Mutual Friend

The Start Of Something New

/The Next Morning/

Your eyes fluttered open. You blinked a few times to adjust your sight with the bright light. But it still took some time so you closed your eyes again. Only then did you realize, something warm next to you. Your face on something warm, yet hard. You could feel this “thing” moving. Seemed like it was breathing. Then it struck you. You were in Kris’ embrace, your face resting on his chest. His hands, hugging your waist close to him. A bit too close. You decided to savor this moment and kept quiet about it. A smile slowly creeping on your lips. You moved a little, to make yourself comfortable, hoping he wouldn’t wake up. Sadly, he groaned. On the bright side, he tightened his grip around your waist, pulling you even closer. You were practically inside him, your face squeezed to his chest. He smelt like mint and chocolate. You looked up to see his face. He seemed to be smiling, and enjoying this as well.


/Kris' P.O.V/

I’ve been hugging something soft. It gives me a nice feeling so I continued to do so. This “thing” keeps moving though. What on earth am I hugging? But I don’t want to wake up just yet. This “thing” here, I don’t want to let it go. I feel much happier and comfortable when hugging ‘it’. Might as well wake up, I bet it’s morning already.


/Author's P.O.V/

Just as you were about to go back to sleep, he bolted awake. “___________-ah! I’m so sorry, I’m so used to hugging my pillows and.. I guess.. I’m just.. Sorry!” He said, stuttering, showing that he’s embarrassed. “It’s alright. I didn’t mind. I was feeling a little cold either ways.” You said smiling, trying to suppress the commotion. He let out a sigh of relief. “So then, ________, You were enjoying this eh?” He said smirking, in a teasing manner. “More like you enjoyed it because you engaged in it.” You said sticking out your tongue playfully. “_______! I said I was sorry. Stop making me feel embarrassed!” He said pouting a little. You laughed at how cute he was, and replied, “Alright alright! I got to go do some chores. If you need anything, I’m just a knock away!” You said winking. He nodded. “Do you need help with your chores though?” He asked. “No need. It’s nothing much.” You said rejecting his offer, smiling.


You had finished doing the dishes. You were currently mopping the floor when you heard your bell ring. You rushed to the door. When you opened it you saw Kris. He seemed happy. “Hello, ______. I thought I could bring some lunch over. You must be working hard, your apartment looks great. It screams for me though.” He said teasing. “Don’t you ever get lonely _______?” “Not anymore, with a goofy friend like you. How old are you again?” You stuck your tongue out playfully. “Look who’s talking about age when she herself is always being playful by sticking out her tongue” He said while pinching your cheeks. “Well you’d make a cute couple.” A third voice said. You both turned to look at who that voice belonged to. It was a guy for sure. Looks like you had forgotten to close the door. “Are you sure you’re just friends?” He was smirking, being playful. “Chanyeol” You and Kris said simultaneously. “Wait you know him?” You both confronted each other, once again voicing out simultaneously. “You guys even talk at the same time! Am I interrupting your lovey-dovey time?” Chanyeol asked teasing. “Kris, do you not check your phone? I messaged you saying I’d drop by. And oh! _______ -ah, I didn’t know you lived here.” “Yah! Park Chanyeol! We’re not a couple and that’s for sure!” You retorted. Anger growing from within. Chanyeol then, chuckles. “I’m just messing with you guys. Say Kris, the rest of us thought of hanging out, wanna join? _______, you could join us too. We’re just going to Suho’s house. He lives in a mansion, figured it’d be big enough for us all.” He says grinning. You just stare, blankly. “I’d rather not spoil your hangout by my presence, I wouldn’t know anyone there!” You finally replied. “_______-ah! They’ll love you. Trust me!” Chanyeol pleaded. “Chanyeol’s right. It would be fun! No worries, I’ll always be by your side in case you get lonely.” Kris says, winking. “Gosh. Get a room or go out with each other already! You could have your dates at my café. I’ll give you a discount!” He says rolling his eyes and then laughing like an idiot. You grabbed the nearest pillow from your couch and threw it at Chanyeol. “Idiot.” You muttered. “So, tomorrow. Lunch at Suho’s? _______, You better come, or Imma kidnap you.” Chanyeol says grinning. Kris nods and replies, ”No worries, I’ll be there. I’ll make sure she comes too.” 

[A/n: Yes. You all would've figured by now what is to happen next. :P I added point of view here since it was necessary. I will add it every now and then. >< I din't update yesterday because my friends dragged me with them for shopping. >< sorry 'bout that. Hope you enjoyed this chapter :3 please comment or subscribe! Sankyu~~ bai-bai.]

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Chapter 9: good story.....
Chapter 9: Awww that's so cute ^^ hehe I love your writing!!! Its at least 1000000 times better than mine hehe
Yasashi-Hana #3
Awe,that was cute ~
And no you don't !! I love your writing!! <3
Hmmm.. How 'bout Minseok aka Xuimin 'cause he is my ultimate bias *gives a cheesy smile*
Just a suggestion ^^
Looking forward to your further work....
<3 Yasashi-Hana <3
Chapter 7: I see my name so often in the comments lol
thanks for the lovely update megumi :)chanyeol is such a derp hahaha ^-^
Chapter 6: ahhh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hehe omg Kris you giant baby hahaha omg so cute. Thank you for the update megumi :D looking forward to the next one ^.^
Chapter 6: omg i love this <3
Chapter 5: yo just wanted to point out that you might want to inform us who's POV it is cause the second paragraph seemed a bit random until i realised it was kris's POV LOL anyways thanks for le cute update with an addition of derpyeol hehe :D
Chapter 3: omfg im just dying!!!! i dont usually like really cutesy stories but this is so SWEET!!!!!!!! Kris is so cute here :D
thanks for the update author-nim :D
Yasashi-Hana #9
Chapter 2: Ohhh your Japanese!? I'am an otaku as well as a Kpoper so yeah....
By the way author-San nice story! I'm also new over here and I didn't started weighting yet but I got an idea about what to write.... Your English is AWSOME for a non-native speaker( I'm not a native speaker either) barley any grammatical errors..... Hoping to see more of your writing.... Fighting!