Future: Till Their End


“Mommy, when can I see Daddy?”

Kyungsoo stop reading the newspaper and glance at the little boy under the blanket. She almost didn’t understand what her son was saying because he was under the blanket but she did hear Daddy and in an instant she already knew what her little boy asked.

“Sehun-ah, Daddy is really busy with his work. But I’ll call him and ask him if he can come over okay?” she ask while trying to pull down the blanket so she can see her little boy. As expected when she got the chance to pull the blanket down, she was greeted with an eye smile.

“Really? You’ll call Daddy?” the boy asked. Kicking the blanket off his body. Kyungsoo nodded.

Her son then went to sit on her lap, cup her mother’s face with his little tiny hands, and gave her little kisses all over her face.

“Thank you! Thank you! Did I tell you how much I love you Mommy?” Sehun smiled.

“Pffft! Who do you love more Mommy or Daddy?” Kyungsoo asked. A huge part of Kyungsoo wanted her son to say that he loves his Dad more than her and its not because she doesn’t want her son to not love her but to somehow know that even though Jongin is not with them and he doesn’t spend much time with his son, Sehun will not hate his Father. That is one thing Kyungsoo doesn’t want to happen.

“Of course I love you more Mommy! Just tiny bit more than Dad” Sehun showed by bringing his index finger and thumb together barely touching.

“That’s what I thought” she said while tickling her son. at the same time, trying to avoid getting kick in the face. Even though it’s not what she wanted to hear but it’s at least good to know that her son loves his Father even after everything.


After the wrestling match which resulted in Sehun’s ‘fair’ win. Kyungsoo got out of the bed and started to make her son ‘IHop Sunday breakfast’ which consist of chocolate pancakes with lots of syrup, eggs, and bacon. On regular days, she would give him something healthy but every Sunday Sehun gets a treat.

Watching her 5 years old son eat his breakfast she can’t help but to think of the things that happen in the past years. From the moment she told Jongin that they were having a baby to now. A lot of things happen.

People thought that Kyungsoo went easy on Jongin. That she should have atleast played hard to get but when its not just about her but its also about her baby she didn’t want to waste her time playing tug of war with Jongin.

They decided that it was best for them to not be together that they shouldn’t just make the reason of them having a baby to be together. Kyungsoo said that Jongin is welcome to come over to her apartment when he wishes too. Jongin would come over everyday and ask Kyungsoo if she needed anything. One day, Kyungsoo asked Jongin to just move in with her to make it easier for him.

Temptation was there. Not just for Kyungsoo but with Jongin too. They both know they want each other but are scared to make mistakes again. There are a lot of times where Kyungsoo could just strangle Jongin and kiss him until they’re both out of breath but she tried really hard to not let it get to her. She didn’t want their relationship to be like the one before.

People didn’t question their relationship. All of their family and friends knew that they were having a baby together but no one ever knows if they’re together or not. In Kyungsoo’s case, only Chanyeol knows what happening behind the smiles. As for Jongin, She doesn’t know what he tells people. They have a good relationship and that’s all she can ask for.

When they found out they were having a boy, they were both really happy. They’ve always wanted a boy and they know that because of the random talks they had when they were still together in high school. Kyungsoo told Jongin that he can name the baby. He is the father after all but Jongin said no because as parents they should find a name together.

Sehun was born on April 12. Giving birth was painful for Kyungsoo. She didn’t know what to expect. Her mom told her about it but all the worries went away when she heard her baby’s first cry. Jongin was with her all throughout the experience and when he saw his son he balled his eyes. Kyungsoo still remembers what Jongin told her at the moment Sehun came out “Ky, Thank you for giving me Sehun. I love you both” and maybe it was because of the happy moment but right when Jongin finished saying those words. Kyungsoo was greeted with full lips against hers.

They live together as a family for the first 3 years but when Sehun turned 4, Kyungsoo decided that maybe its better if they separate especially since they are not even together. She knows it will be hard for Jongin and Sehun but Sehun needs to get use to it while he grows up, that her Mommy and Daddy are not really together. At first Jongin was against it but later accepted it saying he has the right to visit his son whenever he wants to. Kyungsoo happily agreed.

A week later, Kyungsoo and her son settled in a 2-bedroom apartment. Jongin comes everyday to check up on them. Their relationship just revolves around their son and that’s all. They never talk about them. They had no reason too.

