Author [POV]

“Help….help” Leader kanshi rushed inside not minding smell of rotting body’s he dug through the mountain body then finally he found the source of the voices it was thin woman she was covered with blood  she stretched out her hand Leader Kanshi grab her hand gently her hand were only skin and bone she spoke “Save my Children…” Then she pointed to a door behind the room her grip got harder “Save them no matter what…please let them live… I beg yo-”after her last breath she passed on leader kanshi placed her hand gentel and went toward the door then Taeyeon shouted “you’re not seriously goanna go in there”  but Kanshi didn’t care what his subordinate said and barge into the room the room was light and there some blood on walls and the floors in the middle of the room there bodies of 2 children laying down on the floor they boy and a girl the girl seem to be older that the boy  and she was holding a knife but both were lifeless Yoon Hwa stood beside the bodies “it seem she was trying to protect her little brother” looking at the blood stain on the knife and on her cloths

 then Zhoumi spoke out from behind “well she seem to have  got it” looking at beast with 5 stab wounds then Taeyeon kneeled over the children “but  it got to them to look at this little one he got bitten by the neck” she pointed the deep bite mark on the little boy neck  then she turn to the little girl and said “you were brave little one forgive us for not coming here much sooner” she held the wriest of the little her eyes widen “a plus” then Hangeng said “a what?”  Taeyeon Held the child up and yelled “THERES A PLUSE!! SHE STILL ALIVE!” everyone gather around her Leader Kanshi kneeled next to her Taeyeon but her face on the little girls chest “her heart is beating but it slow...at this rate she’ll—“but she was cut off by Zhoumi “She’ll DIE~” the room was filled with silence the Yoon hwa asked his leader “what are we you going to do Leader?” Kanshi was silent and was in a deep thought “a mother pleaded to me to save her child no matter what” just then Taeyeon cover the girl with her arm “No…leader you know this is forbidden” “I know but look at this child…she was innocent and brave and her life will simply end like this” they were silent then “whatever the cause boss I’m with you” said Hangeng the rest nodded looked down looked at the little girl he brushed her hair aside exposing her face she before he biting her he said “forgive me child… for your mother sake you must live” his fang dug through her neck

Little girl [POV]

Me and my mom and my little brother were kidnapped by this three men … they took as in a large cage with some other people they brought us into this dark, scary castle my little brother was holding my arm tightly he was scared as I was but my mom told me that I have to be strong for his sake. He maybe a boy but his small and much more weak than I was…so I told myself that will be strong for the sake of my little brother sake we were separated from the adults there 7 children in the ceil we were in. as time goes on food was like a fight for us they would give us one tray of food we were all starving the rest of the older kid used their size on us little kids

they all the food while and I and my little brother has been hungry for 3 days on the next day my little brother started to cry “big sis I’m hungry…”I was also hungry then the something fell from above us it was knife no one cared to notice it but me grab it and wonder why they threw this to us then the door open in the dark mist a horrible howl screamed throughout our ceil and beast like thing pond onto one of the kid everyone scream I grabbed my little brother into the corner of the room the beast jump one after the other biting them all until I and my brother were left I was sacred but I had to protect my little brother once the beast jumped on me I quickly used the knife  I wounded the beast my  lil brother was behind me and I took quick look if he was ok but the next I know I was slammed onto the floor I was still concusses I saw that it was approaching my lil brother “RYANN!! RUN!” but he didn’t move at all he just stood there shivering the beast drew closer and closer to him “RYAN!! MOVE!” I try to run to him but as I got up “HYYAAAAAAA…”  I heard the dying scream of my little brother the beast had it jaw around my little brother and my brother lifelessly spoke “Big sis…” at that moment something came over me was it rage, anger or guilt being unable to protect him I don’t know after that was a blur

The next thing I know I felt a hot and painful sensation throughout my body it was pain was like something tiring my inside out my eyes shut open and I saw a man crying in front of me...then everything went black again

Taeyeon [POV]

I watched our dear leader biting the little girl after a minute he bit his hand and drop a few drops of blood into the little girl after the last drop the girl started it shiver I could see her vains throbbing I also so our leader crying…

Yoon hwa [POV]

Our strong ,brave, humble, wise leader who I had admire for so long crying right in front of me I could tell he didn’t want to make the little girl one of us and at the same time he didn’t want he to die…

Leader Kanshi [POV]

I held the little girl tightly in my arm as the process (the shivering) was going on I could not hold back my tears because when she shivering and moving around …well… she accidental hit my lower part my member… really hard and I didn’t want to alert my subordinates so I sat there crying

Zhoumi & Hangeng & Yoon hwa & Taeyeon [POV]

Wow…our boss is not only cool but also Gentel!!! <3



If they only knew…=_=


SUNGMIN~ OPPA!!!                                                           TAEMIN~OPPA!!!! (LOL he look like a girl here)

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\\\Everyone Is Special In Their Own Simple Way….///


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