The World, My World - Myungsoo


When you and Myungsoo save the world from a bomb that would control everyone in sight and the leader would be Mr. Sung.


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Chapter 1: Oooh action action!!!
This story caught my attention yesterday, but sadly there was no time to read it. I'm really glad I managed to read it today. It was different and unique, I absolutely love it so much. Myungsoo being the hero and saving the world (his own world though haha)
Then the sweet bloody kiss <3333
I wouldn't have the heart to run away without him, whenever I see such scene in a movie I always say "No don't leave him" though I know he really wish to save his girl but it's still hard :(

Thank you for sharing this piece of action <33
Chapter 1: wow action packed! haha BTD inspired? and dumb, thot they tied the bomb to him ahahahahah and wow nice its different
Chapter 1: Wow girl! That was really good, I likes it a lot. It was so different but still adorable. Good job ^_^
Chapter 1: Wow! I like it..real different! :)