Part One


"Unnies, where's Joohyun?" I pleaded.


Everyone was crying.


Sooyoung unnie handed me Joohyun's phone.


"They found this." she says while crying.


There was blood on the phone and I felt scared.


"Why is there blood?!" my tears fell from my eyes.


"She's dead, Yoona! There was an accident earlier and this is all that's left of her!" Jessica unnie screamed before she grabbed my collar and tried to choke me. "This is all your fault, you cheater!" she cried.


Tiffany unnie and Sunny unnie had to hold her back from choking me more.


"Yoona.... look... this isn't your fault... the bus flipped..." Tiffany unnie says but I didn't listen to her. I started to scream and cry.


"Yah! Yoona!" They tried to stop me.


I threw everything. I was beginning to turn insane and they were scared.


Sooyoung unnie held me still with Jessica unnie and Sunny unnie's help.


Tiffany unnie walked towards me and slapped me.


That made me stop screaming.


I started to sob.


"Yoona! Get a hold of yourself! No one planned this! It happened on its own! You didn't cause her death!" she says.


They kept telling me this but I knew that it was. If only I didn't lie to her about him then she wouldn't have left and maybe she wouldn't have got into that bus and died... This was completely my fault in the first place. No one can tell me that it wasn't.


Joohyunnie, I'm sorry.....


























It's been 6 years since Joohyun's death and I'm still not over it yet. I miss her so much. 


I still blame myself for her death.


It was my fault in the first place why she left and got on that bus.


Why did she leave?


She left because she caught him and I in bed together.


I lied to her about him. I told her that he was just a friend from school when he was actually the guy that I was cheating on her with. 


The truth is that on the day of her death, I actually broke up with him and wanted to apologize to her so I bought flowers as an apology and wanted to beg her to come back to me but then I found out about her death from my unnies. I was devastated.


"Yoona, we're going to get lunch. You coming?" asked Tiffany unnie. 


I saw Tiffany unnie and Jessica unnie holding hands by the door with their purses.


I shake my head not wanting to bother their lunch date together.


"No thankyou. I ate already. You two go and enjoy your date together." I said trying to sound cheerful.


They knew that I was faking my cheerfulness but decided to not say anything and just left.


I was now alone in the dorm because Sooyoung unnie went to her mother's house and Sunny unnie is at work.


After an hour of being home alone, I decided to go out and just walk around.


As I walked by the supermarket, someone walked into me. 


She wasn't paying attention to where she was going because she was texting on her phone.


"Hey, look where you're going next time." I told her and she gave me a glare.


Oddly, her glare didn't bother me. Instead it was her who bothered me.


She looked so much like Joohyun.


"Shut up." she told me.


And she sounds like Joohyun, too.


"Stop staring at me, stupid." she said with an irritated voice.


Okay, this woman sounds like my Joohyun but her attitude is nothing compared to Joohyun. She's so rude!


"I'm not stupid!" I retorted but she scoffs.


"Whatever." she started to walk away but I held her arm.


"Yah! Let go!" she exclaimed.


I ignored her and asked, "What's your name?"




"What's your name? My name is Im Yoona. What's yours?" I asked again.


"Why the h*ell should I tell you my name? I don't even know you." she said, confused.


"But you know my name now so can you tell me yours?"


"It's Kim Hyunnie." She tells me and I let go of her arm.


Then she walks away.
























Ever since I met Kim Hyunnine, I couldn't stop thinking about her.


She reminds me of Joohyun but I know that she's not her because Joohyun died 6 years ago so it's impossible.


but then again... they never found her body....


Maybe Kim Hyunnie is Seo joohyun......


I smiled to myself and pulled out my phone and looked at my wallpaper.


It was a picture of Hyunnie and I on our first date.


'I miss you...' I thought.


Then someone called me from behind.


"Yoona, what are you doing?" asked Sunny unnie who just came home from work.


"Unnie, I finally found what I was looking for.." I told her.


"What is that, Yoona?"


"I found her unnie.....I found Joohyun..." I hugged her and she smacked my head.


"Yah! Stop talking nonsense! Joohyun isn't here anymore! We already talked about this!" She scolded me.


"But she is alive unnie! I'll prove it to you! Seo Joohyun is alive!" I shouted then ran to my room, slamming and locking the door as I entered.









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Chapter 2: Please update story super awesome so far
Bluesapphire17 #2
Chapter 2: Hey tehere!! Still hoping you will update!
Chapter 2: Update soon
Chapter 2: Hehehe can't wait for the next chapterrrrrr
Chapter 2: of course not author, were not disappointed if the story mostly from Yoona's POV .. I Love yoona unnie .. :)

Seohyun here is so rude .. Patience yoona ..
Chapter 2: of course not author, were not disappointed if the story mostly from Yoona's POV .. I Love yoona unnie .. :)

Seohyun here is so rude .. Patient yoona ..
wow ! I Love Yoonhyun ..