Chanyeol Likes Kris

Man's Best Friend

Chanyeol likes walks in the park.


He doesn’t really like the tight cord pulling against his neck when he just wants to get a closer look at a passing squirrel, but he doesn’t mind it as long as it leads back to Kris, who will tug him closer and ruffle his fur.


Chanyeol likes catching balls.


He particularly likes the fluffy yellow kind (because he’s fluffy and yellow too!), so he’s very excited when his chewed-up, spit-drenched fluffy yellow ball rolls into a whole court filled with them - because Kris’s aim isn’t as good as he tells the kids throwing frisbees it is.


Chanyeol likes when Kris kneels down to pry the ball out of his mouth.


He likes it because it puts Kris right at Chanyeol’s face level, so that he can a slobbery trail from Kris’s chin to his hairline.


Chanyeol likes it when he hears Kris saying his name to other people.


He likes it especially when Kris says it with pride, like Chanyeol is the only thing that makes him happy in the world.


Chanyeol doesn’t like it as much when the girl in the white dress repeats his name and tries to ruffle his fur like Kris does.


He doesn’t mean to scare her with a low growl, it kind of just slips out.


Chanyeol likes it when Kris jumps in his place as the girl walks away, the hand clutching the scrap of paper she had given him pumping victoriously into the air.


He’s not sure why Kris is so happy, but it makes him happy too!


Chanyeol doesn’t like it when the girl comes over.


He’s not sure why she shoots him dirty looks as Kris tries to usher him into a different room, but he is sure that she’s the reason why he spends the entire afternoon whining into Kris’s sheets.


Chanyeol likes it when Kris scratches behind his ear when they’re on the couch.


He doesn’t know what Kris is saying into the phone, but he can hear the girl’s voice, and they sound like they’re laughing.

Chanyeol likes it when Kris slips him bits of food from the dinner table.


He only manages a mangled chicken bone before Kris’s hand is slapped away by the girl wielding a spatula before she wipes her hands on her apron and leans in for a kiss.


Chanyeol likes it when Kris pulls up the sheets so that he can sleep by his side all night.


He’s a little too big to fit now that the girl spends every night in Kris’s bed, so Kris brings home a dog bed.


Chanyeol likes it when Kris yells at the T.V during a football game, leaping out of his seat with excitement.


He gets excited too, just by seeing Kris excited. But this isn’t the same type of yelling, because football doesn’t leave Kris crumpled up on the floor with his chest heaving and the door slammed.


Chanyeol likes it when Kris pours icy water into his bowl during the summer.


He doesn’t think it tastes quite the same though when the water is dripping in thin trails from Kris’s eyes to the point of his chin, and he’s turning his face away from Chanyeol’s inquisitive .


Chanyeol likes it when Kris paces through the living room, because he likes to follow closely in his footsteps.


He’s not sure, though, why Kris keeps making circles around the cellphone on the coffee table.


Chanyeol likes it when Kris talks to him, because even though Chanyeol can’t understand everything, Chanyeol still understands everything.


He thinks he understands when Kris reaches an arm around his waist, pulls him close, and says “You’ll never leave me, will you, buddy?”.


Chanyeol likes it when his barks make Kris smile.


He can’t seem to make Kris smile this time though, his barks only seem to make Kris’s frown deeper.


Chanyeol likes it when Kris drinks the funny smelling water, because it makes him funny and happy.


He thinks maybe this time Kris’s happy water isn’t doing the trick, because all Kris is doing is lying in bed. Chanyeol thinks maybe the white candy Kris keeps eating with his funny water is making it not work, because Kris just looks very sleepy.


Chanyeol likes it when Kris sleeps in, because he gets to wake him up with messy and cheerful yips.


He seems to have lost his touch, because it’s been hours and all the yips and in the world can’t seem to wake him.


Chanyeol likes it when Kris snores, because the noises are silly, but sometimes they’re loud and wake Chanyeol up.


He wishes Kris would snore just a little bit, because he looks so strange sprawled out like that when his chest is so still.


Chanyeol likes Kris, very very much.


He hopes Kris will wake up soon and take him to the park again.


highglight for spoiler: so yeah kris committed suicide and chanyeol just sits there until he dies too 
If you've gotten this far, thank you and I'm sorry OTL
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BabySkypeia126 #1
Chapter 1: waaaaaaaahh~!!
the ending....... kris..... is dead, isnt he??? T.T
n yeol keeps on waiting fr kris to wake up..... it reminds me of hachiko..... T.T
Haneen #2
This is so sad! How could you???!!! Who is in his right mind can ever write about puppies dying at the end let alone when the puppy is chanyeol ohmaigod you're so cruel ;;A;;
Chapter 1: ahhhh is this puppy!chanyeol? ;u; he's very adorable and cute here, please update soon!~
Chapter 1: T.T puppy!chan is too adorable...
andhernamemeans_sea #5
Chapter 1: Omo!!! I want to strangle that girl to death!!! And.. and...kris died. He's my ultimate bias. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ poor channie i wanna adopt him. Nonetheless, great story!!! : )