae?” he may or may not know what came next, and to be honest, it did sound good.

“You know, that isn’t a bad idea” he looks at the camera on the desk suggestively, and then to the rest of their clothing on the ground “We should try”

The younger receives a grin in return.









I hope I could meet your expectations, and I'm not even commenting on the time without updating.

This is the last fic of the year! (yep, still dec 31 for me) And I wish you all happiness~

See you all in 2015!

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Chapter 1: This is a great story, I ❤ it!!!
Chapter 1: omg i loved the boyfriend challenge agghhh this version of youtuber jongtae is great aghhh
Chapter 1: Haha! So much fun! I like like like it. I will read more of you
ChelleBelle #4
I loved the first part and I cannot WAIT to read this!!!