In My Dreams the Skies and Seas Collide (C)

WooGyu Story Hub
In my Dreams the skies and seas collide
Story Poster
Story Summary by Author:
Sunggyu lucid dreams. Woohyun is a comatose patient. They build a world that will never be real.
Story Summary by Me:
What is the difference between dreaming and reality? It is the presence of one Nam Woohyun. Sunggyu learns how to lucid dream and in doing so, strikes a friendship with Woohyun. Will he be swayed into living a dream or can he convince Woohyun that reality is worth coming back to?
Sunggyu, Woohyun, Others
Very Inception-like and sort of...what on earth just happened. This is the type of story that you will need to read at least twice to understand what is going on, but you will gladly do so because you just HAVE to know what happened. I can't really categorise this as fluff/romance or tragedy or any of those genres because really, it jsut wouldn't fit. It sorts of flits between all of them depending on how you interpret the situation. have a read and let me know what you think.


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Chapter 2: Lol I was looking for fangirling recs and I came across this one and I saw you recommended my Where We Begin~ I know you posted this a LONG time ago but thank you~~ <3 Your summary was beautiful xD
workinpro #2
I like the stories here. I've read everything except wings of an angel. Finally something to read orz You're taste in stories are like mine ouo thanks for sharing!!