Kyungsoo even teased Jongin that he should get a girlfriend soon but Jongin says the same thing about her. But Kyungsoo always replies with “Sehun is the only man in my life” Jongin ended up throwing a dirty diaper at Kyungsoo saying that he was there too. Kyungsoo doubt that.

They both tried to date again. Meeting different men and women but somehow they never last long. Also, the funny thing about it is that whenever they meet a new person they ask each other's permission first. Its ridiculous really but in a way both of them wants for the other to tell them not to go and stay.

Kyungsoo realize that she was still in love with Jongin when she sees him with their son. When they play around the apartment or when Jongin tries his best to feed Sehun and ends up making a big mess for her to clean. What hurt her most is that she knows that Jongin loves her too but they are just too stubborn or scared to make a move. Jongin is just a touch away from her but she can’t bear to go to the love of her life.

But now, all she feels is hatred towards Jongin. He hasn’t called his son for one week. Kyungsoo knows that his working on a big project for his company but one call will do. Sehun has been asking her everyday if his Daddy can come today and Kyungsoo tried to make a good reason that will not hurt her son’s feeling.

She was pulled out from her thoughts when Sehun was calling her.


“Mommy, the phone is ringing it might be Daddy can I go pick it up?”  Kyungsoo watched her son with soo much excitement in his eyes with the thought of his father finally calling.

“Let Mommy answer it okay? It might be for work” She saw Sehun pouted but her son is too young to pick up the phone and if it wasn’t Jongin, it will only disappoint him.

Kyungsoo walked to the counter and grab the phone. She looks at the caller I.D. and what do you know Jongin is calling. About time she thought.

“Hello” she said in a very annoyed voice

“Hey its me” Kyungsoo almost lost all of her anger when she heard Jongin’s deep morning voice but she prevented herself and was about to give him a piece of her mind when she felt a tug on her shirt.

Looking down she saw Sehun looking up to her asking if it was his Daddy. She nodded and Sehun held out his hands before she gave Sehun the phone, Kyungsoo needs to tell Jongin that they need to talk later.

“Sehun wants to talk to you and just soo you know we are talking later” Kyungsoo tried to be cheerful because she doesn’t want Sehun to know something is wrong.

“I know. I’m sorry-“

“Don’t say sorry to me, say sorry to your son” She didn’t wait for Jongin to respond. Kyungsoo bend down to put the phone next to Sehun’s ear and grab his little hands to make him hold the phone.

She walked backed to the living room but not before hearing Sehun say

“Mommy! Daddy said he’s coming today!” Kyungsoo can hear the excitement in her son’s voice upon hearing his Daddy will come today but she doesn’t know if she can say the same thing.


According to Sehun, Jongin is coming around 3 pm to take him to the park and play. Its now 3:45 and the boy is too excited to stay still.

“Honey, I told you to stay still or else you’re going to get your clothes dirty. Do you want to your Dad to see you dirty?” Kyungsoo ask. She knows that her son admires his father soo like any other kid Sehun likes getting compliments, especially if it comes from Jongin.

Sehun shakes his little head with a whimper of “nooo..”

Kyungsoo looks at the mirror and check if she looks okay. Her son is not the only that should look good in front of Jongin. She’s currently wearing a maxi dress with her hair in a bun and just a light make-up. And no, she’s not trying to get Jongin’s attention. She just wants to look representable. Yup, that’s it.

They wait patiently while watching some Pororo that her son is super obsessed at the moment.


Knock! Knock!

Before she can even react, Sehun is already opening the front door.

“Daddy!” Sehun says. Jongin picked up his son to carry him.

“Woah, I think my son is getting handsome just like his Daddy. What do you think Mommy?” Jongin ask Kyungsoo when they reached the living room. Sehun still attached to his father.

When they are around Sehun they call each other Mommy and Daddy because their son likes it when they’re together. Just like how a normal family is.

“Nahh~ I think my son is betting looking than his Dad” Kyungsoo teased while she gets up and tried to get Sehun by holding her arms out.

Sehun shakes his head. Clinging more to Jongin. The move made Kyungsoo pout but she knows that her son misses his father a lot so she lets it past. When Sehun rested his head on Jongin’s shoulder. Kyungsoo drop the smile and looks at Jongin with eyes that she wishes will kill him.

“How are you?” Jongin asked awkwardly. He then gave her a kiss on the cheek before giving her a half hug. He would have give Kyungsoo a big hug but with him holding Sehun half hug will do.

