Worthless (C)

WooGyu Story Hub
Worthless (oneshot)
Story Poster
Story Summary by Author:




People like that shouldn't exist.People like that should be tortured.People like that are never good enough.

People like me.

Story Summary by Me:
Hidden behind the fearless leader is a vulnerable boy that thinks he has no one. Will anyone stop him before it's too late?
Sunggyu, Woohyun
I'm surprised at the amount of angst this story has considering it's only a oneshot. It is however, beautifully written and easy to follow. It's heart-wrenching and tear-jerking (not enough to cry, but you can feel your eyes getting damp).


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Chapter 2: Lol I was looking for fangirling recs and I came across this one and I saw you recommended my Where We Begin~ I know you posted this a LONG time ago but thank you~~ <3 Your summary was beautiful xD
workinpro #2
I like the stories here. I've read everything except wings of an angel. Finally something to read orz You're taste in stories are like mine ouo thanks for sharing!!