TopYoon: When He Finds Out She Got The Role

Soshibang Scenarios


Scenario: Top, after knowing that Yoona got the role in Love Rain. Regrets, regrets, regrets.. cause he let go of the chance to work with his secret crush, the doe eyed deer Yoona. ;)
Granted! :)

Seunghyun tried to keep his eyes open as the meeting went on about Big Bang.  All of the Big Bang members were present along with a couple of staff members and the big boss.  Yang Hyun Suk sat on the office chair as he looked directly at the five members of Big Bang.  Seunghyun knew that they were in trouble.  If one of them got into trouble, then all of them were.  The controversies were just too much for the group, and they didn't know how they were going to face their fans.

"How did Big Bang get to this?" Hyun Suk asked without patience, "Fans have been waiting for your comeback for about three years, and when we finally give you guys a comeback, you guys manage to screw it up by letting yourselves become bombarded by scandals!"

"I'm sorry, sunbae," Jiyong looked down at the floor, "It's all my fault.  If I didn't have this scandal about the thing, then our promotion plans would have went though.  Seunghyun hyung, I'm sorry.  We filmed for the music video and we already recorded for our first Japanese single.  Because of me, our promotions were cancelled."

Jiyong kept on bowing over and over to Seunghyun.  Seunghyun didn't know how to react.  Jiyong had so much pride and it was the first time he had seen him so apologetic with shame.  Seunghyun nodded signaling him that it was okay.  

"Until your image cools down in the public eye, I want all of you guys to work on solo activities.  Jiyong and Daesung, you two will have some down time and cool down for a bit.  Young Bae, I want you to release your next solo album in a few months.  Seungri, same thing goes for you.  Seunghyun, I think you should go ahead and accept a drama offer."

Seunghyun closed his eyes as he stared at the ceiling.  The moonlight lightly lit the dark bedroom as his arm rested on the surface of his forehead.  He just was stressing over everything.  He was nervous for the future of Big Bang.  Most importantly, he was scared of how it was going to affect Jiyong, Daesung, Seungri, and Young Bae.  There were two controversies in less than a year.  Seunghyun just wanted them to die down.  He wanted to heal all of their burdens as the oldest member of Big Bang.  He sighed and rolled to his side.

The boss made him accept a drama offer.  He wanted to do Love Rain, but he couldn't do it anymore.  Since he denied the offer a couple of months ago, the casting director found someone else.  He didn't know who was going to get casted in that drama.  He didn't even know who the female or male lead was, but he felt regretful because he wanted to work with such a great producer.  He heard a knock on the door and Jiyong went inside.

"Hyung, I'm really sorry," Jiyong apologized again, "I know you wanted to work with Yoon Suk Ho."

"What are you talking about?" Seunghyun questioned.

Jiyong answered, "Young Bae told me that you were really excited to do this new drama, but our boss made you refuse the offer because we had to start our Japanese promotions.  I screwed it up.  Because of me, you didn't get the drama and to top that, we don't get to debut in Japan as a duo.  I'm sorry."

"Jiyong, it's okay.  I have another drama in a few months anyways.  I think it's called Absolute Boyfriend.  Of course, I'd rather do Love Rain instead, but it's fine.  I might have to be shirtless for Absolute Boyfriend, but as an actor, I need to try new things, right?" Seunghyun tried being cheerful.

"That makes me even more guilty.  I know you're not comfortable showing skin," Jiyong sighed, "To make it up for you, I asked Hyun Suk hyung if you, Young Bae, and Seungri can go to a party tomorrow."

Seunghyun rolled his eyes as he grabbed the thick blanket closer to him.

"Jiyong, I'm not in the mood," he confessed.

"No, not a crazy, wild party," Jiyong assured him, "SNSD is having their fourth anniversary party.  They only invited their closest friends and a couple of the soshi girls e-mailed us to come to their dorm.  I heard their dorm is pretty big now!  I know that the boss won't let me and Daesung go because of all the trouble that we have been in, but he let you guys go.  I think you guys should go because we really don't know when's the next time he'll let any of us out again."

"Okay, I'll go.  I kind of miss those dorks," Seunghyun agreed.

Seunghyun, Young Bae, and Seungri walked into their dormitory with a cake in Young Bae's hands.  The three of them had baked a two layer cake just for them.  There were a bunch of idols present in SNSD's dorm.  It was their first time coming to their dorm, and they were amazed at how big it was.  It was bigger than their own dorms and Big Bang was the senior group to SNSD.  Yuri and Jessica greeted them.  

"Hi, guys!" Yuri greeted.

Young Bae handed her the cake with a grin on his face.  Seunghyun stared at the two.  Those two were going to be a couple in time.  He guessed that in about a month or so, they would be an item.