“Don’t how are you me Jongin! Where have you been? His been asking about you” Kyungsoo hissed quietly trying not to make Sehun hear their conversation.

“We’ll talk about it later. When we get home. I told Hyun that we are taking him to the park. We, as in you and me”

“But I thought it was just you and him?” If she knew that she was tagging along them she would have ditch the maxi dress too something more park friendly outfit.

“Yeah but wouldn’t it be better if we spend Sunday as a family?”

“Okay. Let me just go change”


Jongin placed his son on the couch. He bend down and fix Sehun’s shoes. When he finished he got up and walked to Kyungsoo’s room.

“Are yo-“ Jongin couldn’t finish his sentence. Kyungsoo is currently lifting off the dress over her head. Jongin shouldn’t really look but its Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo in her bra and hip hugger’s undies. He cannot not just look at her. He figures Kyungsoo didn’t hear him soo his safe to stare at the mother of his son.

Kyungsoo is really beautiful Jongin thought. Even though she has given birth already she took care of her body really well and all of her hard work gave her good result. Yes, indeed. Jongin couldn't help but look at Kyungsoo from head to toe. Damn! That though. He didn’t even notice that he his lips when he checked out her . Jongin is thanking the heavens for not letting Kyungsoo notice him.

Well at least that’s what he thought.

Kyungsoo smirks as she puts on the leggings and a white top to go with it.

Jongin step back a little and pretends that he just walk right now.

“Are you ready?”

“Yeah. I just need to put on my shoes and off we go!”


The family made their way to the park with Sehun between his parents. He couldn’t be happier when he sees his Mommy and Daddy together. He wishes that they were together for real and that his Daddy live with them. If he had genie he would use all of his 3 wishes to make that happen.

“lets go to the Monkey bars Daddy” He pulls his Dad to the direction of the monkey bars. While Kyungsoo opted to just watch the boys on the bench. Besides, she doesn’t see this often and she tries to savor the moment.

“Hun-ah, let make a deal. If you have hang on the Monkey Bars for 10 seconds I will show you something, okay?” Jongin looks into his sons eyes and when he sees him nod Jongin lift Sehun and told him to grab on the handles.

“Hold tight. Remember 10 seconds” He let go of Sehun.

He ignores Kyungsoo nagging to put his son down and watches Sehun with determination on his face.

“..6…7…8…9…10! Wow! My son is really growing” Jongin held onto his sons as he brought him down.

“Show me nowwww Daddy! Is it a toy?” beaming at his father. He hopes its Pororo but when Jongin showed a ring, Sehun is confused.

“What is that for?” He pouted. It doesn’t look like its for him. Its too shinny and girly

“This, my little soldier is for Mommy. I’m going to ask her to marry me today when we get home but she needs to say yes. Will you help Daddy and make her say yes? But you can’t tell her what its for. Okay?” Jongin ruffles his son’s hair when he receives an okay.

They ran back to Kyungsoo who looks annoyed at Jongin but he just smiles at her while he sits down bringing Sehun to his lap.

“Mommy!” Sehun scream

“Honey, don’t scream. I’m next to you” Kyungsoo wipes the sweat coming down her son’s face.

“Sorry! Mommy you have to say yes to whatever Dad is going to ask you okay? No matter what please please pleaseeeee say YES!” Sehun begs with his hands clasp together.

“Okay. Mommy will think about it. go play with other kids.” She watched as Baekhyun made his way to his playmates.


“Should I start or you want to explain yourself?” She leans back not facing Jongin.

“I was busy with work and other things” What Jongin means by other things is picking out the right ring for her together with Chanyeol.

“You could have called you know. He was asking for you everyday” Kyungsoo looks at him. Jongin turns his head and looks back at her

“I know I’m sorry. I didn’t want to make promise to him when I didn’t even know when I will be able to finish the work. That’s why I didn’t have time to call. I wanted to get everything done as soon as possible soo I can come over but it took longer than I thought.” He confessed.

“Make it up by staying over tonight. Just spend time with him that’s all I ask” Kyungsoo turns to look at Sehun trying to get Luhan to give him a piggy back ride.

“Really? Thanks Kyungsoo. Again, I’m sorry for not being there.” Jongin really feels guilty not seeing his son for one week but if Kyungsoo says yes tonight then he will be able to spend time with the most important people in his life 24/7.

Kyungsoo hums in respond.


