Xiuhan | Fluff, Parents!AU | 1913w

EXO Drabbles

Prompt: Parents!Xiuhan featuring toddler!Kyungsoo

They’re still trying to figure things out. 

Of course, they’ve come a long way from the moment they first held their newly adopted baby boy, who blinked up at them with his wide, brown eyes.

All their past adoptions, more than they could count, had fallen through, some right as they got to the hospital to get their baby. After the failed adoptions, Luhan was quick to cry for a while Minseok would his hair, telling him that they would succeed next time. After making sure Luhan was okay, Minseok would mourn his own way, by sitting in their completed nursery for a few hours, repacking all the baby clothes so they wouldn’t collect dust as they went through the whole process again.

But the moment they finally got to hold their newborn, they knew he was theirs. And by the way Kyungsoo’s tiny fist closed around Luhan’s finger, he must have known he was theirs too.

Though they had a full plan on how to raise Kyungsoo, highlighting and bookmarking pages after pages in baby books, they discover that it’s not so simple when they have a real life baby crying in front of them. But they’ve survived every midnight feeding, diaper changes, teething, and potty training and with Kyungsoo’s third birthday approaching, they’re almost out of the terrible twos.

Today’s one of those lazy days were neither Luhan nor Minseok have to work, so they opt not to take Kyungsoo to daycare. Luhan, being the sappy husband he is, decided that morning that he would let Minseok sleep in and he took their too-awake toddler out to go buy breakfast. He doesn’t sleep in too long though because from the bedroom he can hear his husband and child bickering in the kitchen.

He slowly makes his way to the kitchen, running a hand through his hair to flatten his bedhead a bit. Instead of entering the kitchen, he stands in the doorway watching Luhan argue with Kyungsoo about how they should arrange the breakfast tray to bring to him. Kyungsoo’s sitting on the counter and attempting to knock the cup of coffee off the tray.

“Kyungsoo, stop. You know Daddy likes coffee with his breakfast.” He pushes the toddler’s hand away and moves the tray away from him.

“Daddy says I hafta drink milk to grow big so Daddy needs to drink milk so he can be big too.” Minseok’s ego takes a hit.

“Yes, I’m sure Daddy wants to be bigger-“ Ouch. “But don’t you think he’d be happier if he had his favorite drink?” Kyungsoo shakes his head and pouts, once again attempting to get rid of the offensive cup. “Okay, let’s make a deal and give Daddy both. Will that make you happy?” Kyungsoo nods, but his face is still sporting a pout so Luhan feeds him some of his breakfast pastry and pours milk into his favorite Batman cup.

Minseok takes this moment to announce his presence and comes up being Luhan, placing a hand on the small of his back so he can reach up and kiss him.

Luhan looks sheepish after they pull apart from the kiss. “Ah, did we wake you? Sorry… we couldn’t quite agree on what drink to give you.”

“So I heard.” He gives his eager toddler a kiss on top of his head and scoops him into his arms. “I’m glad to hear that the both of you are so concerned to see me grow taller.”

Luhan grimaces. “You know I like your height just the way it is.” Minseok shoots him a look. “Okay, that didn’t come out right, but I’m not that tall either so we’re a perfect match.”

Minseok hums in agreement and tickles Kyungsoo’s sides until he’s squirming and squealing. “Hopefully, this little boy has more hope than us.”

The small family eats their breakfast at the kitchen table, and Minseok struggles to keep up with both Luhan and Kyungsoo feeding him. To Kyungsoo’s delight, he also pours a small cup of milk to drink with his coffee, and Kyungsoo reassures him that he’ll grow nice and big.

After breakfast, Kyungsoo slides off his chair and runs into the living room where all the DVDs are set up. He picks out a kids’ movie and runs back to the kitchen where his parents are cleaning up. “Dad! Dad!” He tugs on Luhan’s pant leg. “I can watch this?” He holds up the movie so Luhan can see and puts on his best puppy dog eyes.

“Didn’t I tell you that you had to put away all those toys you had out when I came in your room this morning? Do that first and then you can watch.”

Kyungsoo whines and sinks to the ground. “I don’t wannaaaaa.”

“I don’t caaare,” Luhan replies, imitating his son. Knowing that Luhan’s usually the parent that’s easier to convince, Kyungsoo doesn’t even try to butter up Minseok and gets up to do as he’s told.

“Trying to make up for buying him ice cream for breakfast?” Minseok teases his husband. He finishes hand washing the few plates and mugs they used and flicks soap bubbles at Luhan.

Luhan retaliates by retrieving a can of whipped cream from the refrigerator and squirting a dollop of it on Minseok’s nose. He quickly it off though and presses his lips against Minseok’s. “I love you.”

Minseok kisses back. “I love you too. Now go make sure our son’s actually doing what he’s supposed to.” He playfully kicks Luhan’s as he leaves and his husband sticks his tongue out at him.

“Kyungsoo~ Are you cleaning up your toys like a good boy?” He calls out as he approaches Kyungsoo’s room, but his question is quickly answered when he sees the toddler sitting on the ground playing with an array of his toys. “Didn’t I tell you to clean this up?” He crouches down in front of his son who’s looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes.

“I dunno.” He replies cutely, tilting his head to the side.

“Yes, you do know. I told you to pick up your toys and you can’t watch your movie until you do.” Luhan’s voice is stern, but his expression is mirroring his son as he also tilts his head to the side.