Seunghyun sat on the sofa as he watched everyone linger around their large home.  He was surprised at how many rookie groups were invited.  He thought that SNSD would only invite the senior groups and the groups from SM, but he remembered that the SNSD girls were too nice and hospitable.  He looked at his left as he felt someone sit next to him.  He saw a cheeky woman smiling at her with her pearly white teeth.

"Oppa, I need to show you something!" she cried out.

He immediately smiled at Im Yoona.  The press didn't know about their friendship and they didn't plan to reveal their close relationship because they were sure that their fans would mistake it and think they were dating.  He gently patted the top of her head as her big smile faded into a smaller one.  She pushed her brown hair back behind her left ear and pulled him up by grabbing his hand.  Without a single word, she led him to her bedroom.  He sat on her bed and gave a confused look.  Why was she so excited?  She closed the door and then put her back against the wooden door with a grin on her face.

"I shouldn't be telling you this, but SNSD is having a comeback in a few months.  I know it's still August, but around October, we will come back with a new song!  And guess what?  They gave me a rapping part!  I only tried out because you were an inspiration.  I think that you are the best rapper in Korea.  Just don't tell Jiyong oppa, please," Yoona laughed.

Seunghyun was surprised, "Really?!  Well, let me hear your rap!"

"Oppa," Yoona said embarrassingly, "The really short.  I have to share the rap verse with Yuri, Sooyoung, and Hyoyeon.  Sunny and Tiffany rap in a different part of the song, but the part I'm in includes the main dancers of SNSD."

"Let me hear it!" Seunghyun repeated excitedly.

Yoona breathed in and cleared .  She was a bit nervous.  She knew that Seunghyun would give her constructive criticism.

"Yes, we go for more than zero!  Number one everyone should know.  Check this out!" Yoona rapped.

Seunghyun remained silent for a couple of seconds.  He was trying to think of what to tell her.  He stood up and put his hands on her shoulders.

"I think you're very good.  You're pretty good considering the fact that you didn't receive any formal training in rapping," Seunghyun praised, "but you need to put more feeling into it.  Don't try to rap as if you're still an innocent, teenage girl.  It just makes you look like an amateur.  Also, don't be nervous when you rap.  Just go with the flow and let it all out."

Yoona pursed out her lips as she nodded at his advice.  She usually cried when she received criticism, but she realized that he was only telling her this for her own good.  She was planning on following advice when they started to record the song.  Thankfully, the studio recording was in one week so she had time to follow his advice and practice more.  Her eyes drifted back to Seunghyun.  It was just awkward seeing him sitting down on her bed.  He had pink cotton sheets under him as a bunch of stuffed animals surrounded him.  Yoona sat across from him on Yuri's bed.

"I'll be sure that I'm not nervous when I'm performing that rap part live.  I don't want to let my fans down," Yoona admitted, "By the way, I heard that you go a role in a drama."

Seunghyun looked at her.  She had an encouraging smile on her face as she hugged her knees.  Seunghyun looked back at himself and realized that the stuffed animal that he had won for her in a carnival was the center of her bed.  He tried to hide his shock.  He won two stuffed animals after shooting a certain amount of basketballs in the basket.  He gave one stuffed animal to Minzy and the other to Yoona.  He knew that Minzy had piled it up with the rest of her stuffed animals in a closet, but he was taken aback to know that Yoona had kept it on her bed.

"Uh, yeah," he nodded, "I have to play...a robot.  I have to play as the perfect boyfriend."

"That will fit you!" Yoona exclaimed, "You're handsome, polite, and caring!  You're one of the perfect ones in the industry.  If anyone had to play that role, you would have been the perfect one!"

"Whatever," he playfully rolled his eyes, "So when is the famous actress-idol going to go back on camera?"

Yoona immediately giggled as she covered .

"I'm going to be acting soon!" Yoona informed him, "I got casted in Love Rain.  I heard that the producer for that drama is superb!  The cast looks great so far!  Oppa, weren't you supposed to be casted, too?  What a shame!  We could have been working together."

Seunghyun didn't know how to react.  He was happy that she got such a great role in a drama.  That was probably the best role that she had been offered.  It was just a disappointment that he had a chance to work with her, but he had to refuse it because of GD&TOP's Japanese debut.  He hid his disappointment through a large grin.  He was jealous and he didn't want to be.  She was supposed to be a friend that was like a little sister.  He didn't know why he had this little crush on her.  In fact, he's had this crush on her for about one year.  

"Which role are you going to take on?" he managed to ask.

Yoona replied, "Well, the producer asked me to play the role of the female lead.  I finally get to have another drama as a lead character."

