He's Not Gay

He's Not Gay

     Kim Jonghyun isn't gay. That much is obvious from the way he talks about her, and the way he looks at her puts married couples to shame. And as 'cute' as people may think it to be, well, for me, it kinda .

I knew from the moment I saw him that I would end up falling hopelessly in love with him. Destined to a life of pointless emotions, and ignored feelings.

When I found out that we were to debut in the same group, I cried tears of happiness. And as we became closer, I thought it was destined to be. We began holding hands, and we'd flirt every now and then.

He was the person that I would think of when I was scared. The only one that could help me to sleep at night when insomnia would settle in. But I made the mistake of going too far.

I kissed him. I didn't really mean to. It just sorta happened.

His stunned reaction was cute, so I smiled. Then I started chuckling. But his expression quickly changed. He ripped himself out of my embrace, and looked down at the floor.

His hands clenched and unclenched in what I presumed to be anger. In a shaky voice, he said, "I'm sorry Kibum, I'm not gay." He exited the room.

The next day, he announced to the press that he was dating Shin Sekyung.

My heart shattered.

He began to ignore me and smile that fake smile that only I could see through. He thought that no one noticed when he snuck out at night to meet her.

I sure as hell noticed.

Every night I'd sit on the couch, crying until my eyes ached, 
hopelessly wishing that he'd come bursting through the door and apologize while holding me tightly to his chest.

Oh please.


This went on for months until I ended up making another mistake.

Luckily, the outcome wasn't exactly as awful as before.


One night, I ended up staying up later than I should have. That night, I had been reminiscing about the times where the two of us had been impossibly close and done everything together.

I was holding an old photo of us, crying softly into the blanket that was wrapped around me.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even hear the front door swing open. Nor did I realize that there was someone else in the room until I felt soft arms wrap around me and pull me into a warm embrace.

I dug my fingers into his back, and sobbed into his shirt. He caressed my head softly, and quietly said, "I'm sorry Kibum."

Pulling back a little, I mumbled a lame, "For what?"

He smiled and grabbed my chin, pulling our faces together for a sweet kiss. "For not being able to do that." He replied.

"And for lying to you about this whole dating ordeal. It was our manager's idea."

I was in complete shock. 

"But I thought you said you weren't gay…"

He put a hand on either side of my face, and whispered, "I'm not gay. I'm in love."

Author's Note: I edited this because it was total crap before. Now it's just semi-crap. Woo!

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Kuro_Bara #1
It was short but amazingly adorable and cute...It was really good!
SherlocKey #2
*they should
SherlocKey #3
Then I read the ending..<br />
And your A/N.<br />
So I calmed down (LOL)<br />
*thumbs up*<br />
Now.. where's that 'fav' button?<br />
Oh, they don't have it yet?<br />
Well they would have it so I can fav stories like this.
carrotcake #5
LOVED IT! so cute and sweet. :">
Wingedpeeps #6
Very nice. Real writers can write anywhere and with anything! :D Thanks for the story!
SHINee_SASHAwol #7
Ooh! That was so nice! I live what Jonghyun says at the end! I didn't quite get it till I read the author's nOte.... But then I realized the which meaning! I really like it! :)
Very sweet :')
Kimchi_mandu #9
ohhhh I LOVE IT!! that would so totally explain why key seemed so sad during the period right after jjong started dating SSK!