Last time

Forgive me

"Y...yes i'm Daehyun."He replied still in shocked.'How did this doctor knew his name?'
"I'm Hyunsik....Youngjae's doctor."He held out his hand but Daehyun didn't reached for it instead he abruptly asked
"Where's Youngjae??" Youngjae had been clouding his head...he missed the younger soo much..he just wanted to see him.
The doctor gave out a loud sigh and smiled. "Come with me."
He then leads Daehyun to where Youngjae is at.
On the way, Daehyun's mind can't stop thinking. He kept thinking on what to say when he meets the younger. ' I should apologize to him first' he thought.
He was busy thinking until he didin't notice they had arrived at Youngjae's room.
"We're here." Dr. Hyunsik said.
Daehyun was excited, worried and nervous at the same time to see Youngjae whom he haven't see for a while. But when Daehyun looked around, he noticed the door that he was currently standing in front of...was different from the rest.....
The doctor then went into the room and Daehyun followed after.
When he entered the room, he froze ......'this is not a patient room'.
The doctor turned and went to a wall that have many metallic doors.
"Jung Daehyun-ssi??"the doctor called out.
Daehyun snapped out from his trance and went to the doctor's side.
"Minji-sshi could you opened this one for me??"
The nurse then twist the door from one of the metallic doors.
Daehyun was confused at first but then he saw a white sheet covering a body.
'NO NO NO can't be'he thought.
The doctor then patted Daehyun's shoulder.
"i'm sorry" he said calmly but sadly.
With shaky hands he lifted the white sheet......and there he was


Daehyun cried out loudly.." NO! NO! NO! NO! IT CAN'T BE!!!YOUNGJAE-AH!!"
he slid down onto the floor sobbing hardly.
"W..why..why did you leave me?? Did i hurt you that bad?? Youngjae-ah wake up!! Don't leave me.....mianhae...mianhae!! Youngie mianhae!!...forgive me...." he sobs hardly.

"I'm sorry for the lost Daehyun-ssi, here's the letter that your friend asked to give to you"
the doctor hands in the letter to Daehyun and left. Daehyun opened the letter and recognised the hand was Youngjae's. but it was a little bit shaky.

Dear Daehyun,

it's been
a while since i saw you...................
Daehyun-ah i know that you probably don't wanna see or hear anything from me again but im' writing this to tell you this....

Daehyun-ah i have lung cancer..........
i was planning to tell you..but after the fight i don't know how to tell you about it
when finally i had the couraged to confront you...the cancer had develop into the system...
i cant move and i felt too tired....

Daehyun-ah minhae for troubling you all this time...
and one more thing..Daehyunnie saranghae and i forgive you...

It was Monday, all the student were enjoying their lunch in the cafeteria except one.
'"The weather is getting colder isn't it??"
Daehyun looked up to the sky.  He was sitting on the rooftop.
"Nae." His eyes widened when he heard that sweet voice he missed the most.
He looked to his right and saw the one he missed the most...Youngjae
He hugged the younger tightly never wanted to let him go.
"Mianhae...mianhae...i miss you.."he started crying.
When he released his hug...Youngjae was gone.
"Youngjae-ah saranghae."he whispered.
"Please wait for me up there....."


.....ummmm this is my first try on angst story...its not that good but i hope you guys enjoy it ^^
/hides under the bed/


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Chapter 3: Noooo! Youngjae!!! T__T I'm crying, I'm really crying T__T I guess it's mean that it's well written. But still... Youngjae T_T
Chapter 3: great story.. so sad..
Chapter 3: kinda cliche.. but i cried anyways.. :'(
KimCHoCo #4
Chapter 3: Dayum!im crying!! ;; Author-nim jjinjja daebakk! Keep it up!
Chapter 3: Daehyun!!!How could you hurt your friend,Jae!!!
Chapter 3: OMG~ Dae how could you?
luchis_twilight #7
Chapter 3: Omo!! Aegyo!!! Yah you pabo Daehyun how could you broke your promise. Poor Jae I can't stop cry TT-TT

Author-nim good fics TTuTT ajhsakajhs~
Chapter 3: This is so sad because youngjae die and he can't tell daehyun about his illness~;;