Seunghyun wanted to hit himself for turning down that offer.  He attempted to look supportive as he patted her back with encouragement.

"You'll do great," he told her.

Yoona nodded slowly as she stood up.  She gulped as she held her hands together.  Her toes brushed against the furry carpet as she looked down at the floor.  She finally looked up to see Seunghyun looking back at her.  He was so handsome that it felt so unreal that he was in front of her.  It was as if he was chiseled out of marble.  

"Uh, I know I have no business bringing this up, but I wanted to know which role you would have had if you did accept the offer for Love Rain," Yoona shyly requested.

"The producers offered me the lead male role," Seunghyun admitted.

"Oh," Yoona muttered, "If you accepted it, we would have been working together.  I read the script for most of the episodes and I think there's a few kissing scenes.  Wouldn't that just be awkward?  You and me kissing for a drama?"

Seunghyun found himself in deep regret while he watched her laugh to herself.  She was trying to lighten up the mood as he drowned in a sea of his own remorse.  He imagined his lips touching her gentle, soft lips.  He shook his thoughts away and tried to focus on what she was saying.

He would have loved to work with her.  He tried to smile at her with hopefulness.  Truth was that he had the biggest crush on her.  He never wanted to admit it because he thought that she only looked at him as an older brother.  It was as if she viewed him as her mentor and he didn't want to mess up the relationship they had.

"Yeah, it would be awkward," he lied.

Seunghyun, Taeyang, and Seungri got home after the party ended.  Seunghyun sat on a recliner in the living room and looked up at the ceiling.  Taeyang and Seungri smelled his remorse from a mile away and decided to give him space because something was bothering him.  Jiyong peeked through his door and walked quietly to Seunghyun.  He looked tired and worn out.  He took a deep sigh and kicked off his shoes.

"Hyung, how did it go?  Did you get to see Yoona?" Jiyong asked.

The only reason why Jiyong asked Hyun Suk if Seunghyun and the others could go to the anniversary party was because Jiyong wanted Seunghyun to see Yoona again.  Of course, Seunghyun never admitted that he liked Yoona, but it was helplessly obvious to everyone except Yoona.  

"Yeah, I saw her," he replied.

"Anything new?  Did you find out anything?  Is anything official?" Jiyong asked.

Jiyong was hoping that Seunghyun had asked her out.  Seunghyun never had trouble getting dates with women, but the other members of Big Bang noticed that he wasn't the suave, charismatic T.O.P. when he was with Yoona.  He was actually the dorky Choi Seunghyun.

"Yeah," he replied, "It's official that she only looks at me like an older brother."

Yoona turned off the water faucet as she finally finished washing the last dish.  The anniversary dinner was fun and she was hoping to have another party so that she could see her friends again.  She looked at the clock and saw that it was already fifteen past nine.  She began to hum a familiar tune as she made her way to the sofa.  Tiffany had put away the last dried dish and looked over at Yoona.  Tiffany cracked a grin as she realized that Yoona had been humming to Big Bang's Love Song.

"Hey, what's up with you?" Tiffany asked.

"Nothing is wrong," Yoona assured her.

Tiffany laughed, "You may be the best actress from the nine of us, but I can see right through you."

"Unnie, it's nothing," Yoona repeated.

Tiffany stared at her for a couple of seconds and sat on the sofa next to her.  Tiffany took a throw pillow and smacked it against Yoona's head.

"We all know that you like him!  Why didn't you tell him?  I knew that you two were alone in the room!  That was the perfect chance to tell him!  What if he likes you, too?" Tiffany ranted.

Yoona shook her head with deliberation, "I was talking to him, and he sort of suggested that I'm nothing to him but a little sister."

"Ah, that's such a waste.  You two would have looked so good together," Tiffany pouted.

"Yeah, it is," Yoona looked down at the floor.

A/N:  I know that this one-shot is a bit sadder than my other stories, but I just wanted to try something new!  I hope you enjoyed! :)







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it’s been so long since i last read this story
farihani #2
Chapter 2: Can you make jisica after this?? I really love them...
Chapter 4: Awww topyoon isthe best heheheheh author write more about topyoon plzzz
Jokerflash #4
Chapter 2: Your yulyang fanfic was awesome^^ thanks and i hope to read more yulyang from you!(;
Chapter 4: kyeopta!!!
Chapter 4: TOPYoon★★★
Elizabethxxx #7
Chapter 4: Topyoon♥
I hope you can make more of Yulyang, Seori, and Daesoo ^^
Caisyliew #9
yulyang and seori!
soneoverload #10
wow great chapters!
lol so many topyoon :D
what about jisica , daesoo , and seori?
i want jisica and daesoo pls <3