Fate? Or Karma?

A/N: Mianhe for the long wait! Here is chapter 3!

No one's POV..

RiGaBi was invited to the U-Kiss studio by UKiss(of course!) and _____



6members: I'll get it! *start fighting*

Eli: *sighs* I'll get it *opens door*

RiGaBi: Anyonghaseyo! I am RiGaBi-imnida!

Eli: Anyonghaseyo. I am Eli-imnida. Make yourself at home.

In the studio living room~

_____: So, RiGaBi-----

RiGaBi: Call me Alex.

_____: Okay, Alex. Tell us about yourself.

Alex: Well, okay. My name is RiGaBi. Alex for short.

I am 16 years old. I was born on February 9, 1994. I am an only child.

Kiseop: Faves?

Alex: Food- ramen(Korean), Dessert- Ice Cream(seriously, who doesn't?!), Band/s- U-Kiss, SS501 etc..., Color- black, Song/s- TONS!!!, Book/s- TONS!!!, Movie/s- TONS!!!

Kevin: Okay.

KiBum: Who wants to play a game?

Alex: What game?

KiBum: Truth or Dare

Everyone sits in a circle.

KiBum: I'll go first. Ri---- I mean. Alex, Truth or dare?

Alex: Truth

KiBum: Which member of U-Kiss do you like the most?

Alex: I like you all equally.My turn! Can I pass it to Kevin?

KiBum: Ne.

Kevin: Hm~ Alex!

Alex: Mwoyeyo?! Me again?! Dare.

Kevin: I dare you to kiss me!

The other U-Kiss members are shocked, Eli and _____ are laughing.

Alex: Okay. *stands up, walks to Kevin, leans in*

Kevin: *closes his eyes*

Alex: *kisses his cheek*

Kevin: *pouts*


_____: Aren't your parents worried?

Alex: I don't have parents.

_____: Oh. So where do you live?

Alex: See that? *points to a huge mansion* That's where I live.

All: WOW~

Alex: Actually, I was wondering if you guys were interested in sleeping over at my house? I've got a huge room with 4 large beds.

6members: YES!!!!!!!

Eli: *lmao* Sure. If this 'lil freak will allow me . *nudges _____*

_____: *rolls her eyes* I'm okay with it.

At Alex' house~

Alex: Here's the arrangement;




Kiseop, Me&KiBum

The next morning~

U-Kiss and _____ wake up.

_____: Where is Alex?

6members: *start panicking*

Alex: Down here!

6members: *run downstairs, shocked*


6members: What did we see?!

Me: Secret... *evil smirk*


Mianhe for taking so long! BTW, the next chapter will be about my friend[Daniela501] and Saengie[SS501]... Subscribe and comment! Kamsahamnida for reading! Saranghae!heartheartheart

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EXCUSE ME... THIS IS ukiss_ss501_addict . I will not be posting on that account anymore. This is where zi'll be continuing every fanfic I have...
ukairr98 #2
huh? u and kibum? O.O
ukiss_ss501_addict #3
@daniela501: haha! i'm adding _ustin as a part of my past...
Dongsaeng! :D I liked my part.. ^_^ Haha.. And you got _ustin too.. :))
ukiss_ss501_addict #5
@n-chan: hahaha!!! It's always been a dream.. Haha!!!
ukiss_ss501_addict #6
@daniela501: Chonmaneyo!! You stayed up late last night didn't you?
Dongsaeng ^_^ Kamsahamnida.. :D Saranghaeyo <3<3<3
yeobo-myungsoo #8
please like this page!!/pages/Year-1-Charity/110309079016533?ref=ts
dongsaeng, it's unnie here.. Read it already.. Now you got me hanging here so you have to continue it.. Haha.. Text me, ok? :D
n-chan #10
anyongheseyo ! ^.^ <br />
naaww i like your story so far <3 xD<br />
BAHHHAHAA you couldnt help your self but make the rest of ukiss like you ! PWOAH SO SMART ! :D <br />
*types a story about me & ukiss JOKES NOT im so lazy lol*<br />
update sooon ! :) <br />