
The Start Of Something New

You were making yourself comfortable on your couch holding a tub of your favorite ice cream. That was until you heard your doorbell ring. You rushed to open the door to find Kris standing there in front of you, smiling. “What are you doing here Kris?” You asked out of shock. He hadn’t announced his visit which is why you hadn’t worn anything decent. You were dressed a bit too casual. Just some over sized shirt and shorts. “I thought we could.. Perhaps.. Work on our project?” “Oh! Right, do come in. Wait in the living room. Let me change into something more presentable.”  You smiled. “No need. You look perfectly fine this way. I prefer girls in their natural self rather than those showy types.” “Ah~ But this is a bit too casual and you’re a guest.” You argued in a polite tone. “I came here to focus on our project. Not how you're dressed. We’re neighbors either ways. We’re bound to be close. I might be seeing you like this almost all the time!” He said winking, making you blush furiously in reply.

 “So then, I thought you know everything about me already, why come back? We don’t have to be together to draw.” You asked a little confused with your hopes of him liking you, rising. “I feel like I should get to know you better. I want to know you better. Somehow.. You make me feel.. Not so alone in this new world.” He replies with a sincere look. “ Wah~ Kris! Don’t say such things. I’m pretty sure you’d make tons of friends before you know it. You might end up forgetting me. You’ll end up being super popular. I mean, with your looks and all. You’re already so popular with the girls! Don’t bother being friends with me. They might find it odd that you’re hanging out with someone who’s not so popular. Not that anyone hates me, I’m just not popular.” You say ,trying to mask your disappointment in yourself with a sweet but fake smile. He then tilts your head upwards using his index finger by lifting your chin. He intensely stared into your eyes, this time being serious.”Yah! __________ don’t you dare say that. I find you amazing no matter what. You’re a fantastic friend. You’re kind, Sweet , pretty. Why else would you have a boyfriend, who I bet loves you very much?” “Boyfriend? What are you talking about?” You ask laughing. “Wait, that oversized shirt isn’t your boyfriend’s? It’s so huge that I assumed it was a guy’s..” “Oh god Kris! I’ve never had a boyfriend. I highly doubt a guy would fall for someone as normal as me. I mean, I don’t even wear make up!” you said, your laughter dying down. “______-ah, you don’t need make up. Don’t even bother trying to look pretty when you already are. And all the guys are douche bags for not looking at your perfection rather, looking at your flaws.”

You looked down blushing. Why is it that only he could make you blush. “Say, _________, how about we go over to my apartment? Forget the project. Let’s watch a movie or a drama of your choice. How about it?” He asked grinning, as usual breaking the awkward silence. You nod, eye-smiling. “That like sounds fun.” 

[A/n: Sorry this was a short update. Perhaps, since I've realised it's a weekend, I've gone back to my lethargic self. How typical of me. Anyways, I hope you like the chemistry which is blossoming between the two! (^^) whee~ haha. Will give a bigger update tomorrow. Bai-bai for now. Hope you all like it. :3]

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Chapter 9: good story.....
Chapter 9: Awww that's so cute ^^ hehe I love your writing!!! Its at least 1000000 times better than mine hehe
Yasashi-Hana #3
Awe,that was cute ~
And no you don't !! I love your writing!! <3
Hmmm.. How 'bout Minseok aka Xuimin 'cause he is my ultimate bias *gives a cheesy smile*
Just a suggestion ^^
Looking forward to your further work....
<3 Yasashi-Hana <3
Chapter 7: I see my name so often in the comments lol
thanks for the lovely update megumi :)chanyeol is such a derp hahaha ^-^
Chapter 6: ahhh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hehe omg Kris you giant baby hahaha omg so cute. Thank you for the update megumi :D looking forward to the next one ^.^
Chapter 6: omg i love this <3
Chapter 5: yo just wanted to point out that you might want to inform us who's POV it is cause the second paragraph seemed a bit random until i realised it was kris's POV LOL anyways thanks for le cute update with an addition of derpyeol hehe :D
Chapter 3: omfg im just dying!!!! i dont usually like really cutesy stories but this is so SWEET!!!!!!!! Kris is so cute here :D
thanks for the update author-nim :D
Yasashi-Hana #9
Chapter 2: Ohhh your Japanese!? I'am an otaku as well as a Kpoper so yeah....
By the way author-San nice story! I'm also new over here and I didn't started weighting yet but I got an idea about what to write.... Your English is AWSOME for a non-native speaker( I'm not a native speaker either) barley any grammatical errors..... Hoping to see more of your writing.... Fighting!