After the park they went to eat dinner at restaurant. It wasn’t a surprise when Sehun ordered a cheeseburger. Kyungsoo couldn’t really say no with her son’s puppy eyes and Jongin already order it. They talked about Sehun’s school and that Luhan is a meany because he didn’t want to give him a piggy back. Jongin and Kyungsoo just laugh at their son’s stories. After the dinner they went home. Jongin is carrying a sleeping Sehun while Kyungsoo just stayed by his side. She had the urge to hold Jongin’s hands while they made their way home. Times like this she would resist herself but she can’t help it when his hands is basically screaming for her to hold it. So she holds Jongin’s hand.

Jongin was shocked first but he just smiled at her.

Sometimes you don’t have to say anything to let the others know how you feel. Simply the connection between the two is enough to understand the other.

Kyungsoo didn’t let go of Jongin’s hands until she had to open the door to her apartment. Jongin took Sehun to his room.

Jongin placed his son on his bed removing his shoes and clothes replacing it with his pajamas.

“Sweet dreams. Daddy loves you” He placed a kiss on Sehun’s forehead.

“Daddy you have to make sure Mommy says yes. Okay?” Sehun mumbled under the blanket. Jongin just laughs at his son’s cuteness.

“I will. Goodnight”


When Jongin got out of Sehun’s room  he found Kyungsoo sitting on the couch watching T.V. She was drinking wine and there was another glass assuming for him. Kyungsoo saw Jongin just standing, patting the space next to her

“Sit I don’t bite you know” She said as she pours some wine for Jongin.

“Wine? What are we celebrating?”He ask as Kyungsoo handed him the drink and leans closer to him.

“I don’t know. I just felt like drinking and relax for tonight. We can say that we are celebrating that you finally showed up”

“I already feel guilty don’t rub it on my face” He pouted. Kyungsoo really does hold grudges.

“I’m just trying to lighten up the mood. We haven’t really talked in a while and its hard for me to say this but I miss you” She said in a playful tone. She really did miss Jongin. Every part of him.

“I miss you too”

Jongin took a sip of the wine and put it back on the table. He was leaning forward and couldn’t see Kyungsoo’s face but when he turn his head to look at her. Kyungsoo was staring at him with those eyes that he fell in love with. Maybe its the wine that gave him courage when he move forward giving Kyungsoo a tight hug.

“I miss you soo much” Jongin said

They stayed in that position for a while. Jongin’s face is against Kyungsoo’s neck breathing her scent. In a way Jongin was kinda on top of Kyungsoo but its not like they both care at the moment.

“What did Sehun mean when he said you were going to ask me something and that I have to say yes no matter what?” It was really bugging Kyungsoo. Although she kinda has an idea of what is it but she didn’t want to get her hopes up.

“Oh that” Jongin says when he pulls back but not all the way. Their faces are just a few inches apart. And now Jongin is literally on top of her.

He didn’t say anything for a while. Just caressing Kyungsoo’s cheek. Kyungsoo didn’t move or pushed Jongin away. She didn’t want to. After all these years she knows that she’s ready to have Jongin back in her life once again. Kyungsoo knows that it will be not an easy path as Jongin is a good looking man and women will try to get his attention but she’s more than willing to fight them away. Her thoughts were halted when Jongin finally spoke.

“I love you, do you know that?”

Kyungsoo nods

“I kept on loving you all these years, do you know that?”

It took her a while to answer but then nods.

“I will love you till our end, do you know that?”

Kyungsoo shakes her head.

“Will you let me to love you till our end Kyungsoo?”

Kyungsoo starts tearing up.  Eventually her tears falls down but Jongin is there to catch them.

“I ed up before and took every punishment that was given to me. But I can’t take not being able to hold you when I want to, kiss you when I see your lips, hug you when you’re feeling down, and love you till the morning. I want us to grow old together. See Hun grow up to a handsome man. I want to have little Js and Kys running around the house. I want you. I want my other half. Will you let me have all of those things?

She couldn’t find her voice. She wanted to say yes to Jonin. That its okay for him to have everything he wants. Kyungsoo is more than willing to give it to him.

Giving up on her voice, She cups Jongin’s face bringing their lips together.

The kiss lasted 9 minutes and loving each other lasted till the morning.



Sehun woke up by himself. Usually his Mommy will be the one to wake him up but he waited for his mom but she never came. He thought that maybe she was sick. He went to his Mommy’s room to check on her if she’s okay. When he reached his destination he saw his Daddy and Mommy on the same bed hugging each other.

“KYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” the boy scream.

Jongin got up when he heard his son’s scream thinking something must have happen to him but when he look at the door Sehun is standing there just watching them with a big smile on his face.

“Hun-ah! Why are you screaming early in the morning? You’ll wake up your mom!” Jongin scold his sons. The boy was too happy to care if his in trouble right now. He climb up to the bed and stared at his parents.

Jongin was up and Kyungsoo kinda just looks at his son. She can’t really get up. Even though Sehun is still young, she doesn’t want to ruin her sons’ eyes with whatever she’s hiding under the blanket.

“Mommy you said yes?! Yay! I’m sooo happy” the little boy crawls to his mother to give her a hug and a kiss

“Say yes to what honey?” Kyungsoo ask confused. She can’t really think straight right now. Every part of her body is aching but its a good kind of pain.

“To Daddy?” Sehun then grabs his mother's hands to check if she has the ring on but when he saw that her hands were ring free he looks at his dad

“The ring?” he asks Jongin. He thought that they were going to be a complete family now.

Seeing the pout and the teary yes of his son, Jongin panicked

“Hun-ah go get the ring from my pocket will you? My clothes are in the living room” the moment Jongin said those words Sehun was up running to the leaving room.

‘Daddy and Mommy doesn’t know how to put their dirty clothes away’ Sehun thought as he reach the living room. Kyungsoo and Jongin’s clothes every where.

He shrugged and search Jongin’s pants. Finding the ring he ran back to the room where he saw his parents just smiling at each other.

He crawls back to the bed giving the box to Jongin.

Jongin shakes his head

“Hun-ah, do you want to ask your mom?”

“Uhmm okay”

Tiny little finger opens the box revealing a ring. Kyungsoo looks at her son and when she saw the ring she looks at Jongin for some answer.

“Mommy…” Sehun says

“Mommy, will you marry Daddy?” Kyungsoo looks back at her soon with expectant eyes.

She was about to answer but was cut off when Jongin spoke

“I wanted to ask you last night but we kinda got carried away and forgot about it. soo what do you say? Will you let me love you till our end?”

Jongin grabs his sons placing him on his lap. He held onto his son’s right hand which had the ring and lift it up holding out the ring for Kyungsoo to take.

Kyungsoo took the ring but she didn’t say anything.

The key to my heart

Was engrave inside the ring

Its going to be a big step for her and Jongin. Especially with Sehun growing up fast but  once she glance over to her boys, she knew that she will give her all to see the two happy.

“I don't knowww. I don’t think Daddy deserves it” She teased


She smiles at Jongin before giving him a kiss

“Forever and ever babe”


Sehun started jumping on the bed after his Daddy slip the ring on his Mommy’s finger. He figures since they are now family and it's a happy moment he will ask for his second wish

“Can I have a sister now?”


/cries/ its finished now. and i think 4k+ words are a good way to end the story lol. it took me a long time ti update because didn't know how to finish the story. i thought about just ending it with the last chapter but i got this idea. I hope its not that bad.

I want to say thank you to every that subcribe and read the story. its my first time writing and im still learning so thank you thank you! on the other note i have a new fic! its a genderbender fic too with ofcourse Kyungsoo being a girl heres the link http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/620076/dunzo-genderbender-exo-genderswitch-kaisoo

thank you again!^^

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Chapter 1: Quick question, how do you pronounce Ky? Key or Kaye? ♡
Chapter 4: "She watched as Baekhyun made his way to his playmates" i know this was just a typo but seeing that triggered me a little XD but other than that, THANK U FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL STORY ♡♡♡





Chapter 2: IM SO MAD AT JONGIN!!!!!!!

but hey i just observed that your writing improved reading your first few fics then the latest ones! good job!!!
Chapter 4: oMG.! I love KaiSoo with a baby. And yes please kaisoo with another baby. Fulfill hunnie's wish author'nim please ^^
YouAreMySecret #6
Chapter 4: I love this story!!! You wrote it so realistically!!!
Chapter 4: This made me cry with both sad and happy tears... T^T I love this story so much! Hope you'll write more great stories!! I'll be waiting ~
Chapter 4: Ohmyglob tho i enjoyed reading it, i was so tensed all throughout the story bc i wasnt sure if it was going to end in a happy note but it did so whew thanks author-nim XD
kimkaiii #9
Chapter 4: I really love your stories authorsshi thank youuuu
Chapter 4: It was so good and lovely, I loved it.