
Drabbles and Oneshots

Warning: umm..not good for ppl with weak heart (?)



That night, everything outside was so dark. Rain had been pouring since last 2 hours and thunder roared, sometimes. But he didn’t care at all. He was laying on his stomach, eyes on laptop in front of him, trying to finish the paper he needed to hand over the next day. His stomach started rumbling since he hadn’t had his dinner. And his eyes started to blink rapidly, trying to hold his urge to sleep, not before he finished his paper.

He stared at his laptop screen blankly, trying to compose next sentences. Suddenly, he saw a room in front of his eyes. It’s dark, the curtain was closed with no light at all. A chair laid down in the middle of the room. And there, in front of him, a girl about 8 years old was standing, staring at him. She wore a frilly red and white dress, her platinum blonde hair tied in a ponytail, and she hugged a teddy bear in her right hand. She smiled, a weird and creepy smile for him, and mouthed something he couldn’t catch.

He blinked, and the scene was gone. He stunned, shocked. He didn’t know what to do, he never saw something like that before. It was 3 seconds only, but enough to scare him. The dark room, the little girl, and the way she smiled. He shivered, felt a goosebump creeping slowly all over his skin. He swallowed hard, chose to ignored the feeling and continued typing on his laptop. But he couldn’t deny that he somehow recognized the girl and a bit distracted by the short scene he saw.



The sun shone so brightly and the air around him was warm. And he was sleeping in the library. He was collecting some data from a pile of books for his next assignment when he suddenly feeling sleepy.


The moment he woke up, he found his arms tied to the arms of a chair, with a blindfold cover his eyes. Then he heard a voice.

‘You’re here! Finally! You’re here. You can’t get out anymore, brother.’

‘What? Who are you?’ He asked, panic filled his voice. He wriggled his arms, trying to untie himself.

‘Me? I’m your sister. You’ve seen me before, right?’ His blindfold was suddenly lifted up through his head. He blinked for a few time, adjusting with the light in the room. And when he finally could see clearly, he let out a shocked gasp. The little girl with frilly dress standing in front of him. ‘Hey, brother. Why don’t you say anything? Don’t you love me?’

‘Eh? What?’

‘I see.’ She was so young, yet sounded so sure and composed. She walked forward and kissed his cheek. ‘I wished I had an older brother. And you’re here. And you’re mine.’

‘Who are you?’

‘Your sister. You’re such a mean brother. You don’t even remember your sister’s name.’ She lifted a pocket knife behind her teddy bear. He shivered as she touched his left arm with back of the knife. He struggled to free himself. She smiled wickedly.

‘What are you doing?’

‘Playing with you.’ She tilted her head innocently and cut his left arm with the tip of her knife. He winced in pain, blood dripped down to the floor. She squealed in amusement. She looked straight to his eyes before moved her knife to his chest. He gulped down his saliva, and she could see fear clouded in his eyes. She grinned wider.

‘Stop. Please stop.’

‘If I had older brother, I would do this.’ As she ended her sentence, she stabbed him in his chest, right where his heart is.


His eyes flew open, sweat wetting his shirt. He breathed hard with heart pounding hard in his chest. He looked around and felt a surge of relief coming to his brain. And as he calmed down, he closed his eyes.



Hello again, brother,’ whispered a familiar voice.

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