THE BULLY WITH A DIARY; Chapter 1 - Detention


A/N: Just so you know, this is PG-13 so my fic may contain words that doesn't sound nice. Also, I apologize for my super late update. Been through a lot of school activities, not to mention getting sick before exams. Ugh. Anyway, there's not much in this chapter... but I'll try to get to the good part as soon as possible. :D Thanks to all who subscribed! I'm really surprised I got 14 when I was only expecting 5 or something. THANK YOU SO MUCH! ♥ (P.S. I sort of rushed this chapter and is completely unbeta-ed).



“Miss Lee Hwae Ji.”

“Y-yes, sir?” Hwae Ji could only gulp and prepare herself knowing that there’s a probability that the teacher would punish her.

She wasn't aware. She just said those last words out like there wasn't any audience in the room.

“Well I hope you’re not pertaining to someone in particular inside this class.” Translation: I hope you’re not pertaining to me.

You see, Mr. Jang’s much of a paranoid teacher, what he misunderstood will remain as what he understands. You don’t need to put effort on explaining, all you can do is feel sorry for yourself. And even to that extent, students still try to explain themselves―aka to correct him.

“No, sir, I am not―”

“Is that why you always pretend to write your notes, Miss Lee? It’s because you hate my nostrils?” The teacher breathes in, and then sighs before turning to his other prey; throwing a piece of chalk straight to his forehead.

“Mr Kim, you are not allowed to laugh at this moment.” He snaps, shooting a piece of chalk at Hwae Ji this time.

“You two,” He points then finally declares, “Detention!”



“Well I’m thrilled,” Jonghyun slouches down, sitting next to Hwae Ji during detention class. She could only cross her arms and look outside the window. Pfft. Even his nostrils get me in trouble.

Key then enters the room with a bemused expression. He puts his bag down, sits on the chair next to Jonghyun and stares at his fingernails.

Jonghyun didn’t bother to say anything. He knew why he was here, because he was dead bored; detention is sometimes a good excuse to escape from class. Hwae Ji thinks otherwise, though. Detention, for her, is bad. It makes indolent students become more sluggish (e.g., Jonghyun and Key •noun definition: 1. best friends since middle school; 2. the so-called Kim brothers; 3. does regular cutting class; 4. always in detention).

“So you think my nostrils are big, huh? And you even wrote me a hate letter, wow babe, I’m touched.” Jonghyun held unto his chest, his other arm wrapped around Hwae Ji’s shoulder.

“ off,” Hwae Ji shrugs Jonghyun’s bulky arm, the latter completely enjoying himself.

“Well if you hate me that much why not just say it in front of my face, head.” Jonghyun grins and rests his head on his hand, waiting.

“All right, fine. I hate your nostrils, Kim Jonghyun.” Hwae Ji breathes. “I hate you. I hate how you brag about how hot you are when you’ve only had one girlfriend your whole life. Oh, wait. Maybe because of your ty attitude that’s why no one lasts with you. Or better yet, it’s probably because YOU. ARE. ING. SHORT.” Hwae Ji knew she hit the right spot, making Jonghyun look a little irritated.

“Oh god, you don’t just call him short or else―”

“Shut up, Key.”

“Ugh. Why is that you only call me ‘Key’ when you’re angry?” He asks all too normally, like he wasn’t aware he’s angry and he’s so gonna get it anytime now.

Jonghyun turns to Key, looking like he just realized he was around. “Did you find it?” He asks, drumming his fingers impatiently on the table

“It… was…”

“It was there? Ha! I’m pretty confident I left it in your locker while we’re―”

“Wasn’t.” Key deadpanned.

“What?!” Jonghyun snaps.

“It wasn’t there, Jjong. If it was then I would’ve happily shouted that I found it when I came here.” Key looked grim and businesslike. He barely makes a lie; he’s aboveboard and forthright. In other words Key wasn’t lying, he was dead serious.

Key used to be a friend of Hwae Ji way back before he met Jonghyun. But they weren’t close as best friends, what friendship they had was only mere casuality. He hasn’t changed a bit, but Hwae Ji sometimes asks herself how someone like him would be friends with Kim Jonghyun. They have many differences; they’re like opposites―like black and white, fire and ice. Key makes friends, Jonghyun makes enemies. Key is honest, Jonghyun’s a liar. Key gave her an answer one time, “We’re not exactly opposite, Jonghyun’s nice, actually,” he says. Although what he said sounded so much contradicting to the way Jonghyun acts he smiles and adds another comment before his conversation with Hwae Ji ends, “like… YinYang.”

Jonghyun sits down in defeat as Hwae Ji continues to watch. “Well it’s not like you wrote a secret.” Key taps his shoulder.

“I didn’t, but it was worth… humiliating.” Jonghyun mumbles through gritted teeth right close to Key. Hwae Ji looks so oblivious of what they were fighting for, of what he was angry for. He looked furious and antagonized, his veins are popping and his nostrils looked definitely big.

“Let’s go.” Jonghyun and Key stood up quick and left the room without a word or permission. They go to detention to escape class, and now they’re escaping detention for something important or urgent. The latter could only shrug his shoulders and follow the older one.

The room went finally quiet. But as for Hwae Ji, she felt left behind, but she was curious… she wanted to know what was it they’re up to.

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teddiebears #1
popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
spring8655 #2
This is just DAEBAK! :D
Update soon! author-nim ;)
Can't wait! ^^
Iheartlife #3
Aw! This is so good! Update soon :D
so she's bribing jonghyun? alrite but i would have chose to make him do something terrible and humiliating. please update soon
Ayemee #5
Haha, I love you too~<br />
Things are getting interesting, looking forward to your next update! :D
Oh my... she had such a chance to make Jonghyun do like ANYTHING and she chose THAT? XDDD<br />
Seems we have a serious case of disliking here B/<br />
XD<br />
Ah, I love this :3 it's really worth the wait,lol ;P<br />
and I just love those gifs at the end <3<br />
♥♥♥ :)
kyokomiyuki #7
Lol.<br />
Haha. That's the best she could come up with?<br />
xD<br />
Update soon~
rawr-imaraptor #8
heck no /cries in defeat<br />
i don't have any gif of jjong bawling during mubank.<br />
checked all of my folders already. ᄒ^ᄒ