Kyungsoo pouts and nods. “I will, Dad, but first I hafta save Daddy from the bad monsters.” He points at a plastic dinosaur that’s sitting on top of a teddy bear. “This is me,” he holds up his favorite Batman action figure. “And this is Jonginnie.” He holds up a Barbie doll (which they bought for their first failed adoption but Kyungsoo had wanted it when he spotted it), representing a boy from his daycare.

“Where am I?” Luhan asks, suddenly interested in the situation. 

“There.” Kyungsoo points over a troll doll that’s lying under his bed.

Luhan frowns and crawls over to rescue his miniature self. “Why am I all by myself?” Kyungsoo shrugs and continues playing. “Are you mad because I told you to clean up before you can watch the movie?” He gets no response. “Will you stop being mad if I help you clean up and let you eat a whole chocolate bar while we watch the movie?”

Kyungsoo smiles that contagious heart-shaped smile of his and nods. Luhan knows he’s been duped again, but how could he not make his son happy?

They quickly clean up the toys (more like Luhan crawls around the floor picking them up while Kyungsoo rides on his back) and move to the living room so they can watch their movie. Minseok’s back in the sunroom, reading a book with his thick-rimmed glasses perched on his nose, so Luhan figures he can more easily sneak chocolate to Kyungsoo.

But he should have realized that the toddler’s still a pretty messy eater, and he can no longer hide what’s he done from his husband when Minseok sees the chocolate stains all over Kyungsoo’s shirt. Minseok gives Luhan the silent treatment for some time, but like usual, Luhan’s able to kiss the angry look from his husband’s features.

After eating lunch, it’s time for Kyungsoo’s nap, and since it’s Minseok’s turn to put him down, he’s cooperative and curls up under his favorite blue blanket to sleep. Though Minseok and Luhan love being around their full-of-life toddler, it’s these few private moments that make the day easier to get through. They curl up on the couch, Minseok wrapped in Luhan’s arms and make small talk about work and where they should go for their next date night.

“I don’t know if I’ve ever thanked you for suffering through the whole adoption thing with me.” Minseok starts. “I knew you didn’t really think we were ready back then, and maybe we weren’t, but I’m glad you still went along with the whole process.”

“You know that you’re the one who makes the smart decisions in this marriage. Even if I don’t like your idea at first, we both know that it works out best in the end." 

“Mmm, you’re right,” Minseok agrees. Luhan pokes him in the side to make him squirm. “You said it first!” He protests. “But I told you that you make an awesome dad, and I was right so you still owe me 20 bucks from that bet.”

“I’m pretty sure I’ve bought you over $3,000 worth of coffee since then, so we’re even.”

“And I’m pretty sure I’ve let you grab my a-“

“NAP OVER, LET’S PLAY!” Kyungsoo yells as he runs into the room. He’s put on a cape now and runs back and forth while making ‘swoosh’ noises. The parents sigh and separate from each other, preparing for an exhausting afternoon with their little ball of energy.

The rest of the day is filled with finger painting, blanket forts, and the stork version of where babies come from. They don’t have to worry much about getting Kyungsoo to sleep because the toddler falls asleep against Minseok’s chest as he attempts to teach him how to read. Minseok’s always been a pro at changing Kyungsoo’s clothes without waking him so Luhan observes in awe as Minseok manages to get pajamas on the boy in under 5 minutes. Luhan does his part by turning on the nightlight as they leave and making sure that his bedroom door is cracked open. 

They’re glad to finally have such a long span of time to spend together and be intimate, which is getting harder as Kyungsoo gets older. But apparently their son has some sort of intimacy-radar because he knocks tentatively at their door just as Minseok and Luhan’s lazy kissing turns into flush cheeks and roaming hands.

Minseok sighs and gets out of bed, leaving Luhan a minute to compose himself. “Daddy!” Kyungsoo exclaims as Minseok opens the door. “He holds his arms up and Minseok knows the drill as he picks Kyungsoo up and takes him to their bed.

“Another bad dream?” he asks?

Kyungsoo nods and curls up against Luhan’s side when he’s placed on the bed. “Uh huh. A elephant was gonna eat me.”

“Well, an elephant won’t get you here, I promise.” Luhan coos as he rubs Kyungsoo’s back.

Minseok and Luhan can only give each other apologetic looks as they settle into bed with Kyungsoo between them. But they still give each other goodnight kisses and link their fingers together as they fall asleep as a small but happy family.


Requested by shinee_ta05. I pretty much wrote this in a two hour binge so I apologize for any mistakes or rushed parts.

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Chapter 4: all are good but the last chapter is the best because parents!xiuhan is adorable with their kyungsoo <3
Chapter 4: all of the stories are cute but the last one was just too adorable ^^
superannesnow #3
Chapter 3: I just found this story and i really like your promt. I notice it has been a while since you update this story. I will wait for you to update the story. I really hope you do
Chapter 4: I read it again..
Thank you for making this for me :)

Very very lovely
korealoverkyopta #5
These are so sweet! ♡.♡ where have you been all my life?
foreverbee #6
Chapter 4: "The small family"
lalice2 #7
This are so adorable. Beautifully written. Please write more xiuhan <3
Chapter 4: I loveeee it. I'm just finishing all the chapters.
I love oblivious luhan and understanding minseok so so so much :)
And for the las chapter, unfortunately, kyungsoo doesnt grow up that tall either (‾⌣‾)♉
Babysoo is so cute ^^
tearHEREband #9
Chapter 3: Falling more and more deeply for this ship T^T Awwe XIUHAN is the cutest, sweetest ever!